How to use the holoviews.core.OrderedDict function in holoviews

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def _create_subplots(self, layout, axis, ranges, create_axes):
        norm_opts = self._traverse_options(layout, 'norm', ['axiswise'], [Element])
        axiswise = all(norm_opts['axiswise'])
        if not ranges:
        subplots, subaxes = OrderedDict(), OrderedDict()
        frame_ranges = self.compute_ranges(layout, None, ranges)
        keys = self.keys[:1] if self.dynamic else self.keys
        frame_ranges = OrderedDict([(key, self.compute_ranges(layout, key, frame_ranges))
                                    for key in keys])
        collapsed_layout = layout.clone(shared_data=False,
        r, c = (0, 0)
        for coord in layout.keys(full_grid=True):
            if not isinstance(coord, tuple): coord = (coord,)
            view =, None)
            # Create subplot
            if type(view) in (Layout, NdLayout):
                raise SkipRendering("Cannot plot nested Layouts.")
            if not displayable(view):
                view = collate(view)
            if view is not None:
                vtype = view.type if isinstance(view, HoloMap) else view.__class__
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show_legend = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
        Whether to show legend for the plot.""")

    xticks = param.Integer(0, precedence=-1)

    style_opts = ['alpha', 'color', 'align', 'visible', 'edgecolor',
                  'log', 'facecolor', 'capsize', 'error_kw', 'hatch']

    legend_specs = dict(LegendPlot.legend_specs, **{
        'top':    dict(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102),
                       ncol=3, loc=3, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.),
        'bottom': dict(ncol=3, mode="expand", loc=2,
                       bbox_to_anchor=(0., -0.4, 1., .102),

    _dimensions = OrderedDict([('group', 0),

    def __init__(self, element, **params):
        super(BarPlot, self).__init__(element, **params)
        self.values, self.bar_dimensions = self._get_values()

    def _get_values(self):
        Get unique index value for each bar
        gi, ci, si =self.group_index, self.category_index, self.stack_index
        ndims = self.hmap.last.ndims
        dims = self.hmap.last.kdims
        dimensions = []
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def _create_subplot(self, key, obj, streams, ranges):
        registry = Store.registry[self.renderer.backend]
        ordering = util.layer_sort(self.hmap)
        overlay_type = 1 if self.hmap.type == Overlay else 2
        group_fn = lambda x: (x.type.__name__,, x.last.label)

        opts = {'overlaid': overlay_type}
        if self.hmap.type == Overlay:
            style_key = (obj.type.__name__,) + key
            if self.overlay_dims:
                opts['overlay_dims'] = self.overlay_dims
            if not isinstance(key, tuple): key = (key,)
            style_key = group_fn(obj) + key
            opts['overlay_dims'] = OrderedDict(zip(self.hmap.last.kdims, key))

        if self.batched:
            vtype = type(obj.last.last)
            oidx = 0
            vtype = type(obj.last)
            if style_key not in ordering:
            oidx = ordering.index(style_key)

        plottype = registry.get(vtype, None)
        if plottype is None:
                "No plotting class for %s type and %s backend "
                "found. " % (vtype.__name__, self.renderer.backend))
            return None
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def _create_subplots(self, layout, axis, ranges, create_axes):
        norm_opts = self._traverse_options(layout, 'norm', ['axiswise'], [Element])
        axiswise = all(norm_opts['axiswise'])
        if not ranges:
        subplots, subaxes = OrderedDict(), OrderedDict()
        frame_ranges = self.compute_ranges(layout, None, ranges)
        keys = self.keys[:1] if self.dynamic else self.keys
        frame_ranges = OrderedDict([(key, self.compute_ranges(layout, key, frame_ranges))
                                    for key in keys])
        collapsed_layout = layout.clone(shared_data=False,
        r, c = (0, 0)
        for coord in layout.keys(full_grid=True):
            if not isinstance(coord, tuple): coord = (coord,)
            view =, None)
            # Create subplot
            if type(view) in (Layout, NdLayout):
                raise SkipRendering("Cannot plot nested Layouts.")
            if not displayable(view):
                view = collate(view)
            if view is not None:
                vtype = view.type if isinstance(view, HoloMap) else view.__class__
                opts = self.lookup_options(view, 'plot').options
                vtype = None
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elif (wsplits, hsplits) == (2,2):
                layout_type = 'Triple'

            # Get the AdjoinLayout at the specified coordinate
            view = layouts[(r, c)]
            positions = AdjointLayoutPlot.layout_dict[layout_type]

            # Create temporary subplots to get projections types
            # to create the correct subaxes for all plots in the layout
            _, _, projs = self._create_subplots(layouts[(r, c)], positions,
                                                None, frame_ranges, create=False)
            gidx, gsinds = self.grid_situate(gidx, layout_type, cols)

            layout_key, _ = layout_items.get((r, c), (None, None))
            if isinstance(layout, NdLayout) and layout_key:
                layout_dimensions = OrderedDict(zip(layout_dimensions, layout_key))

            # Generate the axes and create the subplots with the appropriate
            # axis objects, handling any Empty objects.
            obj = layouts[(r, c)]
            empty = isinstance(obj.main, Empty)
            if view.main is None:
            elif empty:
                obj = AdjointLayout([])
            elif not view.traverse(lambda x: x, [Element]):
                self.param.warning('%s is empty, skipping subplot.' % obj.main)
            elif self.transpose:
                layout_count = (c*self.rows+(r+1))
                layout_count += 1
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def _create_subplots(self, layout, ranges):
        subplots = OrderedDict()
        frame_ranges = self.compute_ranges(layout, None, ranges)
        frame_ranges = OrderedDict([(key, self.compute_ranges(layout, key, frame_ranges))
                                    for key in self.keys])
        collapsed_layout = layout.clone(shared_data=False,
        for i, coord in enumerate(layout.keys(full_grid=True)):
            if not isinstance(coord, tuple): coord = (coord,)
            view =, None)
            # Create subplot
            if view is not None:
                vtype = view.type if isinstance(view, HoloMap) else view.__class__
                opts = self.lookup_options(view, 'plot').options
                vtype = None

            # Create axes
            kwargs = {}
            if isinstance(layout, GridMatrix):
                if view.traverse(lambda x: x, [Histogram]):
github holoviz / holoviews / holoviews / element / View on Github external
def __init__(self, data, **params):
        if type(data) == dict:
            raise ValueError("ItemTable cannot accept a standard Python  dictionary "
                             "as a well-defined item ordering is required.")
        elif isinstance(data, dict): pass
        elif isinstance(data, list):
            data = OrderedDict(data)
            data = OrderedDict(list(data)) # Python 3
        if not 'vdims' in params:
            params['vdims'] = list(data.keys())
        str_keys = OrderedDict(( if isinstance(k, Dimension)
                                else k ,v) for (k,v) in data.items())
        super(ItemTable, self).__init__(str_keys, **params)
github holoviz / holoviews / holoviews / util / View on Github external
from collections import defaultdict
from ..core import OrderedDict
from ..core import Store
from ..core.util import basestring

class KeywordSettings(object):
    Base class for options settings used to specified collections of
    keyword options.
    # Dictionary from keywords to allowed bounds/values
    allowed = {}
    defaults = OrderedDict([])  # Default keyword values.
    options =  OrderedDict(defaults.items()) # Current options

    # Callables accepting (value, keyword, allowed) for custom exceptions
    custom_exceptions = {}

    # Hidden. Options that won't tab complete (for backward compatibility)
    hidden = {}

    def update_options(cls, options, items):
        Allows updating options depending on class attributes
        and unvalidated options.
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view = view if isinstance(view, AdjointLayout) else AdjointLayout([view])
            layouts[(r, c)] = view
            paths[r, c] = key

            # Compute the layout type from shape
            layout_lens = {1:'Single', 2:'Dual', 3: 'Triple'}
            layout_type = layout_lens.get(len(view), 'Single')

            # Get the AdjoinLayout at the specified coordinate
            positions = AdjointLayoutPlot.layout_dict[layout_type]['positions']

            # Create temporary subplots to get projections types
            # to create the correct subaxes for all plots in the layout
            layout_key, _ = layout_items.get((r, c), (None, None))
            if isinstance(layout, NdLayout) and layout_key:
                layout_dimensions = OrderedDict(zip(layout_dimensions, layout_key))

            # Generate the axes and create the subplots with the appropriate
            # axis objects, handling any Empty objects.
            empty = isinstance(view.main, Empty)
            if empty or view.main is None:
            elif not view.traverse(lambda x: x, [Element]):
                self.param.warning('%s is empty, skipping subplot.' % view.main)
                layout_count += 1
            num = 0 if empty else layout_count
            subplots, adjoint_layout = self._create_subplots(
                view, positions, layout_dimensions, frame_ranges, num=num