How to use the hokusai.lib.exceptions.HokusaiError function in hokusai

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few hokusai examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github artsy / hokusai / test / unit / View on Github external
def test_check_hokusai_required_version(self):
    self.assertTrue(self.config._check_required_version(None, '0.0.1'))
    with self.assertRaises(HokusaiError):
      self.config._check_required_version('0.0.1', '0.0.1')
    with self.assertRaises(HokusaiError):
      self.config._check_required_version('someinvalidversionspecifier', '0.0.1')
    self.assertTrue(self.config._check_required_version('~=0.1', '0.1.1'))
    self.assertTrue(self.config._check_required_version('~=0.1', '0.2'))
    self.assertFalse(self.config._check_required_version('~=0.1', '1.0'))
    self.assertTrue(self.config._check_required_version('==0.0.1', '0.0.1'))
    self.assertFalse(self.config._check_required_version('==0.0.1', '0.0.2'))
    self.assertFalse(self.config._check_required_version('==1.0', '0.2'))
    self.assertTrue(self.config._check_required_version('<0.0.2.post2', '0.0.2.post1'))
    self.assertTrue(self.config._check_required_version('<1.1', '1.0.2'))
    self.assertFalse(self.config._check_required_version('<1.1', '2.0.2'))
    self.assertFalse(self.config._check_required_version('<=0.0.2', '2.2'))
    self.assertTrue(self.config._check_required_version('<=2.2', '2.2'))
    self.assertTrue(self.config._check_required_version('>0.0.1', '1.2.3'))
    self.assertTrue(self.config._check_required_version('>0.0.1.post1', '0.0.1.post3'))
    self.assertTrue(self.config._check_required_version('>=0.0.1', '1.2.3'))
    self.assertTrue(self.config._check_required_version('>=1.2.3', '1.2.3'))
github artsy / hokusai / hokusai / lib / View on Github external
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        if config_check:
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        if result is None:
      except HokusaiError as e:
      except SystemExit:
      except KeyboardInterrupt:
      except (CalledProcessError, Exception) as e:
        if get_verbosity() or os.environ.get('DEBUG') is '1':
          print_red("ERROR: %s" % str(e))
    return wrapper
github artsy / hokusai / hokusai / services / View on Github external
def run(self, image_tag, cmd, tty=False, env=(), constraint=()):
    if not self.ecr.project_repo_exists():
      raise HokusaiError("Project repo does not exist.  Aborting.")

    if os.environ.get('USER') is not None:
      uuid = "%s-%s" % (os.environ.get('USER'), k8s_uuid())
      uuid = k8s_uuid()

    name = "%s-hokusai-run-%s" % (config.project_name, uuid)
    image_name = "%s:%s" % (self.ecr.project_repo, image_tag)
    container = {
      "args": cmd.split(' '),
      "name": name,
      "image": image_name,
      "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
      'envFrom': [{'configMapRef': {'name': "%s-environment" % config.project_name}}]
github artsy / hokusai / hokusai / lib / View on Github external
def _env_value_for(self, key, _type):
    env_var = HOKUSAI_ENV_VAR_PREFIX + key.upper().replace('-', '_')
    val = os.environ.get(env_var)
    if val is None:
      return val
    if _type == list:
        return _type(val.split(','))
      except ValueError:
        raise HokusaiError("Environment variable %s could not be split to %s" % (env_var, _type))
      return _type(val)
    except ValueError:
      raise HokusaiError("Environment variable %s could not be cast to %s" % (env_var, _type))
github artsy / hokusai / hokusai / lib / View on Github external
def load_template(self):
      env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(os.path.split(self.template_path)[0]), undefined=StrictUndefined)
      return env.get_template(os.path.split(self.template_path)[1])
    except IOError:
      raise HokusaiError("Template not found.")
github artsy / hokusai / hokusai / commands / View on Github external
def gitdiff():
  ecr = ECR()

  staging_tag = ecr.find_git_sha1_image_tag('staging')
  if staging_tag is None:
    raise HokusaiError("Could not find a tag for staging.  Aborting.")

  production_tag = ecr.find_git_sha1_image_tag('production')
  if production_tag is None:
    raise HokusaiError("Could not find a git SHA1 tag for production.  Aborting.")

  print_green("Comparing %s to %s" % (production_tag, staging_tag))
  for remote in shout('git remote').splitlines():
    shout("git fetch %s" % remote)
  shout("git diff %s %s" % (production_tag, staging_tag), print_output=True)
github artsy / hokusai / hokusai / commands / View on Github external
ecr = ECR()

  deploy_from = Deployment('staging')
  tag = deploy_from.current_tag
  if tag is None:
    raise HokusaiError("Could not find a tag for staging.  Aborting.")
  tag = ecr.find_git_sha1_image_tag(tag)
  if tag is None:
    print_red("Could not find a git SHA1 for tag %s.  Aborting." % tag)
    return 1

  if migration is not None:
    print_green("Running migration '%s' on production..." % migration, newline_after=True)
    return_code = CommandRunner('production').run(tag, migration, constraint=constraint, tty=False)
    if return_code:
      raise HokusaiError("Migration failed with return code %s" % return_code, return_code=return_code)

  deploy_to = Deployment('production').update(tag, constraint, git_remote, timeout)
  print_green("Promoted staging to production at %s" % tag)
github artsy / hokusai / hokusai / services / View on Github external
def update(self, tag, constraint, git_remote, timeout, update_config=False, filename=None):
    if not self.ecr.project_repo_exists():
      raise HokusaiError("Project repo does not exist.  Aborting.")

    digest = self.ecr.image_digest_for_tag(tag)
    if digest is None:
      raise HokusaiError("Could not find an image digest for tag %s.  Aborting." % tag)

    if self.namespace is None:
      print_green("Deploying %s to %s..." % (digest, self.context), newline_after=True)
      print_green("Deploying %s to %s/%s..." % (digest, self.context, self.namespace), newline_after=True)

    This logic should be refactored, but essentially if namespace and filename are provided, the caller is
    a review app, while if namespace is None it is either staging or production.  If filename is unset for staging
    or production it is targeting the 'canonical' app, i.e. staging.yml or production.yml while if it is set it is
    trageting a 'canary' app.
github artsy / hokusai / hokusai / commands / View on Github external
def create_new_app_yaml(source_file, app_name):
  with open(source_file, 'r') as stream:
      yaml_content = list(yaml.load_all(stream))
    except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
      raise HokusaiError("Cannot read source yaml file %s." % source_file)

  for c in yaml_content: update_namespace(c, clean_string(app_name))

  new_namespace = OrderedDict([
      ('apiVersion', 'v1'),
      ('kind', 'Namespace'),
      ('metadata', {
        'name': clean_string(app_name)
  yaml_content = [new_namespace] + yaml_content

  with open(os.path.join(CWD, HOKUSAI_CONFIG_DIR, "%s.yml" % app_name), 'w') as output:
    yaml.safe_dump_all(yaml_content, output, default_flow_style=False)
github artsy / hokusai / hokusai / commands / View on Github external
def push(tag, local_tag, build, filename, force, overwrite, skip_latest=False):
  if force is None and shout('git status --porcelain'):
    raise HokusaiError("Working directory is not clean.  Aborting.")

  if force is None and shout('git status --porcelain --ignored'):
    raise HokusaiError("Working directory contains ignored files and/or directories.  Aborting.")

  ecr = ECR()
  if not ecr.project_repo_exists():
    raise HokusaiError("ECR repo %s does not exist... did you run `hokusai setup` for this project?" % config.project_name)

  shout(ecr.get_login(), mask=(r'^(docker login -u) .+ (-p) .+ (.+)$', r'\1 ****** \2 ***** \3'))
  if tag is None:
    tag = shout('git rev-parse HEAD').strip()

  if overwrite is None and ecr.tag_exists(tag):
    raise HokusaiError("Tag %s already exists in registry.  Aborting." % tag)

  if build:

  build_tag = "hokusai_%s:%s" % (config.project_name, local_tag)