How to use the hokusai.lib.common.shout function in hokusai

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few hokusai examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github artsy / hokusai / test / unit / View on Github external
def test_shout(self, mocked_check_output):
    with captured_output() as (out, err):
      self.assertEqual(shout('whoami'), 'hokusai')
      mocked_check_output.assert_called_once_with('whoami', shell=True, stderr=-2)
github artsy / hokusai / hokusai / commands / View on Github external
print_green("Updated tag 'latest' -> %s" % context)

  if filename is None:
    configmap = ConfigMap(context, namespace=namespace)
    for s in environment:
      if '=' not in s:
        raise HokusaiError("Error: environment variables must be of the form 'KEY=VALUE'")
      split = s.split('=', 1)
      configmap.update(split[0], split[1])
    print_green("Created configmap %s-environment" % config.project_name)

  kctl = Kubectl(context, namespace=namespace)
  kubernetes_spec = KubernetesSpec(kubernetes_yml).to_file()
    shout(kctl.command("create --save-config -f %s" % kubernetes_spec), print_output=True)
    print_green("Created Kubernetes environment %s" % kubernetes_yml)
github artsy / hokusai / hokusai / commands / View on Github external
def pull(tag, local_tag):
  ecr = ECR()
  if not ecr.project_repo_exists():
    raise HokusaiError("ECR repo %s does not exist... did you run `hokusai setup` for this project?" % config.project_name)

  shout(ecr.get_login(), mask=(r'^(docker login -u) .+ (-p) .+ (.+)$', r'\1 ****** \2 ***** \3'))

  shout("docker pull %s:%s" % (ecr.project_repo, tag))

  shout("docker tag %s:%s hokusai_%s:%s" % (ecr.project_repo, tag, config.project_name, local_tag))
  print_green("Pulled %s:%s to hokusai_%s:%s" % (ecr.project_repo, tag, config.project_name, local_tag), newline_after=True)
github artsy / hokusai / hokusai / commands / View on Github external
if 'detached' in current_branch:
      raise HokusaiError("Not on any branch!  Aborting.")
    if current_branch != check_branch:
      raise HokusaiError("Not on %s branch!  Aborting." % check_branch)

    remotes = [check_remote] if check_remote else shout('git remote').splitlines()
    for remote in remotes:
      shout("git fetch %s" % remote)
      if returncode("git diff --quiet %s/%s" % (remote, current_branch)):
        raise HokusaiError("Local branch %s is divergent from %s/%s.  Aborting." % (current_branch, remote, current_branch))

  kctl = Kubectl(context, namespace=namespace)
  kubernetes_spec = KubernetesSpec(kubernetes_yml).to_file()
    if dry_run:
      shout(kctl.command("apply -f %s --dry-run" % kubernetes_spec), print_output=True)
      print_green("Updated Kubernetes environment %s (dry run)" % kubernetes_yml)
      shout(kctl.command("apply -f %s" % kubernetes_spec), print_output=True)
      print_green("Updated Kubernetes environment %s" % kubernetes_yml)
github artsy / hokusai / hokusai / commands / View on Github external
def k8s_update(context, namespace=None, filename=None, check_branch="master",
                check_remote=None, skip_checks=False, dry_run=False):
  if filename is None:
    kubernetes_yml = os.path.join(CWD, HOKUSAI_CONFIG_DIR, "%s.yml" % context)
    kubernetes_yml = filename

  if not os.path.isfile(kubernetes_yml):
    raise HokusaiError("Yaml file %s does not exist." % kubernetes_yml)

  if not skip_checks:
    current_branch = None
    for branchname in shout('git branch').splitlines():
      if '* ' in branchname:
        current_branch = branchname.replace('* ', '')

    if 'detached' in current_branch:
      raise HokusaiError("Not on any branch!  Aborting.")
    if current_branch != check_branch:
      raise HokusaiError("Not on %s branch!  Aborting." % check_branch)

    remotes = [check_remote] if check_remote else shout('git remote').splitlines()
    for remote in remotes:
      shout("git fetch %s" % remote)
      if returncode("git diff --quiet %s/%s" % (remote, current_branch)):
        raise HokusaiError("Local branch %s is divergent from %s/%s.  Aborting." % (current_branch, remote, current_branch))

  kctl = Kubectl(context, namespace=namespace)
github artsy / hokusai / hokusai / commands / View on Github external
def gitlog():
  ecr = ECR()

  staging_tag = ecr.find_git_sha1_image_tag('staging')
  if staging_tag is None:
    raise HokusaiError("Could not find a tag for staging.  Aborting.")

  production_tag = ecr.find_git_sha1_image_tag('production')
  if production_tag is None:
    raise HokusaiError("Could not find a git SHA1 tag for production.  Aborting.")

  print_green("Comparing %s to %s" % (production_tag, staging_tag))
  for remote in shout('git remote').splitlines():
    shout("git fetch %s" % remote)
  shout("git log --right-only %s..%s" % (production_tag, staging_tag), print_output=True)
github artsy / hokusai / hokusai / commands / View on Github external
if not os.path.isfile(kubernetes_yml):
    raise HokusaiError("Yaml file %s does not exist." % kubernetes_yml)

  if not skip_checks:
    current_branch = None
    for branchname in shout('git branch').splitlines():
      if '* ' in branchname:
        current_branch = branchname.replace('* ', '')

    if 'detached' in current_branch:
      raise HokusaiError("Not on any branch!  Aborting.")
    if current_branch != check_branch:
      raise HokusaiError("Not on %s branch!  Aborting." % check_branch)

    remotes = [check_remote] if check_remote else shout('git remote').splitlines()
    for remote in remotes:
      shout("git fetch %s" % remote)
      if returncode("git diff --quiet %s/%s" % (remote, current_branch)):
        raise HokusaiError("Local branch %s is divergent from %s/%s.  Aborting." % (current_branch, remote, current_branch))

  kctl = Kubectl(context, namespace=namespace)
  kubernetes_spec = KubernetesSpec(kubernetes_yml).to_file()
    if dry_run:
      shout(kctl.command("apply -f %s --dry-run" % kubernetes_spec), print_output=True)
      print_green("Updated Kubernetes environment %s (dry run)" % kubernetes_yml)
      shout(kctl.command("apply -f %s" % kubernetes_spec), print_output=True)
      print_green("Updated Kubernetes environment %s" % kubernetes_yml)
github artsy / hokusai / hokusai / services / View on Github external
def contexts(self):
    return [context['name'] for context in yaml.load(shout('kubectl config view'))['contexts']]
github artsy / hokusai / hokusai / commands / View on Github external
if overwrite is None and ecr.tag_exists(tag):
    raise HokusaiError("Tag %s already exists in registry.  Aborting." % tag)

  if build:

  build_tag = "hokusai_%s:%s" % (config.project_name, local_tag)

  shout("docker tag %s %s:%s" % (build_tag, ecr.project_repo, tag))
  shout("docker push %s:%s" % (ecr.project_repo, tag), print_output=True)
  print_green("Pushed %s to %s:%s" % (build_tag, ecr.project_repo, tag), newline_after=True)

  if skip_latest: return

  shout("docker tag %s %s:%s" % (build_tag, ecr.project_repo, 'latest'))
  shout("docker push %s:%s" % (ecr.project_repo, 'latest'), print_output=True)
  print_green("Pushed %s to %s:%s" % (build_tag, ecr.project_repo, 'latest'), newline_after=True)
github artsy / hokusai / hokusai / services / View on Github external
raise HokusaiError("Yaml files %s / %s do not exist." % (docker_compose_yml, legacy_docker_compose_yml))

      if os.path.isfile(docker_compose_yml):
        build_command = "docker-compose -f %s -p hokusai build" % docker_compose_yml
      if os.path.isfile(legacy_docker_compose_yml):
        build_command = "docker-compose -f %s -p hokusai build" % legacy_docker_compose_yml
      build_command = "docker-compose -f %s -p hokusai build" % filename

    if config.pre_build:
      build_command = "%s && %s" % (config.pre_build, build_command)

    if config.post_build:
      build_command = "%s && %s" % (build_command, config.post_build)

    shout(build_command, print_output=True)