Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
third party library imports are together, and project imports are
Okay: import os\nimport sys\n\nimport six\n\nimport hacking
Okay: import six\nimport znon_existent_package
Okay: import os\nimport threading
S366: import mock\nimport os
S366: import hacking\nimport os
S366: import hacking\nimport nonexistent
S366: import hacking\nimport mock
if (noqa or blank_before > 0 or
indent_level != previous_indent_level):
normalized_line = core.import_normalize(logical_line.strip()).split()
normalized_previous = core.import_normalize(previous_logical.
def compatible(previous, current):
if previous == current:
return True
if normalized_line and normalized_line[0] == 'import':
current_type = _get_import_type(normalized_line[1])
if normalized_previous and normalized_previous[0] == 'import':
previous_type = _get_import_type(normalized_previous[1])
if not compatible(previous_type, current_type):
yield(0, 'S366: imports not grouped correctly '
'(%s: %s, %s: %s)' %
(normalized_previous[1], previous_type,
normalized_line[1], current_type))
Okay: import os\nimport sys\n\nimport six\n\nimport hacking
Okay: import six\nimport znon_existent_package
Okay: import os\nimport threading
S366: import mock\nimport os
S366: import hacking\nimport os
S366: import hacking\nimport nonexistent
S366: import hacking\nimport mock
if (noqa or blank_before > 0 or
indent_level != previous_indent_level):
normalized_line = core.import_normalize(logical_line.strip()).split()
normalized_previous = core.import_normalize(previous_logical.
def compatible(previous, current):
if previous == current:
return True
if normalized_line and normalized_line[0] == 'import':
current_type = _get_import_type(normalized_line[1])
if normalized_previous and normalized_previous[0] == 'import':
previous_type = _get_import_type(normalized_previous[1])
if not compatible(previous_type, current_type):
yield(0, 'S366: imports not grouped correctly '
'(%s: %s, %s: %s)' %
(normalized_previous[1], previous_type,
normalized_line[1], current_type))
def hacking_import_alphabetical(logical_line, blank_before, previous_logical,
indent_level, previous_indent_level):
r"""Check for imports in alphabetical order.
OpenStack HACKING guide recommendation for imports:
imports in human alphabetical order
Okay: import os\nimport sys\n\nimport nova\nfrom nova import test
Okay: import os\nimport sys
H306: import sys\nimport os
Okay: import sys\n\n# foo\nimport six
# handle import x
# use .lower since capitalization shouldn't dictate order
if blank_before < 1 and indent_level == previous_indent_level:
split_line = core.import_normalize(logical_line.
split_previous = core.import_normalize(previous_logical.
length = [2, 4]
if (len(split_line) in length and len(split_previous) in length and
split_line[0] == "import" and split_previous[0] == "import"):
if split_line[1] < split_previous[1]:
yield (0, "H306: imports not in alphabetical order (%s, %s)"
% (split_previous[1], split_line[1]))
def hacking_no_removed_module(logical_line, noqa):
r"""Check for removed modules in Python 3.
Okay: from os import path
Okay: from os import path as p
Okay: from os import (path as p)
Okay: import os.path
H237: import thread
Okay: import thread # noqa
H237: import commands
H237: import md5 as std_md5
if noqa:
line = core.import_normalize(logical_line.strip())
if line and line.split()[0] == 'import':
module_name = line.split()[1].split('.')[0]
if module_name in removed_modules:
yield 0, ("H237: module %s is "
"removed in Python 3" % module_name)
Okay: import eventlet\neventlet.monkey_patch()\n\nimport copy
S367: import mock\n\nimport six
S367: import os\n\nimport sys
S367: import mock\nimport os\n\nimport sys
if line_number == 1 or filename != together_data.current_filename:
together_data.current_group = None
together_data.current_filename = filename
if noqa:
def update_current_group(current):
together_data.current_group = current
normalized_line = core.import_normalize(logical_line.strip()).split()
if normalized_line:
if normalized_line[0] == 'import':
current_type = _get_import_type(normalized_line[1])
previous_import = together_data.current_import
together_data.current_import = normalized_line[1]
matched = current_type == together_data.current_group
if (matched and indent_level == previous_indent_level and
blank_lines >= 1):
yield(0, 'S367: like imports should be grouped together (%s '
'and %s from %s are separated by whitespace)' %
# Reset on non-import code
r"""Check for imports in alphabetical order.
OpenStack HACKING guide recommendation for imports:
imports in human alphabetical order
Okay: import os\nimport sys\n\nimport nova\nfrom nova import test
Okay: import os\nimport sys
H306: import sys\nimport os
Okay: import sys\n\n# foo\nimport six
# handle import x
# use .lower since capitalization shouldn't dictate order
if blank_before < 1 and indent_level == previous_indent_level:
split_line = core.import_normalize(logical_line.
split_previous = core.import_normalize(previous_logical.
length = [2, 4]
if (len(split_line) in length and len(split_previous) in length and
split_line[0] == "import" and split_previous[0] == "import"):
if split_line[1] < split_previous[1]:
yield (0, "H306: imports not in alphabetical order (%s, %s)"
% (split_previous[1], split_line[1]))
version_list = version.split('.')
version_list[-1] = str(int(version_list[-1]) - 1)
previous_version = '.'.join(version_list)
content = template.render(ver=version, prev_ver=previous_version)
return content
def write_guide(version, guide_content):
filename = 'porting_guide_{0}.rst'.format(version)
with open(filename, 'w') as out_file:
class PortingGuideCommand(Command):
name = 'porting-guide'
def init_parser(cls, add_parser):
parser = add_parser(, description="Generate a fresh porting guide template")
parser.add_argument("--version", dest="version", type=str, required=True, action='store',
help="Version of Ansible to write the porting guide for")
def main(args):
guide_content = generate_porting_guide(args.version)
write_guide(args.version, guide_content)
return 0
text = templates['support_list'].render(template_data)
write_data(text, output_dir, data['output'])
def validate_options(options):
''' validate option parser options '''
if not options.module_dir:
sys.exit("--module-dir is required", file=sys.stderr)
if not os.path.exists(options.module_dir):
sys.exit("--module-dir does not exist: %s" % options.module_dir, file=sys.stderr)
if not options.template_dir:
sys.exit("--template-dir must be specified")
class DocumentPlugins(Command):
name = 'document-plugins'
def init_parser(cls, add_parser):
parser = add_parser(, description='Generate module documentation from metadata')
parser.add_argument("-A", "--ansible-version", action="store", dest="ansible_version",
default="unknown", help="Ansible version number")
parser.add_argument("-M", "--module-dir", action="store", dest="module_dir",
default=MODULEDIR, help="Ansible library path")
parser.add_argument("-P", "--plugin-type", action="store", dest="plugin_type",
default='module', help="The type of plugin (module, lookup, etc)")
parser.add_argument("-T", "--template-dir", action="append", dest="template_dir",
help="directory containing Jinja2 templates")
parser.add_argument("-t", "--type", action='store', dest='type', choices=['rst'],
default='rst', help="Document type")
def check_missing_autospec(self, call_node):
def find_autospec_keyword(keyword_node):
for keyword_obj in keyword_node:
keyword = keyword_obj.arg
# If they have defined autospec or new then it is okay
if keyword in self.spec_keywords:
return True
return False
if isinstance(call_node, ast.Call):
func_info = FunctionNameFinder(self.filename)
# We are only looking at our patchers
if func_info.function_name not in self.patchers:
min_args = self.patchers[func_info.function_name]
if not find_autospec_keyword(call_node.keywords):
if len(call_node.args) < min_args:
(call_node.lineno, call_node.col_offset,
"H210 Missing 'autospec' or 'spec_set' keyword in "
"mock.patch/mock.patch.object", MockCheckVisitor)
def visit(self, node):
# If we get called with an ast.Call node, then work on the 'node.func',
# as we want the function name.
if isinstance(node, ast.Call):
return super(FunctionNameFinder, self).visit(node.func)
return super(FunctionNameFinder, self).visit(node)