How to use the gwpy.time.to_gps function in gwpy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gwpy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def find_trigger_urls(channel, etg, gpsstart, gpsend, verbose=False):
    """Find the paths of trigger files that represent the given
    observatory, channel, and ETG (event trigger generator) for a given
    GPS [start, end) segment.
    if etg.lower().startswith('omicron'):
        etg = '?' + etg[1:]

    # construct search
    gpsstart = to_gps(gpsstart).seconds
    gpsend = to_gps(gpsend).seconds
    span = Segment(gpsstart, gpsend)
    ifo, channel = channel.split(':', 1)
    trigtype = "%s_%s" % (channel, etg.lower())
    epoch = '*'
    searchbase = os.path.join(TRIGFIND_BASE_PATH, epoch, ifo, trigtype)
    gpsdirs = range(int(str(gpsstart)[:5]), int(str(gpsend)[:5])+1)
    trigform = ('%s-%s_%s-%s-*.xml*'
                % (ifo, re_dash.sub('_', channel), etg.lower(), '[0-9]'*10))

    # test for channel-level directory
    if not glob.glob(searchbase):
        raise ValueError("No channel-level directory found at %s. Either the "
                         "channel name or ETG names are wrong, or this "
                         "channel is not configured for this ETG."
                         % searchbase)
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def find_latest(observatory, frametype, gpstime=None, allow_tape=False,
                connection=None, **connection_kw):
    """Find the path of the latest file of a given data type.

    See also
        for details on the underlying method(s)
    observatory = observatory[0]
        if gpstime is not None:
            gpstime = int(to_gps(gpstime))
            path = find_urls(observatory, frametype, gpstime, gpstime+1,
                             on_gaps='ignore', connection=connection)[-1]
            path = connection.find_latest(observatory, frametype,
    except (IndexError, RuntimeError):
        raise RuntimeError(
            "no files found for {}-{}".format(observatory, frametype))

    path = urlparse(path).path
    if not allow_tape and on_tape(path):
        raise IOError("Latest frame file for {}-{} is on tape "
                      "(pass allow_tape=True to force): "
                      "{}".format(observatory, frametype, path))
    return path
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def _auto_epoch(self, axis):
        # use the lower data/view limit as the epoch
        epoch = round(self._lim(axis)[0])

        # round epoch in successive units for large scales
        unit = self.get_unit()
        date = from_gps(epoch)
        fields = ('second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day')
        for i, u in enumerate(fields[1:]):
            if unit < units.Unit(u):
            if u in ('day',):
                date = date.replace(**{fields[i]: 1})
                date = date.replace(**{fields[i]: 0})
        return int(to_gps(date))
github gwpy / gwpy / gwpy / segments / View on Github external
>>> print(DataQualityFlag.fetch_open_data('H1_DATA', 'Jan 1 2010',
        ...                                       'Jan 2 2010'))
        start = to_gps(start).gpsSeconds
        end = to_gps(end).gpsSeconds
        known = [(start, end)]
        active = timeline.get_segments(flag, start, end, **kwargs)
        return cls(flag.replace('_', ':', 1), known=known, active=active,
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# otherwise unpack two arguments as a segment
    if len(args) == 1:
        args = args[0]

    # if not two arguments, panic
        start, end = args
    except ValueError as exc:
        exc.args = ('{0}() takes 2 arguments for start and end GPS time, '
                    'or 1 argument containing a Segment or SegmentList'.format(

    # return list with one Segment
    return SegmentList([Segment(to_gps(start), to_gps(end))])
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pad : `float`, optional
            value with which to fill gaps in the source data, if not
            given gaps will result in an exception being raised

        dict : :class:`~gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeriesDict`
            dict of (channel, `TimeSeries`) data pairs
        # import the frame library here to have any ImportErrors occur early

        # -- from here read data

        if start:
            start = to_gps(start)
        if end:
            end = to_gps(end)

        # parse output format kwargs -- DEPRECATED
        if resample is not None:
            warnings.warn('the resample keyword for is deprecated, instead '
                          'you should manually resample after reading',
        if not isinstance(resample, dict):
            resample = dict((c, resample) for c in channels)
        if dtype is not None:
            warnings.warn('the dtype keyword for is deprecated, instead '
                          'you should manually call astype() after reading',
        if not isinstance(dtype, dict):
            dtype = dict((c, dtype) for c in channels)
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given gaps will result in an exception being raised

        dict : :class:`~gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeriesDict`
            dict of (channel, `TimeSeries`) data pairs
        # import the frame library here to have any ImportErrors occur early

        # -- from here read data

        if start:
            start = to_gps(start)
        if end:
            end = to_gps(end)

        # parse output format kwargs -- DEPRECATED
        if resample is not None:
            warnings.warn('the resample keyword for is deprecated, instead '
                          'you should manually resample after reading',
        if not isinstance(resample, dict):
            resample = dict((c, resample) for c in channels)
        if dtype is not None:
            warnings.warn('the dtype keyword for is deprecated, instead '
                          'you should manually call astype() after reading',
        if not isinstance(dtype, dict):
            dtype = dict((c, dtype) for c in channels)

        # format gap handling
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def arg_xaxis(cls, parser):
        """Add an `~argparse.ArgumentGroup` for X-axis options.

        This method includes the standard X-axis options, as well as a new
        ``--epoch`` option for the time axis.
        group = super(TimeDomainProduct, cls).arg_xaxis(parser)
        group.add_argument('--epoch', type=to_gps,
                           help='center X axis on this GPS time, may be'
                                'absolute date/time or delta')
        return group