How to use the gwpy.time.LIGOTimeGPS function in gwpy

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def nds2_buffer(channel, data, epoch, sample_rate, unit,
                name=None, slope=1, offset=0):
    import nds2
    epoch = LIGOTimeGPS(epoch)
    ndsbuffer = mock.create_autospec(nds2.buffer)
    ndsbuffer.length = len(data) = nds2_channel(channel, sample_rate, unit) = name or
    ndsbuffer.sample_rate = sample_rate
    ndsbuffer.gps_seconds = epoch.gpsSeconds
    ndsbuffer.gps_nanoseconds = epoch.gpsNanoSeconds
    ndsbuffer.signal_slope = slope
    ndsbuffer.signal_offset = offset = data
    return ndsbuffer
github gwpy / gwpy / gwpy / io / View on Github external
def _iter_cache(cachefile, gpstype=LIGOTimeGPS):
    """Internal method that yields a `_CacheEntry` for each line in the file

    This method supports reading LAL- and (nested) FFL-format cache files.
        path = os.path.abspath(
    except AttributeError:
        path = None
    for line in cachefile:
            yield _CacheEntry.parse(line, gpstype=LIGOTimeGPS)
        except ValueError:
            # virgo FFL format (seemingly) supports nested FFL files
            parts = line.split()
            if len(parts) == 3 and os.path.abspath(parts[0]) != path:
                with open(parts[0], 'r') as cache2:
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def _parse_entry_ffl(line, gpstype=LIGOTimeGPS):
    from ..segments import Segment
    path, start, dur, _, _ = map(str, line)
    start = gpstype(start)
    end = start + float(dur)
        observatory, description = Path(path).name.split('-', 2)[:2]
    except ValueError:
        return _CacheEntry(None, None, Segment(start, end), path)
    return _CacheEntry(observatory, description, Segment(start, end), path)
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    def parse(cls, line, gpstype=LIGOTimeGPS):

        # format line string
        if isinstance(line, bytes):
            line = line.decode('utf-8')
        parts = line.strip().split()

        # if single entry, parse filename
        if len(parts) == 1:
            path = parts[0]
            return cls(*filename_metadata(path) + (path,))

            return _parse_entry_ffl(parts)
        except (RuntimeError, TypeError, ValueError) as exc:
                return _parse_entry_lal(parts)
github gwpy / gwpy / gwpy / timeseries / io / gwf / View on Github external
if not start:
        starts = set([LIGOTimeGPS(tsdict[c].x0.value) for c in tsdict])
        if len(starts) != 1:
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot write multiple TimeSeries to a single "
                               "frame with different start times, "
                               "please write into different frames")
        start = list(starts)[0]
    if not end:
        ends = set([tsdict[c].span[1] for ts in tsdict])
        if len(ends) != 1:
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot write multiple TimeSeries to a single "
                               "frame with different end times, "
                               "please write into different frames")
        end = list(ends)[0]
    duration = end - start
    start = LIGOTimeGPS(start)
    ifos = set([ for ts in tsdict.values() if
       and and
                hasattr(frameCPP, 'DETECTOR_LOCATION_%s' %])

    # create frame
    frame = io_gwf.create_frame(time=start, duration=duration, name=name,
                                run=run, ifos=ifos)

    # append channels
    for i, c in enumerate(tsdict):
            ctype = tsdict[c].channel._ctype or 'proc'
        except AttributeError:
            ctype = 'proc'
        append_to_frame(frame, tsdict[c].crop(start, end),
                        type=ctype, channelid=i)
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def _need_frame(frame, start, end):
    frstart = LIGOTimeGPS(*frame.GetGTime())
    if end and frstart >= end:
        return False

    frend = frstart + frame.GetDt()
    if start and frend <= start:
        return False

    return True
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        nframe = int(stream.GetNumberOfFrames())
    except (AttributeError, ValueError):
        nframe = None

    # if single frame, trust filename to provide GPS epoch of data
    # as required by the file-naming convention
    epochs = None
        if nframe == 1:
            epochs = [file_segment(framefile)[0]]
    except ValueError:
    if epochs is None:
        toc = stream.GetTOC()
        epochs = [LIGOTimeGPS(s, n) for s, n in zip(toc.GTimeS, toc.GTimeN)]

    toclist = {}  # only get names once
    for channel in channels:
        # if ctype not declared, find it from the table-of-contents
        if not ctype.get(channel, None):
            toc = stream.GetTOC()
            for typename in ['Sim', 'Proc', 'ADC']:
                if typename not in toclist:
                    get_ = getattr(toc, 'Get%s' % typename)
                        toclist[typename] = get_().keys()
                    except AttributeError:
                        toclist[typename] = get_()
                if str(channel) in toclist[typename]:
                    ctype[channel] = typename.lower()
github gwpy / gwpy / gwpy / time / View on Github external
This method cannot convert exact leap seconds to
       `datetime.datetime`, that object doesn't support it,
       so you should consider using `astropy.time.Time` directly.

    >>> from_gps(1167264018)
    datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 1, 0, 0)
    >>> from_gps(1126259462.3910)
    datetime.datetime(2015, 9, 14, 9, 50, 45, 391000)
        gps = LIGOTimeGPS(gps)
    except (ValueError, TypeError, RuntimeError):
        gps = LIGOTimeGPS(float(gps))
    sec, nano = gps.gpsSeconds, gps.gpsNanoSeconds
        date = Time(sec, format='gps', scale='utc').datetime
    except ValueError as exc:
        if "within a leap second" in str(exc):
            exc.args = (
                "cannot represent leap second using datetime.datetime, "
                "consider using "
                "astropy.time.Time({}, format=\"gps\", scale=\"utc\") "
    return date + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=nano*1e-3)
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# Number/Decimal -> str
    if isinstance(t, Decimal):
        t = str(t)
    if isinstance(t, Number):
        # note, on python < 3, str() isn't very good, so we use repr
        # for python > 3 we can just use str for both Decimal and Number
        t = repr(t)

    # -- convert to LIGOTimeGPS

    if isinstance(t, Time):
        return _time_to_gps(t, *args, **kwargs)
        return LIGOTimeGPS(t)
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
        return LIGOTimeGPS(float(t))
github gwpy / gwpy / gwpy / table / io / View on Github external
def _row_from_frevent(frevent, columns, selection):
    """Generate a table row from an FrEvent

    Filtering (``selection``) is done here, rather than in the table reader,
    to enable filtering on columns that aren't being returned.
    # read params
    params = dict(frevent.GetParam())
    params['time'] = float(LIGOTimeGPS(*frevent.GetGTime()))
    params['amplitude'] = frevent.GetAmplitude()
    params['probability'] = frevent.GetProbability()
    params['timeBefore'] = frevent.GetTimeBefore()
    params['timeAfter'] = frevent.GetTimeAfter()
    params['comment'] = frevent.GetComment()
    # filter
    if not all(op_(params[c], t) for c, op_, t in selection):
        return None
    # return event as list
    return [params[c] for c in columns]