How to use the guessit.plugins.transformers.Transformer.__init__ function in guessit

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few guessit examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github nzbget / VideoSort / lib / guessit / transfo / View on Github external
def __init__(self):
        Transformer.__init__(self, 15) = PropertiesContainer(enhance=False, canonical_from_pattern=False)

        def _formater(episodeNumber):
            epnum = parse_numeral(episodeNumber)
            if not valid_year(epnum):
                if epnum > 100:
                    season, epnum = epnum // 100, epnum % 100
                    # episodes which have a season > 50 are most likely errors
                    # (Simpson is at 25!)
                    if season > 50:
                        return None
                    return {'season': season, 'episodeNumber': epnum}
                    return epnum
github caronc / nzb-subliminal / Subliminal / guessit / transfo / View on Github external
def __init__(self):
        Transformer.__init__(self, 35)

        self.container = PropertiesContainer()
        self.qualities = QualitiesContainer()

        def register_property(propname, props, **kwargs):
            """props a dict of {value: [patterns]}"""
            for canonical_form, patterns in props.items():
                if isinstance(patterns, tuple):
                    patterns2, pattern_kwarg = patterns
                    if kwargs:
                        current_kwarg = dict(kwargs)
                        current_kwarg = dict(pattern_kwarg)
                    current_kwarg['canonical_form'] = canonical_form
                    self.container.register_property(propname, *patterns2, **current_kwarg)
github guessit-io / guessit / guessit / transfo / View on Github external
def __init__(self):
        Transformer.__init__(self, 245)
github mdhiggins / sickbeard_mp4_automator / guessit / transfo / View on Github external
def __init__(self):
        Transformer.__init__(self, -190)

        self.container = PropertiesContainer(canonical_from_pattern=False)
        self._allowed_groupname_pattern = '[\w@#€£$&!\?]'
        self._forbidden_groupname_lambda = [lambda elt: elt in ['rip', 'by', 'for', 'par', 'pour', 'bonus'],
                                            lambda elt: self._is_number(elt)]
        # If the previous property in this list, the match will be considered as safe
        # and group name can contain a separator.
        self.previous_safe_properties = ['videoCodec', 'format', 'videoApi', 'audioCodec', 'audioProfile', 'videoProfile', 'audioChannels', 'other']
        self.previous_safe_values = {'other': ['Complete']}
        self.next_safe_properties = ['extension', 'website']
        self.next_safe_values = {'format': ['Telesync']}
        self.container.sep_replace_char = '-'
        self.container.canonical_from_pattern = False
        self.container.enhance = True
        self.container.register_property('releaseGroup', self._allowed_groupname_pattern + '+')
        self.container.register_property('releaseGroup', self._allowed_groupname_pattern + '+-' + self._allowed_groupname_pattern + '+')
github h3llrais3r / Auto-Subliminal / lib / guessit / transfo / View on Github external
def __init__(self):
        Transformer.__init__(self, 20)

        of_separators = ['of', 'sur', '/', '\\']
        of_separators_re = re.compile(build_or_pattern(of_separators, escape=True), re.IGNORECASE)

        season_words = ['seasons?', 'saisons?', 'series?']
        episode_words = ['episodes?']

        season_markers = ['s']
        episode_markers = ['e', 'ep']

        self.container = PropertiesContainer(enhance=False, canonical_from_pattern=False)

        season_words_re = re.compile(build_or_pattern(season_words), re.IGNORECASE)
        episode_words_re = re.compile(build_or_pattern(episode_words), re.IGNORECASE)

        season_markers_re = re.compile(build_or_pattern(season_markers), re.IGNORECASE)