How to use the guessit.patterns.sep function in guessit

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github mdhiggins / sickbeard_mp4_automator / guessit / transfo / View on Github external
if epnum > 100:
                    season, epnum = epnum // 100, epnum % 100
                    # episodes which have a season > 50 are most likely errors
                    # (Simpson is at 25!)
                    if season > 50:
                        return None
                    return {'season': season, 'episodeNumber': epnum}
                    return epnum

        self.container.register_property(['episodeNumber', 'season'], '[0-9]{2,4}', confidence=0.6, formatter=_formater, disabler=lambda options: options.get('episode_prefer_number') if options else False)
        self.container.register_property(['episodeNumber', 'season'], '[0-9]{4}', confidence=0.6, formatter=_formater)
        self.container.register_property('episodeNumber', '[^0-9](\d{1,3})', confidence=0.6, formatter=parse_numeral, disabler=lambda options: not options.get('episode_prefer_number') if options else True)
        self.container.register_property(None, '(' + build_or_pattern(episode_words) + sep + '?(?P' + numeral + '))[^0-9]', confidence=0.4, formatter=parse_numeral)
        self.container.register_property(None, r'(?P' + numeral + ')' + sep + '?' + of_separators_re.pattern + sep + '?(?P' + numeral +')', confidence=0.6, formatter=parse_numeral)
        self.container.register_property('episodeNumber', r'^' + sep + '?(\d{1,3})' + sep, confidence=0.4, formatter=parse_numeral, disabler=lambda options: not options.get('episode_prefer_number') if options else True)
        self.container.register_property('episodeNumber', sep + r'(\d{1,3})' + sep + '?$', confidence=0.4, formatter=parse_numeral, disabler=lambda options: not options.get('episode_prefer_number') if options else True)
github caronc / nzb-subliminal / Subliminal / guessit / transfo / View on Github external
'2.0': ['2[\W_]0', '2ch', 'stereo'],
                                            '1.0': ['1[\W_]0', '1ch', 'mono']

        register_quality('audioChannels', {'7.1': 200,
                                           '5.1': 100,
                                           '2.0': 0,
                                           '1.0': -100

        self.container.register_property('episodeFormat', r'Minisodes?', canonical_form='Minisode')

        self.container.register_property('crc32', '(?:[a-fA-F]|[0-9]){8}', enhance=False, canonical_from_pattern=False)

        weak_episode_words = ['pt', 'part']
        self.container.register_property(None, '(' + build_or_pattern(weak_episode_words) + sep + '?(?P' + numeral + '))[^0-9]', enhance=False, canonical_from_pattern=False, confidence=0.4, formatter=parse_numeral)

        register_property('other', {'AudioFix': ['Audio-Fix', 'Audio-Fixed'],
                                    'SyncFix': ['Sync-Fix', 'Sync-Fixed'],
                                    'DualAudio': ['Dual-Audio'],
                                    'WideScreen': ['ws', 'wide-screen'],
                                    'Netflix': ['Netflix', 'NF']

        self.container.register_property('other', 'Real', 'Fix', canonical_form='Proper', validator=NeighborValidator())
        self.container.register_property('other', 'Proper', 'Repack', 'Rerip', canonical_form='Proper')
        self.container.register_property('other', 'Fansub', canonical_form='Fansub')
        self.container.register_property('other', 'Fastsub', canonical_form='Fastsub')
        self.container.register_property('other', '(?:Seasons?' + sep + '?)?Complete', canonical_form='Complete')
        self.container.register_property('other', 'R5', 'RC', canonical_form='R5')
        self.container.register_property('other', 'Pre-Air', 'Preair', canonical_form='Preair')
github pymedusa / Medusa / lib / guessit / View on Github external
def clean_default(st):
    for c in sep:
        # do not remove certain chars
        if c in ['-', ',']:

        if c == '.':
            # we should not remove the dots for acronyms and such
            dotted =
            if dotted:
                s =
                exclude_begin, exclude_end = dotted.span(1)

                st = (st[:exclude_begin].replace(c, ' ') +
                      st[exclude_begin:exclude_end] +
                      st[exclude_end:].replace(c, ' '))
github guessit-io / guessit / guessit / View on Github external
def _trim_span(span, value, blanks = sep):
    start, end = span

    for i in range(0, len(value)):
        if value[i] in blanks:
            start += 1

    for i in reversed(range(0, len(value))):
        if value[i] in blanks:
            end -= 1
    if end <= start:
        return -1, -1
    return start, end
github caronc / nzb-subliminal / Subliminal / guessit / transfo / View on Github external
def __init__(self):
        Transformer.__init__(self, 20)

        range_separators = ['-', 'to', 'a']
        discrete_separators = ['&', 'and', 'et']
        of_separators = ['of', 'sur', '/', '\\']

        season_words = ['seasons?', 'saisons?', 'series?']
        episode_words = ['episodes?']

        season_markers = ['s']
        episode_markers = ['e', 'ep']

        discrete_sep = sep
        for range_separator in range_separators:
            discrete_sep = discrete_sep.replace(range_separator, '')
        all_separators = list(range_separators)

        self.container = PropertiesContainer(enhance=False, canonical_from_pattern=False)

        range_separators_re = re.compile(build_or_pattern(range_separators), re.IGNORECASE)
        discrete_separators_re = re.compile(build_or_pattern(discrete_separators), re.IGNORECASE)
        all_separators_re = re.compile(build_or_pattern(all_separators), re.IGNORECASE)
        of_separators_re = re.compile(build_or_pattern(of_separators, escape=True), re.IGNORECASE)

        season_words_re = re.compile(build_or_pattern(season_words), re.IGNORECASE)
        episode_words_re = re.compile(build_or_pattern(episode_words), re.IGNORECASE)
github caronc / nzb-subliminal / Subliminal / guessit / View on Github external
def clean_default(st):
    for c in sep:
        # do not remove certain chars
        if c in ['-', ',']:

        if c == '.':
            # we should not remove the dots for acronyms and such
            dotted =
            if dotted:
                s =
                exclude_begin, exclude_end = dotted.span(1)

                st = (st[:exclude_begin].replace(c, ' ') +
                      st[exclude_begin:exclude_end] +
                      st[exclude_end:].replace(c, ' '))
github guessit-io / guessit / guessit / transfo / View on Github external
def is_leaf_previous(leaf, node):
        if leaf.span[1] <= node.span[0]:
            for idx in range(leaf.span[1], node.span[0]):
                if leaf.root.value[idx] not in sep:
                    return False
            return True
        return False
github mdhiggins / sickbeard_mp4_automator / guessit / transfo / View on Github external
def episode_parser_e(value):
            return list_parser(value, 'episodeList', discrete_separators_re=re.compile('e', re.IGNORECASE), fill_gaps=True)

        def episode_parser(value):
            return list_parser(value, 'episodeList')

        def season_parser(value):
            return list_parser(value, 'seasonList')

        class ResolutionCollisionValidator(object):
            def validate(self, prop, string, node, match, entry_start, entry_end):
                return len( < 3 # limit

        self.container.register_property(None, r'(' + season_words_re.pattern + sep + '?(?P' + numeral + ')' + sep + '?' + season_words_re.pattern + '?)', confidence=1.0, formatter=parse_numeral)
        self.container.register_property(None, r'(' + season_words_re.pattern + sep + '?(?P' + digital_numeral + '(?:' + sep + '?' + all_separators_re.pattern + sep + '?' + digital_numeral + ')*)' + sep + '?' + season_words_re.pattern + '?)' + sep, confidence=1.0, formatter={None: parse_numeral, 'season': season_parser}, validator=ChainedValidator(DefaultValidator(), FormatterValidator('season', lambda x: len(x) > 1 if hasattr(x, '__len__') else False)))

        self.container.register_property(None, r'(' + season_markers_re.pattern + '(?P' + digital_numeral + ')[^0-9]?' + sep + '?(?P(?:e' + digital_numeral + '(?:' + sep + '?[e-]' + digital_numeral + ')*)))', confidence=1.0, formatter={None: parse_numeral, 'episodeNumber': episode_parser_e, 'season': season_parser}, validator=NoValidator())
        # self.container.register_property(None, r'[^0-9]((?P' + digital_numeral + ')[^0-9 .-]?-?(?P(?:x' + digital_numeral + '(?:' + sep + '?[x-]' + digital_numeral + ')*)))', confidence=1.0, formatter={None: parse_numeral, 'episodeNumber': episode_parser_x, 'season': season_parser}, validator=ChainedValidator(DefaultValidator(), ResolutionCollisionValidator()))
        self.container.register_property(None, sep + r'((?P' + digital_numeral + ')' + sep + '' + '(?P(?:x' + sep + digital_numeral + '(?:' + sep + '[x-]' + digital_numeral + ')*)))', confidence=1.0, formatter={None: parse_numeral, 'episodeNumber': episode_parser_x, 'season': season_parser}, validator=ChainedValidator(DefaultValidator(), ResolutionCollisionValidator()))
        self.container.register_property(None, r'((?P' + digital_numeral + ')' + '(?P(?:x' + digital_numeral + '(?:[x-]' + digital_numeral + ')*)))', confidence=1.0, formatter={None: parse_numeral, 'episodeNumber': episode_parser_x, 'season': season_parser}, validator=ChainedValidator(DefaultValidator(), ResolutionCollisionValidator()))
        self.container.register_property(None, r'(' + season_markers_re.pattern + '(?P' + digital_numeral + '(?:' + sep + '?' + all_separators_re.pattern + sep + '?' + digital_numeral + ')*))', confidence=0.6, formatter={None: parse_numeral, 'season': season_parser}, validator=NoValidator())

        self.container.register_property(None, r'((?P' + digital_numeral + ')' + sep + '?v(?P\d+))', confidence=0.6, formatter=parse_numeral)
        self.container.register_property(None, r'(ep' + sep + r'?(?P' + digital_numeral + ')' + sep + '?)', confidence=0.7, formatter=parse_numeral)
        self.container.register_property(None, r'(ep' + sep + r'?(?P' + digital_numeral + ')' + sep + '?v(?P\d+))', confidence=0.7, formatter=parse_numeral)

        self.container.register_property(None, r'(' + episode_markers_re.pattern + '(?P' + digital_numeral + '(?:' + sep + '?' + all_separators_re.pattern + sep + '?' + digital_numeral + ')*))', confidence=0.6, formatter={None: parse_numeral, 'episodeNumber': episode_parser})
        self.container.register_property(None, r'(' + episode_words_re.pattern + sep + '?(?P' + digital_numeral + '(?:' + sep + '?' + all_separators_re.pattern + sep + '?' + digital_numeral + ')*)' + sep + '?' + episode_words_re.pattern + '?)', confidence=0.8, formatter={None: parse_numeral, 'episodeNumber': episode_parser})

        self.container.register_property(None, r'(' + episode_markers_re.pattern + '(?P' + digital_numeral + ')'  + sep + '?v(?P\d+))', confidence=0.6, formatter={None: parse_numeral, 'episodeNumber': episode_parser})
github mdhiggins / sickbeard_mp4_automator / guessit / transfo / View on Github external
def is_leaf_previous(self, leaf, node):
        if leaf.span[1] <= node.span[0]:
            for idx in range(leaf.span[1], node.span[0]):
                if leaf.root.value[idx] not in sep:
                    return False
            return True
        return False
github h3llrais3r / Auto-Subliminal / lib / guessit / transfo / View on Github external
def is_leaf_previous(self, leaf, node):
        if leaf.span[1] <= node.span[0]:
            for idx in range(leaf.span[1], node.span[0]):
                if leaf.root.value[idx] not in sep:
                    return False
            return True
        return False