How to use the gspread.login function in gspread

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gspread examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github okfn / infra / ansible / roles / scripts / files / opt / scripts / View on Github external
##add new admins
add_admins = list(set(cur_admins) - set(prev_admins))
manage_users('add', blogsite_admins_list, add_admins)

##remove old admins
del_owners = list(set(prev_admins) - set(cur_admins))
manage_users('del', blogsite_admins_list, del_owners)

#out= open('all.pickle', 'wb')

#update google spreadsheet
	g = gspread.login(g_user, g_password)
	print 'failed to auth, spreadsheet update failed'

	doc = g.open_by_key(g_doc_key)
	sheet = doc.get_worksheet(0)
	msg  = 'Failed to open spreadsheet'

#f = open('all.pickle','rb')
#a = pickle.load(f)

total_domains = len(all.keys())+1 #include the row heading
cell_list_domains = sheet.range('A1:A' + str(total_domains))
github bsullins / gspread-csv / View on Github external
import urllib
import codecs
from config import config

username = config['USERNAME']
password = config['PASSWORD']
docs = [
    {"doc": "My 1st Spreadsheet Name"},
    {"doc":"My 2nd Spreadsheet Name"} 

# login first
client = gspread.login(username, password)

#process doc list
for doc in docs:
    spreadsheet =["doc"])
    for i, worksheet in enumerate(spreadsheet.worksheets()):
        filename = path + doc["doc"] + '-worksheet' + str(i) + '.csv'
        with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
            writer = csv.writer(f)
            content = worksheet.get_all_values()
            for row in content:
                for record in row:
github nint22 / DailyProgBot / View on Github external
def PostChallenge(DifficultyIndex):
	# Save what the difficulty string is
	DifficultyString = ['Easy', 'Intermediate', 'Hard'][DifficultyIndex]
	### Part 1: Retrieve challenge
	# Login with your Google account
	gc = gspread.login(AccountDetails.GSPREAD_USERNAME, AccountDetails.GSPREAD_PASSWORD)
	# Open a worksheet from spreadsheet with one shot
	wks ="r/DailyProgrammer Challenge Submissions").sheet1
	# Set to a valid row index if target is found, else set to -1
	TargetRowIndex = -1
	# For each row, check if there exists any non-posted easy-level challenges..
	for RowIndex in range(2, wks.row_count):
		# Get the difficulty type and post-status
		DifficultyType = wks.acell('C%d' % RowIndex).value
		PostStatus = wks.acell('M%d' % RowIndex).value
		# If no data at all, then we're done parsing..
		if DifficultyType == None:
github themson / MurDocK / View on Github external
def initGS(self, GD_SHEET_NAME):    #TODO: check why are we passing sheet name and not self. reference?
        """ Sets which WorkSheet to use within a Document
            this feature can be used for sessions or threads """
        #auth to google
            gc = gspread.login(self.GD_ACCT, self.GD_PASS)
            docLogger.debug('initGS(): Success Authenticating to Google Acc')        
        except gspread.AuthenticationError:
            raise Exception('initGS(): could not auth, check creds')
        #open buffer && return handle to object
            baseDOC = #original
            bufferSheet = baseDOC.worksheet(GD_SHEET_NAME) #added
            return bufferSheet         
            raise Exception('initGS(): could not open "%s", check sheet name' % GD_SHEET_NAME)
github undercase / GiftCardExchangeBot / View on Github external
def gspread_input_login():
	username = raw_input("Username: ")
	password = getpass.getpass()
	return gspread.login(username, password)
github abhinavabcd / QuizApp_server / View on Github external
def syncSpreadSheets(dbUtils, spreadSheetKey= '1fXS6D8crBo9p-xWyFG4keqHI5P8-9qqi230IKlcw5Iw',syncSpecific = ["tags"] , excludeSheets=[] , username=None , password=None):
#def syncSpreadSheets(dbUtils, spreadSheetKey= '18vi7Glhc_4qb8v1nMbnFz3NeYPamcVTQV0g7OzTQBZU',syncSpecific = ["tags"] , excludeSheets=[]):
    if(username and password):
        gc = gspread.login(username, password)
    wb = gc.open_by_key(spreadSheetKey)
    worksheets = wb.worksheets()
    tagWorksheet = None
    for i in worksheets:
        if(i.title.lower().startswith('tags') and  (not syncSpecific or i.title.lower() in syncSpecific) and not (i.title.lower in excludeSheets)):
            tagWorksheet = i
            records = tagWorksheet.get_all_records()
            count = len(records)
            for i in range(0,count): #exclude heading
                row = records[i]
                #after updating
                if(IS_NEW_DB or row.get("isDirty",False)):
                    print row
github nint22 / DailyProgBot / View on Github external
def PostChallenge(DifficultyIndex):
	# Save what the difficulty string is
	DifficultyString = ['Easy', 'Intermediate', 'Hard'][DifficultyIndex]
	### Part 1: Retrieve challenge
	# Login with your Google account
	gc = gspread.login(AccountDetails.GSPREAD_USERNAME, AccountDetails.GSPREAD_PASSWORD)
	# Open a worksheet from spreadsheet with one shot
	wks ="r/DailyProgrammer Challenge Submissions").sheet1
	# Set to a valid row index if target is found, else set to -1
	TargetRowIndex = -1
	# For each row, check if there exists any non-posted easy-level challenges..
	for RowIndex in range(2, wks.row_count):
		# Get the difficulty type and post-status
		DifficultyType = wks.acell('C%d' % RowIndex).value
		PostStatus = wks.acell('M%d' % RowIndex).value
		# If no data at all, then we're done parsing..
		if DifficultyType == None: