How to use the green.suite.GreenTestSuite function in green

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few green examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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sys.argv[1:] = unparsed_args

    # By default, pause before exiting
    if not args.no_pause:
        atexit.register(lambda: not multiprocessing.current_process().name.startswith("PoolWorker-") and
                                raw_input("Press Enter to exit ..."))

    print("Testing", full_version() + "\n")

    # Additional setup normally done by green.cmdline.main()
    if has_green:
        green_args = green.config.parseArguments()
        green_args = green.config.mergeConfig(green_args)
        if green_args.shouldExit:
        green.suite.GreenTestSuite.args = green_args
        if green_args.debug:
            green.output.debug_level = green_args.debug

    total_tests = total_skipped = total_failures = total_errors = total_passing = 0
    def accumulate_results(r):
        global total_tests, total_skipped, total_failures, total_errors, total_passing
        total_tests    += r.testsRun
        total_skipped  += len(r.skipped)
        total_failures += len(r.failures)
        total_errors   += len(r.errors)
        if has_green:
            total_passing += len(r.passing)

    timer = timeit.default_timer
    start_time = time.time() if has_green else timer()
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debug("Loaded config file(s): {}".format(
            ', '.join(config.files_loaded)))

    # Discover/Load the test suite
    if testing:
        test_suite = None
    else:  # pragma: no cover
        loader = GreenTestLoader()
        test_suite = loader.loadTargets(args.targets,

    # We didn't even load 0 tests...
    if not test_suite:
            "No test loading attempts succeeded.  Created an empty test suite.")
        test_suite = GreenTestSuite()

    # Actually run the test_suite
    result = run(test_suite, stream, args, testing)

    # Generate a test report if required
    if args.junit_report:
        from green.junit import JUnitXML
        adapter = JUnitXML()
        with open(args.junit_report, "w") as report_file:
            adapter.save_as(result, report_file)

    return(int(not result.wasSuccessful()))
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def __init__(self, tests=(), args=None):
        # You should either set GreenTestSuite.args before instantiation, or
        # pass args into __init__
        self._removed_tests = 0
        self.allow_stdout = default_args.allow_stdout
        self.full_test_pattern = 'test' + default_args.test_pattern
        super(GreenTestSuite, self).__init__(tests)
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if args.shouldExit:
        return args.exitCode

    # Clear out all the passed-in-options just in case someone tries to run a
    # test that assumes sys.argv is clean.  I can't guess at the script name
    # that they want, though, so we'll just leave ours.
    sys.argv = sys.argv[:1]

    # Set up our various main objects
    from green.loader import GreenTestLoader, getCompletions
    from green.runner import run
    from green.output import GreenStream, debug
    import green.output
    from green.suite import GreenTestSuite
    GreenTestSuite.args = args

    if args.debug:
        green.output.debug_level = args.debug

    stream = GreenStream(sys.stdout, disable_windows=args.disable_windows)

    # Location of shell completion file
    if args.completion_file:
        print(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ''))
        return 0

    # Argument-completion for bash and zsh (for test-target completion)
    if args.completions:
        return 0
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def discover(self, current_path, file_pattern='test*.py',
        I take a path to a directory and discover all the tests inside files
        matching file_pattern.

        If path is not a readable directory, I raise an ImportError.

        If I don't find anything, I return None.  Otherwise I return a
        current_abspath = os.path.abspath(current_path)
        if not os.path.isdir(current_abspath):
            raise ImportError(
                    "'{}' is not a directory".format(str(current_path)))
        suite = GreenTestSuite()
            for file_or_dir_name in sorted(os.listdir(current_abspath)):
                path = os.path.join(current_abspath, file_or_dir_name)
                # Recurse into directories, attempting to skip virtual environments
                bin_activate = os.path.join(path, 'bin', 'activate')
                if os.path.isdir(path) and not os.path.isfile(bin_activate):
                    # Don't follow symlinks
                    if os.path.islink(path):
                    # Don't recurse into directories that couldn't be a package name
                    if not python_dir_pattern.match(file_or_dir_name):

                    subdir_suite =
                        path, file_pattern=file_pattern,
                        top_level_dir=top_level_dir or current_path