How to use the green.output.debug function in green

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few green examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def loadTestsFromTestCase(self, testCaseClass):
        debug("Examining test case {}".format(testCaseClass.__name__), 3)

        def filter_test_methods(attrname):
            return attrname.startswith(self.testMethodPrefix) \
               and callable(getattr(testCaseClass, attrname)) \
               and not isTestCaseDisabled(testCaseClass, attrname)

        test_case_names = list(filter(filter_test_methods, dir(testCaseClass)))
        debug("Test case names: {}".format(test_case_names))

        # Use default unittest.TestSuite sorting method if not overriden

        if not test_case_names and hasattr(testCaseClass, 'runTest'):
            test_case_names = ['runTest']
        return flattenTestSuite(map(testCaseClass, test_case_names))
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'\n' + color_func(outcome) +
                    ' in ' + self.colors.bold(test.dotted_name))

            # Traceback
            if not self.args.no_tracebacks:
                relevant_frames = []
                for i, frame in enumerate(err.traceback_lines):
                    # Python2 tracebacks containing unicode need some special handling
                    # This doesn't always make it readable, but at least it doesn't
                    # crash
                    if sys.version_info[0] == 2: # pragma: no cover
                            ''.join([frame]) # intentionally trigger exceptions
                        except UnicodeDecodeError:
                            frame = frame.decode('utf-8')
                    debug('\n' + '*' * 30 + "Frame {}:".format(i) + '*' * 30
                          + "\n{}".format(self.colors.yellow(frame)), level=3)
                    # Ignore useless frames
                    if self.verbose < 4:
                        if frame.strip() == "Traceback (most recent call last):":
                    # Done with this frame, capture it.

            # Captured output for failing tests
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def loadFromModuleFilename(self, filename):
        dotted_module, parent_dir = findDottedModuleAndParentDir(filename)
        # Adding the parent path of the module to the start of sys.path is
        # the closest we can get to an absolute import in Python that I can
        # find.
        sys.path.insert(0, parent_dir)
            loaded_module = sys.modules[dotted_module]
            debug("Imported {}".format(dotted_module), 2)
        except as e:
            # TODO: #25 - Right now this mimics the behavior in unittest.  Lets
            # refactor it and simplify it after we make sure it works.
            # This is a cause of the traceback mangling I observed.
            reason = str(e)

            def testSkipped(self):
                pass  # pragma: no cover

            TestClass = type(
                    {filename: testSkipped})
            return self.suiteClass((TestClass(filename),))
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def loadTarget(self, target, file_pattern='test*.py'):
        debug("Attempting to load target '{}' with file_pattern '{}'".format(
            target, file_pattern))

        # For a test loader, we want to always the current working directory to
        # be the first item in sys.path, just like when a python interpreter is
        # loaded interactively. See also
        if sys.path[0] != '':
            sys.path.insert(0, '')

        # DIRECTORY VARIATIONS - These will discover all tests in a directory
        # structure, whether or not they are accessible by the root package.

        # some/real/dir
        bare_dir = target
        # some.real.dir
        if ('.' in target) and (len(target) > 1):
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def loadTestsFromTestCase(self, testCaseClass):
        debug("Examining test case {}".format(testCaseClass.__name__), 3)

        def filter_test_methods(attrname):
            return attrname.startswith(self.testMethodPrefix) \
               and callable(getattr(testCaseClass, attrname)) \
               and not isTestCaseDisabled(testCaseClass, attrname)

        test_case_names = list(filter(filter_test_methods, dir(testCaseClass)))
        debug("Test case names: {}".format(test_case_names))

        # Use default unittest.TestSuite sorting method if not overriden

        if not test_case_names and hasattr(testCaseClass, 'runTest'):
            test_case_names = ['runTest']
        return flattenTestSuite(map(testCaseClass, test_case_names))
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full dotted name of the module with respect to the package it is in, and
    parent_dir is the absolute path to the parent directory of the package.

    If the python file is not part of a package, I return (None, None).

    For for filepath /a/b/c/ where b is the package, ('b.c.d', '/a')
    would be returned.
    if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
        raise ValueError("'{}' is not a file.".format(file_path))
    parent_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(file_path))
    dotted_module = os.path.basename(file_path).replace('.py', '')
    while isPackage(parent_dir):
        dotted_module = os.path.basename(parent_dir) + '.' + dotted_module
        parent_dir = os.path.dirname(parent_dir)
    debug("Dotted module: {} -> {}".format(
        parent_dir, dotted_module), 2)
    return (dotted_module, parent_dir)
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if target and (target[0] != '.'):
                filename = importlib.import_module(target).__file__
                if '' in filename:
                    pkg_in_path_dir = os.path.dirname(filename)
                pkg_in_path_dir = None

        # => DISCOVER DIRS
        tests = None
        for candidate in [bare_dir, dot_dir, pkg_in_path_dir]:
            if (candidate is None) or (not os.path.isdir(candidate)):
            tests =, file_pattern=file_pattern)
            if tests and tests.countTestCases():
                debug("Load method: DISCOVER - {}".format(candidate))
                return flattenTestSuite(tests)

        # DOTTED OBJECT - These will discover a specific object if it is
        # globally importable or importable from the current working directory.
        # Examples: pkg, pkg.module, pkg.module.class, pkg.module.class.func
        tests = None
        if target and (target[0] != '.'):  # We don't handle relative
            try:                           # dot objects
                tests = self.suiteClass(self.loadTestsFromName(target))
                for index, test in enumerate(tests):
                    if test.__class__.__name__ == '_FailedTest': # pragma: no cover

            except Exception as e:
                debug("IGNORED exception: {}".format(e))
            if tests and tests.countTestCases():
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if subdir_suite:

                elif os.path.isfile(path):
                    # Skip irrelevant files
                    if not python_file_pattern.match(file_or_dir_name):
                    if not fnmatch(file_or_dir_name, file_pattern):

                    # Try loading the file as a module
                    module_suite = self.loadFromModuleFilename(path)
                    if module_suite:
        except OSError:
            debug("WARNING: Test discovery failed at path {}".format(current_path))

        return flattenTestSuite(suite) if suite.countTestCases() else None
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# Add debug logging for stuff that happened before this point here
    if config.files_loaded:
        debug("Loaded config file(s): {}".format(
            ', '.join(config.files_loaded)))

    # Discover/Load the test suite
    if testing:
        test_suite = None
    else:  # pragma: no cover
        loader = GreenTestLoader()
        test_suite = loader.loadTargets(args.targets,

    # We didn't even load 0 tests...
    if not test_suite:
            "No test loading attempts succeeded.  Created an empty test suite.")
        test_suite = GreenTestSuite()

    # Actually run the test_suite
    result = run(test_suite, stream, args, testing)

    # Generate a test report if required
    if args.junit_report:
        from green.junit import JUnitXML
        adapter = JUnitXML()
        with open(args.junit_report, "w") as report_file:
            adapter.save_as(result, report_file)

    return(int(not result.wasSuccessful()))