How to use the graphene.NonNull function in graphene

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few graphene examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jauhararifin / ugrade / server / contests / View on Github external
LanguageType, required=True, resolver=submission_language_resolver)
    source_code = graphene.Field(
        graphene.String, required=True, resolver=submission_source_code_resolver)
    verdict = graphene.Field(graphene.String, required=True)

    def resolve_verdict(root, _info):
        return root.verdict

    class Meta:
        model = Submission
        only_fields = ('id', 'problem', 'issued_time', 'issuer')

class SubmissionQuery(graphene.ObjectType):
    submission = graphene.NonNull(SubmissionType, id=graphene.Int(
        required=True), resolver=submission_resolver)
    submissions = graphene.NonNull(graphene.List(
        graphene.NonNull(SubmissionType)), resolver=submissions_resolver)

class SubmitSolution(graphene.Mutation):
    class Arguments:
        problem_id = graphene.ID(required=True)
        language_id = graphene.ID(required=True)
        source_code = Upload(required=True)
    Output = SubmissionType
    mutate = submit_solution_mutate

class SubmissionMutation(graphene.ObjectType):
    submit_solution = SubmitSolution.Field()
github eamigo86 / graphene-django-extras / graphene_django_extras / View on Github external
def convert_postgres_range_to_string(
    field, registry=None, input_flag=None, nested_field=False
    inner_type = convert_django_field(field.base_field)
    if not isinstance(inner_type, (List, NonNull)):
        inner_type = type(inner_type)
    return List(
        description=field.help_text or field.verbose_name,
        required=is_required(field) and input_flag == "create",
github 0soft / graphene-django-plus / graphene_django_plus / View on Github external
#: If any permission should allow the user to execute this mutation
    permissions_any = None

    #: If we should allow unauthenticated users to do this mutation
    allow_unauthenticated = False

class BaseMutation(ClientIDMutation):
    """Base mutation enchanced with permission checking and relay id handling."""

    class Meta:
        abstract = True

    #: A list of errors that happened during the mutation
    errors = graphene.List(
        description="List of errors that occurred while executing the mutation.",

    def __init_subclass_with_meta__(cls, permissions=None,
                                    _meta=None, **kwargs):
        if not _meta:
            _meta = BaseMutationOptions(cls)

        _meta.permissions = permissions or []
        _meta.permissions_any = permissions_any
        _meta.allow_unauthenticated = allow_unauthenticated

        super().__init_subclass_with_meta__(_meta=_meta, **kwargs)
github vanyakosmos / memes-reposter / apps / reddit / View on Github external
post.status = Post.STATUS_ALMOST
        post.title = title or post.title
        tasks.publish_post_task.delay(, title)
        return PublishPost(accepted=True)

class PostInput(graphene.InputObjectType):
    id = graphene.ID(required=True)

class RejectPosts(graphene.Mutation):
    count = graphene.Int()

    class Arguments:
        posts = graphene.List(graphene.NonNull(graphene.ID), required=True)

    def mutate(self, info: ResolveInfo, posts):
        post_ids = [
            for p in posts
        posts = Post.objects.filter(pk__in=post_ids)
        rows = posts.update(status=Post.STATUS_REJECTED)
        return RejectPosts(count=rows)

class ToggleRedditState(graphene.Mutation):
    enabled = graphene.Boolean()

    class Arguments:
github tipresias / tipresias / backend / server / graphql / types / View on Github external
        invert_values = lambda arr: 1 - arr

    return lambda df: np.where(

class RoundPredictionType(graphene.ObjectType):
    """Official Tipresias predictions for a given round."""

    round_number = graphene.NonNull(graphene.Int)
    match_predictions = graphene.List(
        graphene.NonNull(MatchPredictionType), required=True

    def resolve_match_predictions(root: RoundPredictions, _info) -> MatchPredictions:
        """Return prediction data for matches in the given round."""

        predictions = pd.DataFrame(
            .prefetch_related("match", "ml_model", "match__teammatch_set")
github torchbox / wagtail-grapple / grapple / View on Github external
def __init__(
        self, field_name: str, field_type: type = None, required=None, **kwargs
        # Initiate and get specific field info.
        self.field_name = field_name
        self.field_type = field_type
        self.field_source = kwargs.get("source", field_name)

        # Add support for NonNull/required fields
        if required:
            self.field_type = graphene.NonNull(field_type)

        # Legacy collection API (Allow lists):
        self.extract_key = kwargs.get("key", None)
        is_list = kwargs.get("is_list", False)
        if is_list:
            self.field_type = graphene.List(field_type)
github dagster-io / dagster / python_modules / dagit / dagit / View on Github external
def non_null_list(ttype):
    return graphene.NonNull(graphene.List(graphene.NonNull(ttype)))
github eamigo86 / graphene-django-extras / graphene_django_extras / View on Github external
def convert_field_to_boolean(field, registry=None, input_flag=None, nested_field=False):
    required = is_required(field) and input_flag == "create"
    if required:
        return NonNull(Boolean, description=field.help_text)
    return Boolean(description=field.help_text)
github alecrasmussen / falcon-graphql-server / View on Github external
from os import devnull
from random import randrange

import falcon
import graphene

# Define a GraphQL query schema
class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
    "A Graphene schema. Utilized by GraphQLResource."
    hello = graphene.String(description='A basic GraphQL object.')
    extra = graphene.String(description='Another basic GraphQL object.')
    roll_dice = graphene.List(description='A GraphQL object with arguments.',

    def resolve_hello(self, args, context, info):
        return 'Hello world!'

    def resolve_extra(self, args, context, info):
        return 'Extra!'

    def resolve_roll_dice(self, args, context, info):
        num_dice = range(args.get('dice'))
        return [randrange(1, args.get('sides', 6) + 1) for i in num_dice]

# Create the schema that will be used to resolve GraphQL requests.
schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query)
github graphql-python / graphene-gae / graphene_gae / ndb / View on Github external
def convert_ndb_scalar_property(graphene_type, ndb_prop, registry=None, **kwargs):
    kwargs['description'] = "%s %s property" % (ndb_prop._name, graphene_type)
    _type = graphene_type

    if ndb_prop._repeated:
        _type = List(_type)

    if ndb_prop._required:
        _type = NonNull(_type)

    return Field(_type, **kwargs)