How to use the graphene.Mutation function in graphene

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few graphene examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github andela / mrm_api / api / devices / View on Github external
from helpers.room_filter.room_filter import location_join_room
from helpers.auth.user_details import get_user_from_db
from helpers.auth.admin_roles import admin_roles

class Devices(SQLAlchemyObjectType):
        Returns the device payload with the fields
        [id: ID!, name: String!, deviceType: String!,
         dateAdded: DateTime!, lastSeen: DateTime!
    class Meta:
        model = DevicesModel

class CreateDevice(graphene.Mutation):
        Returns the device payload after creating
    class Arguments:
        name = graphene.String(required=True)
        room_id = graphene.Int(required=True)
        device_type = graphene.String(required=True)
    device = graphene.Field(Devices)

    @Auth.user_roles('Admin', 'Super Admin')
    def mutate(self, info, **kwargs):
        room_location = location_join_room().filter(
   == kwargs['room_id'],
            RoomModel.state == 'active'
        if not room_location:
github creimers / graphene-auth-examples / src / apps / account / View on Github external
                if djoser_settings.get('SEND_ACTIVATION_EMAIL'):
                    send_activation_email(user, info.context)
                return Register(success=bool(
            # TODO: specify exception
            except Exception:
                errors = ["email", "Email already registered."]
                return Register(success=False, errors=errors)
        errors = ["password", "Passwords don't match."]
        return Register(success=False, errors=errors)

class Activate(graphene.Mutation):
    Mutation to activate a user's registration
    class Arguments:
        token = graphene.String(required=True)
        uid = graphene.String(required=True)

    success = graphene.Boolean()
    errors = graphene.List(graphene.String)

    def mutate(self, info, token, uid):

            uid = decode_uid(uid)
            user = UserModel.objects.get(pk=uid)
            if not default_token_generator.check_token(user, token):
github cylc / cylc-flow / cylc / flow / network / View on Github external
class Checkpoint(Mutation):
    class Meta:
        description = 'Tell the suite to checkpoint its current state.'
        resolver = partial(mutator, command='take_checkpoints')

    class Arguments:
        workflows = List(WorkflowID, required=True)
        name = String(
            description='The checkpoint name.',

    result = GenericScalar()

class ExtTrigger(Mutation):
    class Meta:
        description = sstrip('''
            Report an external event message to a suite server program.

            It is expected that a task in the suite has registered the same
            message as an external trigger - a special prerequisite to be
            satisfied by an external system, via this command, rather than by
            triggering off other tasks.

            The ID argument should uniquely distinguish one external trigger
            event from the next. When a task's external trigger is satisfied by
            an incoming message, the message ID is broadcast to all downstream
            tasks in the cycle point as `$CYLC_EXT_TRIGGER_ID` so that they can
            use it - e.g. to identify a new data file that the external
            triggering system is responding to.
github andela / mrm_api / api / devices / View on Github external
        if not room_location:
            raise GraphQLError("Room not found")
        user = get_user_from_db()
        device = DevicesModel(

        return CreateDevice(device=device)

class UpdateDevice(graphene.Mutation):
         Returns the device payload after updating
    class Arguments:
        device_id = graphene.Int()
        name = graphene.String()
        device_type = graphene.String()
        location = graphene.String()
        room_id = graphene.Int(required=True)
    device = graphene.Field(Devices)

    @Auth.user_roles('Admin', 'Super Admin')
    def mutate(self, info, device_id, **kwargs):

        query_device = Devices.get_query(info)
github justinmoon / lightning-graphql / View on Github external
def resolve_all_invoices(self, info, maxSat=None, minSat=None,
        invoices = cl.listinvoices()['invoices']

        if maxSat:
            invoices = [i for i in invoices if i['msatoshi'] < maxSat]
        if minSat:
            invoices = [i for i in invoices if i['msatoshi'] > minSat]
        if status:
            invoices = [i for i in invoices if i['status'] == status]

        return [Invoice(**invoice) for invoice in invoices]

class CreateInvoice(graphene.Mutation):
    class Arguments:
        msatoshi = graphene.Int()
        label = graphene.String()
        description = graphene.String()

    ok = graphene.Boolean()
    invoice = graphene.Field(lambda: Invoice)

    def mutate(self, info, msatoshi, label, description):
        cl_invoice = cl.invoice(msatoshi, label, description)
        # FIXME: should we look invoice up to get more fields?
        # invoices = cl.listinvoices(label)['invoices']
        # assert len(invoices) == 1
        # invoice = Invoice(**invoices[0])
        invoice = Invoice(**cl_invoice)
        ok = True
github realsuayip / django-sozluk / dictionary_graph / entry / View on Github external
if exceeded:
            return UpvoteEntry(feedback=reason)

        # Usual upvote

        if sender.is_karma_eligible:
            sender.karma = karma - cost
   = karma + upvote_rate

        return response

class DownvoteEntry(Action, Mutation):
    """Mutation to downvote an entry, same logic with UpvoteEntry but reversed."""

    def mutate(_root, entry, sender, upvoted, downvoted, in_upvoted, in_downvoted, constants, exceeded, reason):
        response = DownvoteEntry(feedback=None)
        karma, cost, downvote_rate, upvote_rate = constants

        # User removes the downvote
        if in_downvoted:

            if sender.is_karma_eligible:
                sender.karma = karma + cost  # refund
       = karma + downvote_rate
github assembl / assembl / assembl / graphql / View on Github external
    def mutate(root, args, context, info):
        section_id = args.get('section_id')
        section_id = int(Node.from_global_id(section_id)[1])
        section = models.Section.get(section_id)
        if section.section_type != SectionTypesEnum.CUSTOM.value:
            return DeleteSection(success=False)

        require_instance_permission(CrudPermissions.DELETE, section, context)

        return DeleteSection(success=True)

class UpdateSection(graphene.Mutation):
    __doc__ = docs.UpdateSection.__doc__

    class Input:
        id = graphene.ID(required=True,
        title_entries = graphene.List(LangStringEntryInput, description=docs.UpdateSection.title_entries)
        url = graphene.String(description=docs.UpdateSection.url)
        order = graphene.Float(description=docs.UpdateSection.order)

    section = graphene.Field(lambda: Section)

    def mutate(root, args, context, info):
        cls = models.Section
        section_id = args.get('id')
        section_id = int(Node.from_global_id(section_id)[1])
        section = cls.get(section_id)
github graphql-python / graphene / examples / View on Github external
def latlng(self):
        return "({},{})".format(, self.lng)

class Address(graphene.ObjectType):
    latlng = graphene.String()

class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
    address = graphene.Field(Address, geo=GeoInput(required=True))

    def resolve_address(self, info, geo):
        return Address(latlng=geo.latlng)

class CreateAddress(graphene.Mutation):
    class Arguments:
        geo = GeoInput(required=True)

    Output = Address

    def mutate(self, info, geo):
        return Address(latlng=geo.latlng)

class Mutation(graphene.ObjectType):
    create_address = CreateAddress.Field()

schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query, mutation=Mutation)
query = '''
github assembl / assembl / assembl / graphql / View on Github external
'Parent Idea does not belong to this discussion')  # noqa: E501
            # Our thematic, because it inherits from Idea, needs to be
            # associated to the root idea of the discussion.
            # We create a hidden root thematic, corresponding to the
            # phase, child of the discussion root idea,
            # and add our thematic as a child of this root thematic.
            parent_idea = get_root_thematic_for_phase(phase)
            if parent_idea is None:
                parent_idea = create_root_thematic(phase)

        saobj = create_idea(parent_idea, phase, args, context)
        return CreateThematic(thematic=saobj)

class UpdateThematic(graphene.Mutation):
    __doc__ = docs.UpdateThematic.__doc__

    class Input:
        id = graphene.ID(required=True)
        title_entries = graphene.List(LangStringEntryInput, description=docs.Default.langstring_entries)
        description_entries = graphene.List(LangStringEntryInput, description=docs.Default.langstring_entries)
        announcement = graphene.Argument(IdeaAnnouncementInput, description=docs.Idea.announcement)
        questions = graphene.List(QuestionInput, description=docs.UpdateThematic.questions)
        image = graphene.String(description=docs.Default.image)
        order = graphene.Float(description=docs.Default.float_entry)
        message_view_override = graphene.String(description=docs.IdeaInterface.message_view_override)

    thematic = graphene.Field(lambda: IdeaUnion)

github NovemberOscar / Flask-GraphQL-Large-Application-Example / Server / app / schema / mutations / account / View on Github external
import graphene

from app.model import AccountModel
from app.schema.fields import ResponseMessageField

class RegisterMutation(graphene.Mutation):

    class Arguments(object):
        id = graphene.String()
        username = graphene.String()
        password = graphene.String()
        description = graphene.String()

    result = graphene.Field(ResponseMessageField)

    def mutate(root, info, **kwargs):

        return RegisterMutation(ResponseMessageField(is_success=True, message="Successfully registered"))