How to use the gpflow.kernels function in gpflow

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gpflow examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github GPflow / GPflow / tests / View on Github external
def _init_kernel(self, D, lengthscale, variance, period):
        base = gpflow.kernels.Matern32(D, variance=variance, lengthscales=lengthscale)
        return gpflow.kernels.Periodic(base=base, period=period)
github jameshensman / VFF / VFF / View on Github external
def __init__(self, X, Y, ms, a, b, kern, likelihood,
        Here we assume the interval is [a,b]
        assert X.shape[1] == 1
        assert isinstance(kern, (gpflow.kernels.Matern12,
        kern = kern
        gpflow.models.GPModel.__init__(self, X, Y, kern,
                                      likelihood, mean_function)
        self.num_data = X.shape[0]
        self.num_latent = Y.shape[1]
        self.a = a
        self.b = b = ms

        # initialize variational parameters
        Ncos =
        Nsin = - 1
        if isinstance(self.kern, gpflow.kernels.Matern12):
            Ncos += 1
github GPflow / GPflow / gpflow / models / View on Github external
def __init__(self, Y, latent_dim, X_mean=None, kernel=None, mean_function=None, **kwargs):
        Initialise GPLVM object. This method only works with a Gaussian likelihood.

        :param Y: data matrix, size N (number of points) x D (dimensions)
        :param Z: matrix of inducing points, size M (inducing points) x Q (latent dimensions)
        :param X_mean: latent positions ([N, Q]), for the initialisation of the latent space.
        :param kernel: kernel specification, by default RBF
        :param mean_function: mean function, by default None.
        if mean_function is None:
            mean_function = Zero()
        if kernel is None:
            kernel = kernels.RBF(latent_dim, ARD=True)
        if X_mean is None:
            X_mean = PCA_reduce(Y, latent_dim)
        num_latent = X_mean.shape[1]
        if num_latent != latent_dim:
            msg = 'Passed in number of latent {0} does not match initial X {1}.'
            raise ValueError(msg.format(latent_dim, num_latent))
        if Y.shape[1] < num_latent:
            raise ValueError('More latent dimensions than observed.')
        GPR.__init__(self, X_mean, Y, kernel, mean_function=mean_function, **kwargs)
        del self.X  # in GPLVM this is a Param
        self.X = Parameter(X_mean)
github GPflow / GPflow / examples / View on Github external
def convgp_setup_model(train_data, batch_size,
                       patch_shape, num_inducing_points):
    X, Y = train_data
    H = int(X.shape[1] ** .5)

    likelihood = get_likelihood()
    num_latent = likelihood.num_classes if hasattr(likelihood, 'num_classes') else 1

    patches = patch_initializer(X[:400], num_inducing_points, patch_shape)
    kern = gpflow.kernels.WeightedConvolutional(gpflow.kernels.SquaredExponential(,
                                                [H, H], patch_size=patch_shape)
    feat = gpflow.features.InducingPatch(patches)
    kern.basekern.variance = 25.0
    kern.basekern.lengthscales = 1.2
    model = gpflow.models.SVGP(X, Y, kern, likelihood, num_latent=num_latent, feat=feat, minibatch_size=batch_size,
    model.q_mu = np.random.randn(*(model.q_mu.read_value().shape)).astype(gpflow.settings.float_type)
    return model
github GPflow / GPflow / View on Github external
import sys
import csv
import numpy as np
import gpflow
import tensorflow as tf

Xtrain = np.loadtxt('notebooks/data/banana_X_train', delimiter=',')
Ytrain = np.loadtxt('notebooks/data/banana_Y_train', delimiter=',').reshape(-1, 1)

idx = np.random.choice(range(Xtrain.shape[0]), size=3, replace=False)
feature = Xtrain[idx, ...]

# 1. `input_dim` is not required anymore.
kernel = gpflow.kernels.RBF()

# 2. Assigned value (10.0) here is constrained.
kernel.lengthscale <<= 10.0
kernel.variance.trainable = False
likelihood = gpflow.likelihoods.Bernoulli()

# 3. Constrained vs unconstrained values.
print(f"Unconstrained parameter value of `kernel.lengthscale` = {kernel.lengthscale}")
print(f"Constrained parameter value of `kernel.lengthscale` = {kernel.lengthscale}")

# 4. X's and Y's are no longer part of the model.
m = gpflow.models.SVGP(kernel=kernel, feature=feature, likelihood=likelihood)

X, Y = tf.convert_to_tensor(Xtrain), tf.convert_to_tensor(Ytrain)
def loss_cb():
    return m.neg_log_marginal_likelihood(X, Y)
github jameshensman / VFF / VFF / View on Github external
        mf = gpflow.mean_functions.Zero()
        gpflow.model.GPModel.__init__(self, X, Y, kern=None,
                                      likelihood=likelihood, mean_function=mf)
        self.num_data = X.shape[0]
        self.num_latent = 1  # multiple columns not supported in this version
        self.a = a
        self.b = b = ms

        # initialize variational parameters
        self.Ms = []
        for kern in kerns:
            Ncos_d =
            Nsin_d = - 1
            if isinstance(kern, gpflow.kernels.Matern12):
                Ncos_d += 1
            elif isinstance(kern, gpflow.kernels.Matern32):
                Ncos_d += 1
                Nsin_d += 1
            elif isinstance(kern, gpflow.kernels.Matern32):
                Ncos_d += 2
                Nsin_d += 1
                raise NotImplementedError
            self.Ms.append(Ncos_d + Nsin_d)

        self.kerns = gpflow.param.ParamList(kerns)

        self.V = gpflow.param.Param(np.zeros((, 1)))
        self.V.prior = gpflow.priors.Gaussian(0., 1.)
github GPflow / GPflow / gpflow / expectations / View on Github external
@dispatch.expectation.register((Gaussian, MarkovGaussian), mfn.Identity, NoneType, kernels.Linear, InducingPoints)
def _E(p, mean, _, kernel, inducing_variable, nghp=None):
    Compute the expectation:
    expectation[n] = _p(x_n)
        - K_{.,} :: Linear kernel
    or the equivalent for MarkovGaussian

    :return: NxDxM
    return tf.linalg.adjoint(expectation(p, (kernel, inducing_variable), mean))