How to use the gpflow.dispatch.dispatch function in gpflow

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few gpflow examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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@dispatch(Gaussian, mean_functions.Identity, type(None), kernels.RBF, InducingPoints)
def _expectation(p, mean, none, kern, feat, nghp=None):
    Compute the expectation:
    expectation[n] = _p(x_n)
        - K_{.,.} :: RBF kernel

    :return: NxDxM
    Xmu, Xcov =, p.cov

    with tf.control_dependencies([tf.assert_equal(
            tf.shape(Xmu)[1], tf.constant(kern.input_dim, settings.tf_int),
            message="Currently cannot handle slicing in exKxz.")]):
        Xmu = tf.identity(Xmu)

    with params_as_tensors_for(kern), params_as_tensors_for(feat):
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@dispatch(Gaussian, mean_functions.Linear, type(None), mean_functions.Linear, type(None))
def _expectation(p, mean1, none1, mean2, none2, nghp=None):
    Compute the expectation:
    expectation[n] = _p(x_n)
        - m1(.), m2(.) :: Linear mean functions

    :return: NxQ1xQ2
    with params_as_tensors_for(mean1), params_as_tensors_for(mean2):
        e_xxt = p.cov + ([:, :, None] *[:, None, :])  # NxDxD
        e_A1t_xxt_A2 = tf.einsum("iq,nij,jz->nqz", mean1.A, e_xxt, mean2.A)  # NxQ1xQ2
        e_A1t_x_b2t = tf.einsum("iq,ni,z->nqz", mean1.A,, mean2.b)  # NxQ1xQ2
        e_b1_xt_A2 = tf.einsum("q,ni,iz->nqz", mean1.b,, mean2.A)  # NxQ1xQ2
        e_b1_b2t = mean1.b[:, None] * mean2.b[None, :]  # Q1xQ2

        return e_A1t_xxt_A2 + e_A1t_x_b2t + e_b1_xt_A2 + e_b1_b2t
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@dispatch(SeparateIndependentMof, SharedIndependentMok)
def Kuu(feat, kern, *, jitter):
    Kmm = tf.stack([Kuu(f, kern.kern) for f in feat.feat_list], axis=0)  # L x M x M
    jittermat = tf.eye(len(feat), dtype=float_type)[None, :, :] * jitter
    return Kmm + jittermat
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@dispatch(Gaussian, mean_functions.Linear, type(None), kernels.Kernel, InducingPoints)
def _expectation(p, linear_mean, none, kern, feat, nghp=None):
    Compute the expectation:
    expectation[n] = _p(x_n)
        - m(x_i) = A x_i + b :: Linear mean function
        - K_{.,.}            :: Kernel function

    :return: NxQxM
    with params_as_tensors_for(linear_mean):
        N =[0].value
        D =[1].value
        exKxz = expectation(p, mean_functions.Identity(D), (kern, feat), nghp=nghp)
        eKxz = expectation(p, (kern, feat), nghp=nghp)
        eAxKxz = tf.matmul(tf.tile(linear_mean.A[None, :, :], (N, 1, 1)),
                           exKxz, transpose_a=True)
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          (mean_functions.Linear, mean_functions.Constant),
          type(None), type(None), type(None))
def _expectation(p, mean, none1, none2, none3, nghp=None):
    Compute the expectation:
        - m(x) :: Linear, Identity or Constant mean function

    :return: NxQ
    return mean(
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@dispatch((Gaussian, DiagonalGaussian), kernels.RBF, InducingPoints, kernels.RBF, InducingPoints)
def _expectation(p, kern1, feat1, kern2, feat2, nghp=None):
    Compute the expectation:
    expectation[n] = _p(x_n)
        - Ka_{.,.}, Kb_{.,.} :: RBF kernels
    Ka and Kb as well as Z1 and Z2 can differ from each other, but this is supported
    only if the Gaussian p is Diagonal (p.cov NxD) and Ka, Kb have disjoint active_dims
    in which case the joint expectations simplify into a product of expectations

    :return: NxMxM
    if kern1.on_separate_dims(kern2) and isinstance(p, DiagonalGaussian):  # no joint expectations required
        eKxz1 = expectation(p, (kern1, feat1))
        eKxz2 = expectation(p, (kern2, feat2))
        return eKxz1[:, :, None] * eKxz2[:, None, :]
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@dispatch(InducingPoints, Mok, object)
def Kuf(feat, kern, Xnew):
    debug_kuf(feat, kern)
    return kern(feat.Z, Xnew, full_output_cov=True)  #  M x P x N x P
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@dispatch((SeparateIndependentMof, SharedIndependentMof), SeparateMixedMok, object)
def Kuf(feat, kern, Xnew):
    debug_kuf(feat, kern)
    kuf_impl = Kuf.dispatch(type(feat), SeparateIndependentMok, object)
    K = tf.transpose(kuf_impl(feat, kern, Xnew), [1, 0, 2])  # M x L x N
    with params_as_tensors_for(kern):
        return K[:, :, :, None] * tf.transpose(kern.W)[None, :, None, :]  # M x L x N x P
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@dispatch(Gaussian, mean_functions.Linear, type(None), mean_functions.Identity, type(None))
def _expectation(p, mean1, none1, mean2, none2, nghp=None):
    Compute the expectation:
    expectation[n] = _p(x_n)
        - m1(.) :: Linear mean function
        - m2(.) :: Identity mean function

    :return: NxQxD
    with params_as_tensors_for(mean1):
        N = tf.shape([0]
        e_xxt = p.cov + ([:, :, None] *[:, None, :])  # NxDxD
        e_A_xxt = tf.matmul(tf.tile(mean1.A[None, ...], (N, 1, 1)), e_xxt, transpose_a=True)  # NxQxD
        e_b_xt = mean1.b[None, :, None] *[:, None, :]  # NxQxD

        return e_A_xxt + e_b_xt
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@dispatch(Gaussian, kernels.Sum, InducingPoints, type(None), type(None))
def _expectation(p, kern, feat, none2, none3, nghp=None):
    Compute the expectation:
    <\Sum_i Ki_{X, Z}>_p(X)
        - \Sum_i Ki_{.,.} :: Sum kernel

    :return: NxM
    return functools.reduce(tf.add, [
        expectation(p, (k, feat), nghp=nghp) for k in kern.kernels])