How to use the geoviews.plotting.bokeh.plot.GeoPlot function in geoviews

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few geoviews examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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levels = param.ClassSelector(default=10, class_=(list, int), doc="""
        A list of scalar values used to specify the contour levels.""")

class GeoPathPlot(GeoPlot, PathPlot):

    _project_operation = project_path

class GeoGraphPlot(GeoPlot, GraphPlot):

    _project_operation = project_graph

class GeoTriMeshPlot(GeoPlot, TriMeshPlot):

    _project_operation = project_graph

class GeoShapePlot(GeoPolygonPlot):

    def get_data(self, element, ranges, style):
        if not isinstance(['geometry'], poly_types):
            style['fill_alpha'] = 0
        if isinstance(['geometry'], line_types):
            el_type = Contours
            style['plot_method'] = 'multi_line'
            style.pop('fill_color', None)
            style.pop('fill_alpha', None)
            el_type = Polygons
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class FilledContourPlot(GeoPolygonPlot):
    Draws a filled contour plot.

    levels = param.ClassSelector(default=10, class_=(list, int), doc="""
        A list of scalar values used to specify the contour levels.""")

class GeoPathPlot(GeoPlot, PathPlot):

    _project_operation = project_path

class GeoGraphPlot(GeoPlot, GraphPlot):

    _project_operation = project_graph

class GeoTriMeshPlot(GeoPlot, TriMeshPlot):

    _project_operation = project_graph

class GeoShapePlot(GeoPolygonPlot):

    def get_data(self, element, ranges, style):
        if not isinstance(['geometry'], poly_types):
            style['fill_alpha'] = 0
        if isinstance(['geometry'], line_types):
            el_type = Contours
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from holoviews.plotting.bokeh.path import PolygonPlot, PathPlot, ContourPlot
from holoviews.plotting.bokeh.raster import RasterPlot, RGBPlot, QuadMeshPlot

from ...element import (WMTS, Points, Polygons, Path, Contours, Shape,
                        Image, Feature, Text, RGB, Nodes, EdgePaths,
                        Graph, TriMesh, QuadMesh, VectorField, Labels,
                        HexTiles, LineContours, FilledContours)
from ...operation import (project_image, project_points, project_path,
                          project_graph, project_quadmesh)
from ...tile_sources import _ATTRIBUTIONS
from ...util import poly_types, line_types
from .plot import GeoPlot, GeoOverlayPlot
from . import callbacks # noqa

class TilePlot(GeoPlot):

    style_opts = ['alpha', 'render_parents', 'level', 'smoothing', 'min_zoom', 'max_zoom']

    def get_extents(self, element, ranges, range_type='combined'):
        extents = super(TilePlot, self).get_extents(element, ranges, range_type)
        if (not self.overlaid and all(e is None or not np.isfinite(e) for e in extents)
            and range_type in ('combined', 'data')):
            (x0, x1), (y0, y1) = GOOGLE_MERCATOR.x_limits, GOOGLE_MERCATOR.y_limits
            global_extent = (x0, y0, x1, y1)
            return global_extent
        return extents

    def get_data(self, element, ranges, style):
        if not isinstance(, util.basestring):
            SkipRendering("WMTS element data must be a URL string, "
                          "bokeh cannot render %r" %
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def _init_glyph(self, plot, mapping, properties):
        Returns a Bokeh glyph object.
        tile_source = mapping['tile_source']
        level = properties.pop('level', 'underlay')
        renderer = plot.add_tile(tile_source, level=level)
        renderer.alpha = properties.get('alpha', 1)

        # Remove save tool = [t for t in if not isinstance(t, SaveTool)]
        return renderer, tile_source

class GeoPointPlot(GeoPlot, PointPlot):

    _project_operation = project_points

class GeoVectorFieldPlot(GeoPlot, VectorFieldPlot):

    _project_operation = project_points

class GeoQuadMeshPlot(GeoPlot, QuadMeshPlot):

    _project_operation = project_quadmesh

class GeoRasterPlot(GeoPlot, RasterPlot):
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    levels = param.ClassSelector(default=10, class_=(list, int), doc="""
        A list of scalar values used to specify the contour levels.""")

class FilledContourPlot(GeoPolygonPlot):
    Draws a filled contour plot.

    levels = param.ClassSelector(default=10, class_=(list, int), doc="""
        A list of scalar values used to specify the contour levels.""")

class GeoPathPlot(GeoPlot, PathPlot):

    _project_operation = project_path

class GeoGraphPlot(GeoPlot, GraphPlot):

    _project_operation = project_graph

class GeoTriMeshPlot(GeoPlot, TriMeshPlot):

    _project_operation = project_graph

class GeoShapePlot(GeoPolygonPlot):
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class GeoPointPlot(GeoPlot, PointPlot):

    _project_operation = project_points

class GeoVectorFieldPlot(GeoPlot, VectorFieldPlot):

    _project_operation = project_points

class GeoQuadMeshPlot(GeoPlot, QuadMeshPlot):

    _project_operation = project_quadmesh

class GeoRasterPlot(GeoPlot, RasterPlot):

    clipping_colors = param.Dict(default={'NaN': (0, 0, 0, 0)}, doc="""
        Dictionary to specify colors for clipped values, allows
        setting color for NaN values and for values above and below
        the min and max value. The min, max or NaN color may specify
        an RGB(A) color as a color hex string of the form #FFFFFF or
        #FFFFFFFF or a length 3 or length 4 tuple specifying values in
        the range 0-1 or a named HTML color.""")

    _project_operation = project_image.instance(fast=False)

    _hover_code = """
        var projections = require("core/util/projections");
        var x = special_vars.x
        var y = special_vars.y
        var coords = projections.wgs84_mercator.inverse([x, y])
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_hover_code = """
        var projections = require("core/util/projections");
        var x = special_vars.x
        var y = special_vars.y
        var coords = projections.wgs84_mercator.inverse([x, y])
        return "" + (coords[%d]).toFixed(4)

class GeoRGBPlot(GeoPlot, RGBPlot):

    _project_operation = project_image.instance(fast=False)

class GeoPolygonPlot(GeoPlot, PolygonPlot):

    _project_operation = project_path

class GeoContourPlot(GeoPlot, ContourPlot):

    _project_operation = project_path

class LineContourPlot(GeoContourPlot):
    Draws a contour plot.

    levels = param.ClassSelector(default=10, class_=(list, int), doc="""
        A list of scalar values used to specify the contour levels.""")
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def initialize_plot(self, ranges=None, plot=None, plots=None, source=None):
        opts = {} if isinstance(self, HvOverlayPlot) else {'source': source}
        fig = super(GeoPlot, self).initialize_plot(ranges, plot, plots, **opts)
        if self.geographic and self.show_bounds and not self.overlaid:
            from . import GeoShapePlot
            shape = Shape(self.projection.boundary, crs=self.projection).options(fill_alpha=0)
            shapeplot = GeoShapePlot(shape, projection=self.projection,
                                     overlaid=True, renderer=self.renderer)
            shapeplot.geographic = False
        return fig
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feature = copy.copy(
            feature.scale = self.scale
        geoms = list(feature.geometries())
        if isinstance(geoms[0], line_types):
            el_type = Contours
            style['plot_method'] = 'multi_line'
            style.pop('fill_color', None)
            style.pop('fill_alpha', None)
            el_type = Polygons
        polys = el_type(geoms,, **util.get_param_values(element))
        return super(FeaturePlot, self).get_data(polys, ranges, style)

class GeoTextPlot(GeoPlot, TextPlot):

    def get_data(self, element, ranges, style):
        mapping = dict(x='x', y='y', text='text')
        if not self.geographic:
            return super(GeoTextPlot, self).get_data(element, ranges, style)
            x, y = self.projection.transform_point(element.x, element.y,
        return (dict(x=[x], y=[y], text=[element.text]), mapping, style)

class GeoLabelsPlot(GeoPlot, LabelsPlot):

    _project_operation = project_points
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an RGB(A) color as a color hex string of the form #FFFFFF or
        #FFFFFFFF or a length 3 or length 4 tuple specifying values in
        the range 0-1 or a named HTML color.""")

    _project_operation = project_image.instance(fast=False)

    _hover_code = """
        var projections = require("core/util/projections");
        var x = special_vars.x
        var y = special_vars.y
        var coords = projections.wgs84_mercator.inverse([x, y])
        return "" + (coords[%d]).toFixed(4)

class GeoRGBPlot(GeoPlot, RGBPlot):

    _project_operation = project_image.instance(fast=False)

class GeoPolygonPlot(GeoPlot, PolygonPlot):

    _project_operation = project_path

class GeoContourPlot(GeoPlot, ContourPlot):

    _project_operation = project_path

class LineContourPlot(GeoContourPlot):