How to use the geoviews.element.Image function in geoviews

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few geoviews examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github holoviz / geoviews / tests / View on Github external
def test_geographic_conversion(self):
        self.assertEqual(Dataset(self.cube, kdims=['longitude', 'latitude']).to.image(), Image(self.cube, kdims=['longitude', 'latitude']))
github holoviz / geoviews / tests / View on Github external
def test_auto_guess_bounds(self):
        # Check that the `get_data()` method automatically adds bounds
        # when they're missing.
        cube = lat_lon_cube()
        element = Image(cube.copy())
        plot = GeoImagePlot(element)
        ranges = {}
        style = {'interpolation': None}
        plot_args, style, axis_kwargs = plot.get_data(element, ranges, style)
        for name in ('latitude', 'longitude'):
        self.assertEqual(plot_args, (cube,))
        self.assertEqual(style, {'vmax': 11, 'vmin': 0})
        self.assertEqual(axis_kwargs, {})
github holoviz / geoviews / tests / View on Github external
def test_auto_guess_bounds_not_needed(self):
        # Check that the `get_data()` method *doesn't* try to add or
        # modify the bounds when they're already present.
        cube = lat_lon_cube()
        for name in ('latitude', 'longitude'):
            coord = cube.coord(name)
            coord.bounds = coord.bounds + 0.1
        element = Image(cube.copy())
        plot = GeoImagePlot(element)
        ranges = {}
        style = {'interpolation': None}
        plot_args, style, axis_kwargs = plot.get_data(element, ranges, style)
        self.assertEqual(plot_args, (cube,))
        self.assertEqual(style, {'vmax': 11, 'vmin': 0})
        self.assertEqual(axis_kwargs, {})
github holoviz / geoviews / geoviews / operation / View on Github external
fast = param.Boolean(default=False, doc="""
        Whether to enable fast reprojection with (much) better
        performance but poorer handling in polar regions.""")

    width = param.Integer(default=None, doc="""
        Width of the reprojectd Image""")

    height = param.Integer(default=None, doc="""
        Height of the reprojected Image""")

    link_inputs = param.Boolean(default=True, doc="""
        By default, the link_inputs parameter is set to True so that
        when applying project_image, backends that support linked streams
        update RangeXY streams on the inputs of the operation.""")

    supported_types = [Image, RGB]

    def _process(self, img, key=None):
            return self._fast_process(img, key)

        proj = self.p.projection
        x0, x1 = img.range(0, dimension_range=False)
        y0, y1 = img.range(1, dimension_range=False)
        yn, xn = img.interface.shape(img, gridded=True)[:2]
        (px0, py0, px1, py1) = project_extents((x0, y0, x1, y1),, proj)

        # Some bug in cartopy is causing zero values
        eps = sys.float_info.epsilon
        src_extent = tuple(e+v if e == 0 else e for e, v in
                           zip((x0, x1, y0, y1), (eps, -eps, eps, -eps)))
        tgt_extent = (px0, px1, py0, py1)
github holoviz / geoviews / geoviews / plotting / mpl / View on Github external
def draw_annotation(self, axis, data, crs, opts):
        (x, y, text, fontsize,
         horizontalalignment, verticalalignment, rotation) = data
        opts['fontsize'] = fontsize
        if crs:
            x, y = axis.projection.transform_point(x, y, src_crs=crs)
        return [axis.text(x, y, text,
                          rotation=rotation, **opts)]

# Register plots with HoloViews
Store.register({LineContours: LineContourPlot,
                FilledContours: FilledContourPlot,
                Image: GeoImagePlot,
                Feature: FeaturePlot,
                WMTS: WMTSPlot,
                Tiles: WMTSPlot,
                Points: GeoPointPlot,
                Labels: GeoLabelsPlot,
                VectorField: GeoVectorFieldPlot,
                Text: GeoTextPlot,
                Layout: LayoutPlot,
                NdLayout: LayoutPlot,
                Overlay: GeoOverlayPlot,
                Polygons: GeoPolygonPlot,
                Path: GeoPathPlot,
                Contours: GeoContourPlot,
                RGB: GeoRGBPlot,
                Shape: GeoShapePlot,
                Graph: GeoGraphPlot,
github holoviz / geoviews / geoviews / plotting / bokeh / View on Github external
compositor = Compositor(
    "HexTiles", geo_hex_binning, None, 'data', output_type=HexTiles,
    transfer_options=True, transfer_parameters=True, backends=['bokeh']

Store.register({WMTS: TilePlot,
                Points: GeoPointPlot,
                Labels: GeoLabelsPlot,
                VectorField: GeoVectorFieldPlot,
                Polygons: GeoPolygonPlot,
                Contours: GeoContourPlot,
                Path: GeoPathPlot,
                Shape: GeoShapePlot,
                Image: GeoRasterPlot,
                RGB: GeoRGBPlot,
                LineContours: LineContourPlot,
                FilledContours: FilledContourPlot,
                Feature: FeaturePlot,
                HexTiles: HexTilesPlot,
                Text: GeoTextPlot,
                Overlay: GeoOverlayPlot,
                NdOverlay: GeoOverlayPlot,
                Graph: GeoGraphPlot,
                TriMesh: GeoTriMeshPlot,
                Nodes: GeoPointPlot,
                EdgePaths: GeoPathPlot,
                QuadMesh: GeoQuadMeshPlot}, 'bokeh')

options = Store.options(backend='bokeh')
github holoviz / geoviews / geoviews / operation / View on Github external
def _process(self, element, key=None):
        regridder, arrays = self._get_regridder(element)
        x, y = element.kdims
        ds = xr.Dataset({vd: regridder(arr) for vd, arr in arrays.items()})
        ds = ds.rename({'lon':, 'lat':})
        params = get_param_values(element)
        if is_geographic(element):
                return Image(ds,, **params)
                return QuadMesh(ds,, **params)
            return HvImage(ds, **params)
            return HvQuadMesh(ds, **params)