How to use the future.utils.native_str function in future

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few future examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github NervanaSystems / ngraph-neon / ngraph / transformers / gpu / kernels / View on Github external
self.execute(repeat=self.warmup, unbind=False)

        # we want at least this many blocks
        block_slots = _get_sm_count()
        # loops for given size of N
        loopsN = max(self.params[0] // 4, 1)
        # don't bother with internal mode for N>4
        modes = (0,1) if self.params[0] <= 4 else (1,)

        gys = float(self.GYS)
        gxs = float(self.GYS)
        small_set = gys * gxs <= 512

        # TODO: this needs more pruning, it takes too long for large HW
        results = []
        sys.stdout.write("Autotune " + native_str(self))
        progress = 0
        for threshold in (True, False):
            for external in modes:
                for strideY in range(1, self.GYS + 1):
                    for strideX in range(1, self.GXS + 1):
                        if progress % 32 == 0:
                        progress += 1

                        # CRSK copies in determ mode
                        outputs = strideY * strideX

                        # minimal occupancy filter
                        blocks = self.blocksCK * strideY * strideX
                        # gemm loop size filter
github Autodesk / molecular-design-toolkit / moldesign / _tests / View on Github external
def test_read_from_buffer():
    s = native_str("2\nmy xyz file\n H  1.0 1.0 1.0\n H 1.0 2.0 1.0\n")
    buffer = native_str_buffer(s)
    h2 =, format='xyz')
    assert h2.num_atoms == 2
github NervanaSystems / ngraph-neon / ngraph / transformers / gpu / kernels / View on Github external
def __init__(self, op, lib, dtype,
                 N, C, K,
                 H, W, P, Q,
                 pad_h, pad_w, filter_extern=None, bprop=False):

        super(XpropWinograd_2x2_3x3, self).__init__(lib, dtype,
             N, C, K, 1, H, W, 1, 3, 3, 1, P, Q,
             0, pad_h, pad_w, 1,1,1, 1,1,1, bprop)

        SMs = _get_sm_count()

        self.autotune_key = " ".join(native_str(x) for x in (op + "_2x2_3x3",
           SMs, dtype.itemsize, N, C, K, H, W, P, Q))
        # insert Python version in filename to avoid Py2/Py3 incompatibilities in shelve
        self.autotune_db_file = os.path.join(lib.cache_dir, "autotune%d.db" % sys.version_info[0])

        # allow for .5 seconds worth of warmup when autotuning
        # assume 10 Tflops on 24 SMs
        self.warmup = min(max(int(5e12 / (P * Q * K * N * C * 9 * 2.0) * (SMs / 24.0)), 1), 1000)

        if filter_extern is None:
            # allow manual override for unit testing
            self.initialized = True
            self.init(autotune=1, filter_extern=filter_extern)

        lib.set_scratch_size(self.filter_trans.size, self.bsum.size)
github NervanaSystems / neon / neon / backends / View on Github external
if "NVPROF_ID" in os.environ:
        for frame in tb.extract_stack():
            caller = frame[0:2]

        file_path, file_name = os.path.split(caller[0])
        path1, path2 = os.path.split(file_path)
        file_base, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name)

        for name in (path2, file_base, ext):
            name = name_re.sub("", name)
            if name:


    return names
github obspy / obspy / obspy / sac / View on Github external
except IOError:
            raise SacIOError("No such file: " + fname)
        data = [_i.rstrip(b"\n\r") for _i in data.splitlines(True)]
        if len(data) < 14 + 8 + 8:
            raise SacIOError("%s is not a valid SAC file:" % fname)

        # --------------------------------------------------------------
        # parse the header
        # The sac header has 70 floats, 40 integers, then 192 bytes
        #    in strings. Store them in array (and convert the char to a
        #    list). That's a total of 632 bytes.
        # --------------------------------------------------------------
        # read in the float values
        self.hf = np.array([i.split() for i in data[:14]],
github obspy / obspy / obspy / core / View on Github external
if name == "resource_id" and value is not None:

    class AbstractEventTypeWithResourceID(AbstractEventType):
        def __init__(self, force_resource_id=True, *args, **kwargs):
            kwargs["force_resource_id"] = force_resource_id
            super(AbstractEventTypeWithResourceID, self).__init__(*args,

    if "resource_id" in [item[0] for item in class_attributes]:
        base_class = AbstractEventTypeWithResourceID
        base_class = AbstractEventType

    # Set the class type name.
    setattr(base_class, "__name__", native_str(class_name))
    return base_class
github obspy / obspy / obspy / sac / View on Github external
self.hi = frombuffer( * 40), dtype=native_str('f4'))
                self.hi = frombuffer( * 40), dtype=native_str('>i4'))
                # read in the char values
                self.hs = frombuffer( * 8), dtype=native_str('|S8'))
                self.byteorder = 'big'
            except SacError as e:
                self.hf = self.hi = self.hs = None
                raise SacError(e)
        except SacError:
            warnings.warn('Cannot determine date')
        if self.GetHvalue('lcalda'):
            except SacError:
github obspy / obspy / obspy / taup / View on Github external
def _to_array(self):
        Store all attributes for serialization in a structured array.
        dtypes = [(native_str('debug'), np.bool_),
                  (native_str('bot_depth'), np.float_),
                  (native_str('dist'), np.float_, self.dist.shape),
                  (native_str('is_p_wave'), np.bool_),
                  (native_str('max_ray_param'), np.float_),
                  (native_str('min_ray_param'), np.float_),
                  (native_str('min_turn_ray_param'), np.float_),
                  (native_str('tau'), np.float_, self.tau.shape),
                  (native_str('time'), np.float_, self.time.shape),
                  (native_str('top_depth'), np.float_)]
        arr = np.empty(shape=(), dtype=dtypes)
        for dtype in dtypes:
            key = dtype[0]
            arr[key] = getattr(self, key)
        return arr
github greatscottgadgets / greatfet / libgreat / host / pygreat / View on Github external
# If successful, y should contian an integer!

    # Create a partially bound method that's closed over the variables we want to store.
    def method(self, *arguments, **kwargs):
        encoding = kwargs.pop('encoding', None)
        timeout  = kwargs.pop('timeout', 1000)
        max_response_length = kwargs.pop('max_response_length', 4096)

        return self.execute_command(verb_number, in_format, out_format, name=name, class_name=class_name,
                timeout=timeout, max_response_length=max_response_length, *arguments)

    # Apply our known documentation to the given command.
    method.__name__ = future_utils.native_str(name)
    method.__doc__ = doc

    # Generate a method signature object, so the python documentation will be correct.
    # (This only helps on modern python, but oh well.)
        method.__signature__ = _generate_command_rpc_signature(
                in_format, in_parameter_names, out_format, out_parameter_names)
    except AttributeError:

    return method
github obspy / obspy / obspy / seishub / View on Github external
:param metadata_timecheck: For ``getPAZ`` and ``getCoordinates`` check
            if metadata information is changing from start to end time. Raises
            an Exception if this is the case. This can be deactivated to save
        :rtype: :class:``
        :return: A ObsPy Stream object.
        # NOTHING goes ABOVE this line!
        # append all args to kwargs, thus having everything in one dictionary
        for key, value in locals().items():
            if key not in ["self", "kwargs"]:
                kwargs[key] = value

        # allow time strings in arguments
        for time_ in ["starttime", "endtime"]:
            if isinstance(kwargs[time_], (str, native_str)):
                kwargs[time_] = UTCDateTime(kwargs[time_])

        trim_start = kwargs['starttime']
        trim_end = kwargs['endtime']
        # we expand the requested timespan on both ends by two samples in
        # order to be able to make use of the nearest_sample option of
        # stream.trim(). (see trim() and tickets #95 and #105)
        # only possible if a channel is specified otherwise delta = 0
        delta = 2 * guessDelta(kwargs['channel'])
        kwargs['starttime'] = trim_start - delta
        kwargs['endtime'] = trim_end + delta

        url = '/seismology/waveform/getWaveform'
        data = self.client._fetch(url, **kwargs)
        if not data:
            raise Exception("No waveform data available")