How to use the function in fklearn

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few fklearn examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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prediction_column : str
        The name of the column with the predictions from the model.

    weight_column : str, optional
        The name of the column with scores to weight the data.

    encode_extra_cols : bool (default: True)
        If True, treats all columns in `df` with name pattern fklearn_feat__col==val` as feature columns.

    def_params = {"fit_intercept": True}
    params = def_params if not params else merge(def_params, params)

    weights = df[weight_column].values if weight_column else None

    features = features if not encode_extra_cols else expand_features_encoded(df, features)

    regr = LinearRegression(**params)[features].values, df[target].values, sample_weight=weights)

    def p(new_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
        return new_df.assign(**{prediction_column: regr.predict(new_df[features].values)})

    p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("linear_regression_learner")

    log = {'linear_regression_learner': {
        'features': features,
        'target': target,
        'parameters': params,
        'prediction_column': prediction_column,
        'package': "sklearn",
        'package_version': sk_version,
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The name of the column with the predictions from the model.
        If a multiclass problem, additional prediction_column_i columns will be added for i in range(0,n_classes).

    weight_column : str, optional
        The name of the column with scores to weight the data.

    encode_extra_cols : bool (default: True)
        If True, treats all columns in `df` with name pattern fklearn_feat__col==val` as feature columns.

    def_params = {"C": 0.1, "multi_class": "ovr"}
    merged_params = def_params if not params else merge(def_params, params)

    weights = df[weight_column].values if weight_column else None

    features = features if not encode_extra_cols else expand_features_encoded(df, features)

    clf = LogisticRegression(**merged_params)[features].values, df[target].values, sample_weight=weights)

    def p(new_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
        pred = clf.predict_proba(new_df[features].values)
        if merged_params["multi_class"] == "multinomial":
            col_dict = {prediction_column + "_" + str(key): value for (key, value) in enumerate(pred.T)}
            col_dict.update({prediction_column: pred.argmax(axis=1)})
            col_dict = {prediction_column: pred[:, 1]}

        return new_df.assign(**col_dict)

    p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("logistic_classification_learner")
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        If not passed, the default will be used.

    prediction_column : str
        The name of the column with the predictions from the model.

    encode_extra_cols : bool (default: True)
        If True, treats all columns in `df` with name pattern fklearn_feat__col==val` as feature columns.

    params = extra_params if extra_params else {}

    params['alpha'] = alpha
    params['kernel'] = kernel

    features = features if not encode_extra_cols else expand_features_encoded(df, features)

    gp = GaussianProcessRegressor(**params)[features], df[target])

    extra_variance = df[target].std() if extra_variance == "fit" else extra_variance if extra_variance else 1

    def p(new_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
        if return_std:
            pred_mean, pred_std = gp.predict(df[features], return_std=True)
            pred_std *= extra_variance
            return new_df.assign(**{prediction_column: pred_mean, prediction_column + "_std": pred_std})
            return new_df.assign(**{prediction_column: gp.predict(df[features])})

    p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("gp_regression_learner")
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params : dict
        The IsolationForest parameters in the format {"par_name": param}. See:

    prediction_column : str
        The name of the column with the predictions from the model.

    encode_extra_cols : bool (default: True)
        If True, treats all columns in `df` with name pattern fklearn_feat__col==val` as feature columns.

    default_params = {"n_jobs": -1, "random_state": 1729}
    params = default_params if not params else merge(default_params, params)

    features = features if not encode_extra_cols else expand_features_encoded(df, features)

    model = IsolationForest()

    def p(new_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
        output_col = {prediction_column: model.decision_function(

        return new_df.assign(**output_col)

    p.__doc__ = learner_pred_fn_docstring("isolation_forest_learner")

    log = {'isolation_forest_learner': {
        'features': features,
        'parameters': params,
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weight_column : str, optional
        The name of the column with scores to weight the data.

    encode_extra_cols : bool (default: True)
        If True, treats all columns in `df` with name pattern fklearn_feat__col==val` as feature columns.
    from catboost import Pool, CatBoostClassifier
    import catboost

    weights = df[weight_column].values if weight_column else None
    params = extra_params if extra_params else {}
    params = assoc(params, "eta", learning_rate)
    params = params if "objective" in params else assoc(params, "objective", 'Logloss')

    features = features if not encode_extra_cols else expand_features_encoded(df, features)

    cat_features = params["cat_features"] if "cat_features" in params else None

    dtrain = Pool(df[features].values, df[target].values, weight=weights,
                  feature_names=list(map(str, features)), cat_features=cat_features)

    cat_boost_classifier = CatBoostClassifier(iterations=num_estimators, **params)
    cbr =, verbose=0)

    def p(new_df: pd.DataFrame, apply_shap: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame:

        dtest = Pool(new_df[features].values, feature_names=list(map(str, features)),

        pred = cbr.predict_proba(dtest)[:, 1]
        if params["objective"] == "MultiClass":
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weight_column : str, optional
        The name of the column with scores to weight the data.

    encode_extra_cols : bool (default: True)
        If True, treats all columns in `df` with name pattern fklearn_feat__col==val` as feature columns.

    import xgboost as xgb

    weights = df[weight_column].values if weight_column else None
    params = extra_params if extra_params else {}
    params = assoc(params, "eta", learning_rate)
    params = params if "objective" in params else assoc(params, "objective", 'reg:linear')

    features = features if not encode_extra_cols else expand_features_encoded(df, features)

    dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(df[features].values, label=df[target].values, weight=weights, feature_names=map(str, features))

    bst = xgb.train(params, dtrain, num_estimators)

    def p(new_df: pd.DataFrame, apply_shap: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame:
        dtest = xgb.DMatrix(new_df[features].values, feature_names=map(str, features))
        col_dict = {prediction_column: bst.predict(dtest)}

        if apply_shap:
            import shap
            explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(bst)
            shap_values = list(explainer.shap_values(new_df[features]))
            shap_expected_value = explainer.expected_value

            shap_output = {"shap_values": shap_values,
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weight_column : str, optional
        The name of the column with scores to weight the data.

    encode_extra_cols : bool (default: True)
        If True, treats all columns in `df` with name pattern fklearn_feat__col==val` as feature columns.

    import lightgbm as lgbm

    params = extra_params if extra_params else {}
    params = assoc(params, "eta", learning_rate)
    params = params if "objective" in params else assoc(params, "objective", 'regression')

    weights = df[weight_column].values if weight_column else None

    features = features if not encode_extra_cols else expand_features_encoded(df, features)

    dtrain = lgbm.Dataset(df[features].values, label=df[target], feature_name=list(map(str, features)), weight=weights,

    bst = lgbm.train(params, dtrain, num_estimators)

    def p(new_df: pd.DataFrame, apply_shap: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame:
        col_dict = {prediction_column: bst.predict(new_df[features].values)}

        if apply_shap:
            import shap
            explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(bst)
            shap_values = list(explainer.shap_values(new_df[features]))
            shap_expected_value = explainer.expected_value

            shap_output = {"shap_values": shap_values,
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weight_column : str, optional
        The name of the column with scores to weight the data.

    encode_extra_cols : bool (default: True)
        If True, treats all columns in `df` with name pattern fklearn_feat__col==val` as feature columns.

    import lightgbm as lgbm

    params = extra_params if extra_params else {}
    params = assoc(params, "eta", learning_rate)
    params = params if "objective" in params else assoc(params, "objective", 'binary')

    weights = df[weight_column].values if weight_column else None

    features = features if not encode_extra_cols else expand_features_encoded(df, features)

    dtrain = lgbm.Dataset(df[features].values, label=df[target], feature_name=list(map(str, features)), weight=weights,

    bst = lgbm.train(params, dtrain, num_estimators)

    def p(new_df: pd.DataFrame, apply_shap: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame:
        if params["objective"] == "multiclass":
            col_dict = {prediction_column + "_" + str(key): value
                        for (key, value) in enumerate(bst.predict(new_df[features].values).T)}
            col_dict = {prediction_column: bst.predict(new_df[features].values)}

        if apply_shap:
            import shap
            explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(bst)
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weight_column : str, optional
        The name of the column with scores to weight the data.

    encode_extra_cols : bool (default: True)
        If True, treats all columns in `df` with name pattern fklearn_feat__col==val` as feature columns.

    import xgboost as xgb

    params = extra_params if extra_params else {}
    params = assoc(params, "eta", learning_rate)
    params = params if "objective" in params else assoc(params, "objective", 'binary:logistic')

    weights = df[weight_column].values if weight_column else None

    features = features if not encode_extra_cols else expand_features_encoded(df, features)

    dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(df[features].values, label=df[target].values, feature_names=map(str, features), weight=weights)

    bst = xgb.train(params, dtrain, num_estimators)

    def p(new_df: pd.DataFrame, apply_shap: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame:

        dtest = xgb.DMatrix(new_df[features].values, feature_names=map(str, features))

        pred = bst.predict(dtest)
        if params["objective"] == "multi:softprob":
            col_dict = {prediction_column + "_" + str(key): value
                        for (key, value) in enumerate(pred.T)}
            col_dict.update({prediction_column: pred.argmax(axis=1)})
            col_dict = {prediction_column: pred}