How to use federation - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few federation examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def retrieve_and_parse_content(
        id: str, guid: str, handle: str, entity_type: str, sender_key_fetcher: Callable[[str], str]=None,
    """Retrieve remote content and return an Entity class instance.

    This is basically the inverse of receiving an entity. Instead, we fetch it, then call "handle_receive".

    :param sender_key_fetcher: Function to use to fetch sender public key. If not given, network will be used
        to fetch the profile and the key. Function must take handle as only parameter and return a public key.
    :returns: Entity object instance or ``None``
    if not validate_handle(handle):
    _username, domain = handle.split("@")
    url = get_fetch_content_endpoint(domain, entity_type.lower(), guid)
    document, status_code, error = fetch_document(url)
    if status_code == 200:
        request = RequestType(body=document)
        _sender, _protocol, entities = handle_receive(request, sender_key_fetcher=sender_key_fetcher)
        if len(entities) > 1:
            logger.warning("retrieve_and_parse_content - more than one entity parsed from remote even though we"
                           "expected only one! ID %s", guid)
        if entities:
            return entities[0]
    elif status_code == 404:
        logger.warning("retrieve_and_parse_content - remote content %s not found", guid)
    if error:
        raise error
    raise Exception("retrieve_and_parse_content - unknown problem when fetching document: %s, %s, %s" % (
        document, status_code, error,
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def retrieve_and_parse_diaspora_webfinger(handle):
    Retrieve a and parse a remote Diaspora webfinger document.

    :arg handle: Remote handle to retrieve
    :returns: dict
    document = try_retrieve_webfinger_document(handle)
    if document:
        return parse_diaspora_webfinger(document)
    host = handle.split("@")[1]
    hostmeta = retrieve_diaspora_host_meta(host)
    if not hostmeta:
        return None
    url = hostmeta.find_link(rels="lrdd").template.replace("{uri}", quote(handle))
    document, code, exception = fetch_document(url)
    if exception:
        return None
    return parse_diaspora_webfinger(document)
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from federation.hostmeta.fetchers import fetch_nodeinfo_document
        return fetch_nodeinfo_document(host)
    elif doc.get('version', '').find('misskey') > -1:
        # Use Misskey instead, otherwise this is logged as Mastodon
        from federation.hostmeta.fetchers import fetch_misskey_document
        return fetch_misskey_document(host, mastodon_document=doc)

    result = deepcopy(defaults)
    result['host'] = host
    result['name'] = doc.get('title', host)
    result['platform'] = 'mastodon'
    result['version'] = doc.get('version', '')

    # Awkward parsing of signups from about page
    # TODO remove if fixed, issue logged:
    about_doc, _status_code, _error = fetch_document(host=host, path='/about')
    if about_doc:
        result['open_signups'] = about_doc.find("<div class="closed-registrations-message">") == -1

    version = re.sub(r'[^0-9.]', '', doc.get('version', ''))
    version = [int(part) for part in version.split('.')]
    if version &gt;= [3, 0, 0]:
        result['protocols'] = ['activitypub']
    elif version &gt;= [1, 6, 0]:
        result['protocols'] = ['ostatus', 'activitypub']
        result['protocols'] = ['ostatus']
    result['relay'] = False

    result['activity']['users']['total'] = int_or_none(doc.get('stats', {}).get('user_count'))
    result['activity']['local_posts'] = int_or_none(doc.get('stats', {}).get('status_count'))
github jaywink / federation / federation / entities / View on Github external
for mention in matches:
            splits = mention.split(";")
            if len(splits) == 1:
                self._mentions.add(splits[0].strip(' }'))
            elif len(splits) == 2:
                self._mentions.add(splits[1].strip(' }'))

class OptionalRawContentMixin(RawContentMixin):
    """A version of the RawContentMixin where `raw_content` is not required."""
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

class EntityTypeMixin(BaseEntity):
    Provides a field for entity type.
    entity_type = ""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._required += ["entity_type"]

class ProviderDisplayNameMixin(BaseEntity):
    """Provides a field for provider display name."""
    provider_display_name = ""
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tags = {word.strip("#").lower() for word in self.raw_content.split() if word.startswith("#") and len(word) > 1}
        return sorted(tags)

    def extract_mentions(self):
        matches = re.findall(r'@{([\S ][^{}]+)}', self.raw_content)
        if not matches:
        for mention in matches:
            splits = mention.split(";")
            if len(splits) == 1:
                self._mentions.add(splits[0].strip(' }'))
            elif len(splits) == 2:
                self._mentions.add(splits[1].strip(' }'))

class OptionalRawContentMixin(RawContentMixin):
    """A version of the RawContentMixin where `raw_content` is not required."""
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

class EntityTypeMixin(BaseEntity):
    Provides a field for entity type.
    entity_type = ""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._required += ["entity_type"]
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def retrieve_and_parse_diaspora_webfinger(handle):
    Retrieve a and parse a remote Diaspora webfinger document.

    :arg handle: Remote handle to retrieve
    :returns: dict
    document = try_retrieve_webfinger_document(handle)
    if document:
        return parse_diaspora_webfinger(document)
    host = handle.split("@")[1]
    hostmeta = retrieve_diaspora_host_meta(host)
    if not hostmeta:
        return None
    url = hostmeta.find_link(rels="lrdd").template.replace("{uri}", quote(handle))
    document, code, exception = fetch_document(url)
    if exception:
        return None
    return parse_diaspora_webfinger(document)
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def retrieve_and_parse_content(
        id: str, guid: str, handle: str, entity_type: str, sender_key_fetcher: Callable[[str], str]=None,
    """Retrieve remote content and return an Entity class instance.

    This is basically the inverse of receiving an entity. Instead, we fetch it, then call "handle_receive".

    :param sender_key_fetcher: Function to use to fetch sender public key. If not given, network will be used
        to fetch the profile and the key. Function must take handle as only parameter and return a public key.
    :returns: Entity object instance or ``None``
    if not validate_handle(handle):
    _username, domain = handle.split("@")
    url = get_fetch_content_endpoint(domain, entity_type.lower(), guid)
    document, status_code, error = fetch_document(url)
    if status_code == 200:
        request = RequestType(body=document)
        _sender, _protocol, entities = handle_receive(request, sender_key_fetcher=sender_key_fetcher)
        if len(entities) > 1:
            logger.warning("retrieve_and_parse_content - more than one entity parsed from remote even though we"
                           "expected only one! ID %s", guid)
        if entities:
            return entities[0]
    elif status_code == 404:
        logger.warning("retrieve_and_parse_content - remote content %s not found", guid)
github jaywink / federation / federation / hostmeta / View on Github external
def fetch_nodeinfo2_document(host):
    doc, status_code, error = fetch_document(host=host, path='/.well-known/x-nodeinfo2')
    if not doc:
        doc = json.loads(doc)
    except json.JSONDecodeError:
    return parse_nodeinfo2_document(doc, host)
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def retrieve_diaspora_hcard(handle):
    Retrieve a remote Diaspora hCard document.

    :arg handle: Remote handle to retrieve
    :return: str (HTML document)
    webfinger = retrieve_and_parse_diaspora_webfinger(handle)
    document, code, exception = fetch_document(webfinger.get("hcard_url"))
    if exception:
        return None
    return document
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def retrieve_diaspora_host_meta(host):
    Retrieve a remote Diaspora host-meta document.

    :arg host: Host to retrieve from
    :returns: ``XRD`` instance
    document, code, exception = fetch_document(host=host, path="/.well-known/host-meta")
    if exception:
        return None
    xrd = XRD.parse_xrd(document)
    return xrd