How to use the function in federation

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few federation examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jaywink / federation / federation / utils / View on Github external
def retrieve_and_parse_diaspora_webfinger(handle):
    Retrieve a and parse a remote Diaspora webfinger document.

    :arg handle: Remote handle to retrieve
    :returns: dict
    document = try_retrieve_webfinger_document(handle)
    if document:
        return parse_diaspora_webfinger(document)
    host = handle.split("@")[1]
    hostmeta = retrieve_diaspora_host_meta(host)
    if not hostmeta:
        return None
    url = hostmeta.find_link(rels="lrdd").template.replace("{uri}", quote(handle))
    document, code, exception = fetch_document(url)
    if exception:
        return None
    return parse_diaspora_webfinger(document)
github jaywink / federation / federation / utils / View on Github external
def get_profile_id_from_webfinger(handle: str) -> Optional[str]:
    Fetch remote webfinger, if any, and try to parse an AS2 profile ID.
    document = try_retrieve_webfinger_document(handle)
    if not document:

        doc = json.loads(document)
    except json.JSONDecodeError:
    for link in doc.get("links", []):
        if link.get("rel") == "self" and link.get("type") == "application/activity+json":
            return link["href"]
    logger.debug("get_profile_id_from_webfinger: found webfinger but it has no as2 self href")