How to use the exabgp.util.character function in exabgp

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github Exa-Networks / exabgp / lib / exabgp / bgp / message / update / nlri / qualifier / View on Github external
def fromElements (cls, prefix, suffix):
			if '.' in prefix:
				data = [character(0),character(1)]
				data.extend([character(int(_)) for _ in prefix.split('.')])
				data.extend([character(suffix >> 8),character(suffix & 0xFF)])
				distinguisher = concat_bytes_i(data)
				number = int(prefix)
				if number < pow(2,16) and suffix < pow(2,32):
					distinguisher = character(0) + character(0) + pack('!H',number) + pack('!L',suffix)
				elif number < pow(2,32) and suffix < pow(2,16):
					distinguisher = character(0) + character(2) + pack('!L',number) + pack('!H',suffix)
					raise ValueError('invalid route-distinguisher %s' % number)

			return cls(distinguisher)
		except ValueError:
			raise ValueError('invalid route-distinguisher %s:%s' % (prefix,suffix))
github Exa-Networks / exabgp / lib / exabgp / bgp / message / View on Github external
def message (self,negotiated=None):
		return self._message(
			character(self.code) +
			character(self.subcode) +
github Exa-Networks / exabgp / lib / exabgp / bgp / message / update / nlri / View on Github external
def pack (self, negotiated=None):
		addpath = self.path_info.pack() if negotiated and negotiated.addpath.send(self.afi,self.safi) else b''
		mask = character(len(self.labels)*8 + self.cidr.mask)
		return addpath + mask + self.labels.pack() + self.cidr.pack_ip()
github Exa-Networks / exabgp / lib / exabgp / configuration / static / View on Github external
if value == ']':
			lc = _large_community(value)
			if lc in large_communities.communities:

	return large_communities

	# header and subheader
	'target':              character(0x00)+character(0x02),
	'target4':             character(0x02)+character(0x02),
	'origin':              character(0x00)+character(0x03),
	'origin4':             character(0x02)+character(0x03),
	'redirect':            character(0x80)+character(0x08),
	'l2info':              character(0x80)+character(0x0A),
	'redirect-to-nexthop': character(0x08)+character(0x00),
	'bandwidth':           character(0x40)+character(0x04),

_SIZE = {
	'target':              2,
	'target4':             2,
	'origin':              2,
	'origin4':             2,
	'redirect':            2,
	'l2info':              4,
	'redirect-to-nexthop': 0,
github Exa-Networks / exabgp / lib / exabgp / bgp / message / update / attribute / View on Github external
def _segment (self, seg_type, values, asn4):
		length = len(values)
		if length:
			if length > 255:
				return self._segment(seg_type,values[:255],asn4) + self._segment(seg_type,values[255:],asn4)
			return concat_bytes(character(seg_type),character(len(values)),concat_bytes_i(v.pack(asn4) for v in values))
		return b""
github Exa-Networks / exabgp / lib / exabgp / bgp / message / update / nlri / View on Github external
def pack_nlri (self, negotiated=None):
		ordered_rules = []
		# the order is a RFC requirement
		for ID in sorted(self.rules.keys()):
			rules = self.rules[ID]
			# for each component get all the operation to do
			# the format use does not prevent two opposing rules meaning that no packet can ever match
			for rule in rules:
				rule.operations &= (CommonOperator.EOL ^ 0xFF)
			rules[-1].operations |= CommonOperator.EOL
			# and add it to the last rule
			if ID not in (FlowDestination.ID,FlowSource.ID):
			ordered_rules.append(concat_bytes_i(rule.pack() for rule in rules))

		components = self.rd.pack() + concat_bytes_i(ordered_rules)

		lc = len(components)
		if lc < 0xF0:
			return concat_bytes(character(lc),components)
		if lc < 0x0FFF:
			return concat_bytes(pack('!H',lc | 0xF000),components)
		raise Notify(3,0,"my administrator attempted to announce a Flow Spec rule larger than encoding allows, protecting the innocent the only way I can")
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def __init__ (self, origin, packed=None):
		self.origin = origin
		self._packed = self._attribute(packed if packed else character(origin))
github Exa-Networks / exabgp / lib / exabgp / configuration / static / View on Github external
def pack_int (afi, integer):
	return concat_bytes_i(character((integer >> (offset * 8)) & 0xff) for offset in range(IP.length(afi)-1,-1,-1))