How to use the exabgp.bgp.message.notification.Notify function in exabgp

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github Exa-Networks / exabgp / lib / exabgp / bgp / message / open / capability / View on Github external
def _key_values (name, data):
			if len(data) < 2:
				raise Notify(2,0,"Bad length for OPEN %s (<2) %s" % (name,Capability.hex(data)))
			ld = ordinal(data[1])
			boundary = ld+2
			if len(data) < boundary:
				raise Notify(2,0,"Bad length for OPEN %s (buffer underrun) %s" % (name,Capability.hex(data)))
			key = ordinal(data[0])
			value = data[2:boundary]
			rest = data[boundary:]
			return key,value,rest
github Exa-Networks / exabgp / lib / exabgp / bgp / message / open / capability / View on Github external
def klass (cls, what):
		if what in cls.registered_capability:
			kls = cls.registered_capability[what]
			kls.ID = what
			return kls
		if cls.unknown_capability:
			return cls.unknown_capability
		raise Notify (2,4,'can not handle capability %s' % what)
github Exa-Networks / exabgp / lib / exabgp / bgp / message / update / attribute / bgpls / link / View on Github external
def unpack (cls,data,length):
		if length != 4:
			raise Notify(3,5, "Unable to decode attribute. Incorrect Size")
			b = BitArray(bytes=data)
			colormask = b.unpack('uintbe:32')
			return cls(colormask=colormask)
github Exa-Networks / exabgp / lib / exabgp / bgp / message / update / nlri / View on Github external
if ID not in (FlowDestination.ID,FlowSource.ID):
			ordered_rules.append(''.join(rule.pack() for rule in rules))

		components = ''.join(ordered_rules)

		if self.safi == SAFI.flow_vpn:
			components = self.rd.pack() + components

		l = len(components)
		if l < 0xF0:
			data = "%s%s" % (chr(l),components)
		elif l < 0x0FFF:
			data = "%s%s" % (pack('!H',l | 0xF000),components)
			raise Notify(3,0,"rule too big for NLRI - how to handle this - does this work ?")
			# data = "%s" % chr(0)

		return data
github Exa-Networks / exabgp / lib / exabgp / bgp / message / update / attributes / View on Github external
raise Notify(3,11,'invalid AS Path type sent %d' % stype)

				end = 2+(slen*length)
				sdata = data[2:end]
				data = data[end:]
				asns = as_choice[stype]

				for i in range(slen):
					asn = unpack(upr,sdata[:length])[0]
					sdata = sdata[length:]

		except IndexError:
			raise Notify(3,11,'not enough data to decode AS_PATH or AS4_PATH')
		except error:  # struct
			raise Notify(3,11,'not enough data to decode AS_PATH or AS4_PATH')

		return klass(as_seq,as_set,backup)
github Exa-Networks / exabgp / lib / exabgp / bgp / message / update / attribute / View on Github external
				attributes = cls().parse(data,negotiated)

			if Attribute.CODE.AS_PATH in attributes and Attribute.CODE.AS4_PATH in attributes:

			if Attribute.CODE.MP_REACH_NLRI not in attributes and Attribute.CODE.MP_UNREACH_NLRI not in attributes:
				cls.previous = data
				cls.cached = attributes
				cls.previous = ''
				cls.cache = None

			return attributes
		except IndexError:
			raise Notify(3,2,data)
github Exa-Networks / exabgp / lib / exabgp / bgp / message / update / attribute / sr / View on Github external
def unpack (cls,data,length):
		v6sid = -1
		if cls.LENGTH != length:
			raise Notify(3,5, "Invalid TLV size. Should be {0} but {1} received".format(cls.LENGTH, length))
		# RESERVED: 24 bit field for future use.  MUST be clear on
		# transmission an MUST be ignored at reception.
		data = data[3:19]
		v6sid = IP.unpack(data)
		return cls(v6sid=v6sid,packed=data)
github Exa-Networks / exabgp / lib / exabgp / bgp / message / update / View on Github external
length = len(data)

		len_withdrawn = unpack('!H',data[0:2])[0]
		withdrawn = data[2:len_withdrawn+2]

		if len(withdrawn) != len_withdrawn:
			raise Notify(3,1,'invalid withdrawn routes length, not enough data available')

		start_attributes = len_withdrawn+4
		len_attributes = unpack('!H',data[len_withdrawn+2:start_attributes])[0]
		start_announced = len_withdrawn+len_attributes+4
		attributes = data[start_attributes:start_announced]
		announced = data[start_announced:]

		if len(attributes) != len_attributes:
			raise Notify(3,1,'invalid total path attribute length, not enough data available')

		if 2 + len_withdrawn + 2 + len_attributes + len(announced) != length:
			raise Notify(3,1,'error in BGP message length, not enough data for the size announced')

		return withdrawn,attributes,announced
github Exa-Networks / exabgp / lib / exabgp / bgp / message / update / nlri / View on Github external
what,bgp = ordinal(bgp[0]),bgp[1:]

			if what not in decode.get(afi,{}):
				raise Notify(3,10,'unknown flowspec component received for address family %d' % what)

			if sorted(seen) != seen:
				raise Notify(3,10,'components are not sent in the right order %s' % seen)

			decoded = decode[afi][what]
			klass = factory[afi][what]

			if decoded == 'prefix':
				adding,bgp = klass.make(bgp)
				if not nlri.add(adding):
					raise Notify(3,10,'components are incompatible (two sources, two destinations, mix ipv4/ipv6) %s' % seen)
				end = False
				while not end:
					byte,bgp = ordinal(bgp[0]),bgp[1:]
					end = CommonOperator.eol(byte)
					operator = CommonOperator.operator(byte)
					length = CommonOperator.length(byte)
					value,bgp = bgp[:length],bgp[length:]
					adding = klass.decoder(value)

		return nlri, bgp+over