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# Ask the user by how many degrees each page should be rotated.
# If the user dosn't select anything, keep displaying the
# buttonbox() element until they do.
choices = ("90", "180", "270")
message = "Rotate the PDF clockwise by how many degrees?"
degrees = None
while degrees is None:
degrees = gui.buttonbox(message, "Choose rotation...", choices)
# Convert the chosen number of degrees to an integer
degrees = int(degrees)
# Ask the user what they would like to call the new PDF and where
# it should be saved.
save_title = "Save the rotated PDF as..."
output_path = gui.filesavebox(title=save_title, default=file_type)
# If the user tries to overwrite the file they originally selected
# for rotation, warn them and ask them to select a new file path.
# Keep doing this until a valid file path is chosen.
warn_title = "Warning!"
warn_message = "Cannot overwrite original file!"
while input_path == output_path:
gui.msgbox(warn_message, warn_title)
output_path = gui.filesavebox(title=save_title, default=file_type)
# If nothing was returned by gui.fileopenbox(), the user either hit
# cancel or closed the window so we should exit the program.
if output_path is None:
# Open the input PDF, rotate all of the pages, and add the rotated
easygui.msgbox('I had a problem with an event. I think I might have gotten through about {0} events and had trouble with an event with subject: {1}. Sorry!'.format(rownum, row['Subject']))
elif rownum == 0:
easygui.msgbox('Looks like I didn\'t even get through the first event. Sorry!')
easygui.msgbox('Somehow it looks like I processed negative events... that shouldn\'t have happened. Sorry!')
# Write final .ics file to same directory as input file.
if isdir(expanduser('~/Desktop')):
f = open(easygui.filesavebox(msg='Save .ics File', title='', default=expanduser('~/Desktop/') + 'calendar.ics', filetypes=['*.ics']), 'wb')
f = open(easygui.filesavebox(msg='Save .ics File', title='', default=expanduser('~/') + 'calendar.ics', filetypes=['*.ics']), 'wb')
# For testing comment 4 lines above (2 x if / else) and use this:
# f = open('path_to_tester.csvcalendar.ics', 'wb')
except Exception, e:
easygui.msgbox('Looks like the conversion went okay, but there was some kind of error writing the file. Sorry!')
def writeImageToFile(img, mask):
# The mask of the signature can be used as the alpha channel of the image
b, g, r = cv2.split(img)
imgWithAlpha = cv2.merge((b, g, r, mask))
file = easygui.filesavebox()
fileName = file + '.png'
if fileName is None:
errorPrompt('No Name Selected')
cv2.imwrite(fileName, imgWithAlpha)
# 9. Ask for the location to save the extracted pages
output_file_path = gui.filesavebox("", "Save the trimmed PDF as...", "*.pdf")
# 10. If the user does not select a save location, exit the program.
if output_file_path is None:
# 11. If the chosen save location is the same as the input file path:
# - Warn the user that they can not overwrite the input file.
# - Return the step 9.
while input_file_path == output_file_path: # cannot use same file as input
"Cannot overwrite original file!", "Please choose another file..."
output_file_path = gui.filesavebox(
"", "Save the trimmed PDF as...", "*.pdf"
if output_file_path is None:
# 12. Perform the page extraction
output_PDF = PdfFileWriter()
for page_num in range(int(page_start) - 1, int(page_end)):
page = input_file.getPage(page_num)
with open(output_file_path, "wb") as output_file:
def savefile(oldtext, text):
filename = easygui.filesavebox() # return None if user click Cancel
if filename == None:
return # user selected Cancel
output = open(filename, "a") # a: append
output.write("\n- - - - -\n{}\n{}".format(oldtext, text))
action = easygui.choicebox(msg, title='olebrowse', choices=actions)
if action is None or 'Back' in action:
elif action.startswith('Hex'):
data = ole.openstream(stream).getvalue()
ezhexviewer.hexview_data(data, msg='Stream: %s' % stream, title='olebrowse')
## elif action.startswith('Text'):
## data = ole.openstream(stream).getvalue()
## easygui.codebox(title='Text view - %s' % stream, text=data)
## elif action.startswith('Repr'):
## data = ole.openstream(stream).getvalue()
## easygui.codebox(title='Repr view - %s' % stream, text=repr(data))
elif action.startswith('Save'):
data = ole.openstream(stream).getvalue()
fname = easygui.filesavebox(default='stream.bin')
if fname is not None:
f = open(fname, 'wb')
easygui.msgbox('stream saved to file %s' % fname)
def _get_file_name(self, extension="txt"):
This returns the name of a file the user wants to save as
or None if the user cancels or does not name a file.
filename = easygui.filesavebox(msg = "Where do you want to save the file (extension %s will automatically be added)?" %(extension))
# User cancelled.
if filename is None:
return None
filename = filename + "." + extension
# Check for file existence and ask if it is OK to overwrite the file.
if os.path.exists(filename):
ok_to_overwrite = easygui.buttonbox(msg="File %s already exists. Overwrite?" %(filename), choices = ("No", "Yes") )
if ok_to_overwrite == "Yes":
return filename
return None
return filename
def _save_file_dialogs(self, extension = "txt"):
def Choice_Backup_Live():
rightnow =
defaultfilename = rightnow.strftime("%B")
defaultfilename = defaultfilename[:3]
if easygui.ynbox('Online Backup?') == 1:
ynonline = "online"
ynonline = ""
easygui.msgbox(msg='After selecting Source, Destination & Online please wait, this can take a while and you will see no progress bar.')
'Select database to backup',
'Filename to backup to',
default=PilotApp.Settings['EpicorDBDir']+'\\'+ defaultfilename + 'live' + str( ) ),