How to use the function in easybuild

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few easybuild examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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# optimized build, no error checking, timing or debug info
            add_configopts += '--enable-fast '

        # enable shared libraries, using GCC and GNU ld options
        add_configopts += '--enable-shared --enable-sharedlibs=gcc '

        # enable Fortran 77/90 and C++ bindings
        add_configopts += '--enable-f77 --enable-fc --enable-cxx '

        # MVAPICH configure script complains when F90 or F90FLAGS are set,
        # they should be replaced with FC/FCFLAGS instead
        for (envvar, new_envvar) in [("F90", "FC"), ("F90FLAGS", "FCFLAGS")]:
            envvar_val = os.getenv(envvar)
            if envvar_val:
                if not os.getenv(new_envvar):
                    env.setvar(new_envvar, envvar_val)
                    env.setvar(envvar, '')
                    self.log.error("Both %(ev)s and %(nev)s set, can I overwrite %(nev)s with %(ev)s (%(evv)s) ?" %
                                      'ev': envvar,
                                      'nev': new_envvar,
                                      'evv': envvar_val

        # enable specific support options (if desired)
        if self.cfg['withmpe']:
            add_configopts += '--enable-mpe '
        if self.cfg['withlimic2']:
            add_configopts += '--enable-limic2 '
        if self.cfg['withchkpt']:
            add_configopts += '--enable-checkpointing --with-hydra-ckpointlib=blcr '
github easybuilders / JSC / Custom_EasyBlocks / 2018b / View on Github external
if impi_root:
                # put wrappers for Intel MPI compiler wrappers in place
                # (required to make sure license server and I_MPI_ROOT are found)
                for compiler in (os.getenv('MPICC'), os.getenv('MPICXX')):
                    self.write_wrapper(wrapper_dir, compiler, os.getenv('I_MPI_ROOT'))
                use_wrapper = True
                # set correct value for MPI_HOME
                mpi_home = os.path.join(impi_root, 'intel64')
                self.log.debug("MPI module name: %s", self.toolchain.MPI_MODULE_NAME[0])
                mpi_home = get_software_root(self.toolchain.MPI_MODULE_NAME[0])

            self.log.debug("Derived value for MPI_HOME: %s", mpi_home)

        if use_wrapper:
            env.setvar('PATH', os.pathsep.join([wrapper_dir, os.getenv('PATH')]))



        cuda_root = get_software_root('CUDA')
        cudnn_root = get_software_root('cuDNN')
        opencl_root = get_software_root('OpenCL')
        tensorrt_root = get_software_root('TensorRT')
        nccl_root = get_software_root('NCCL')

        config_env_vars = {
            'CC_OPT_FLAGS': os.getenv('CXXFLAGS'),
            'MPI_HOME': mpi_home,
            'PYTHON_BIN_PATH': self.python_cmd,
            'PYTHON_LIB_PATH': os.path.join(self.installdir, self.pylibdir),
github easybuilders / easybuild-framework / easybuild / tools / View on Github external
# avoid having special characters like '[' and ']' in the tmpdir pathname,
    # it is known to cause problems (e.g., with Python install tools, CUDA's nvcc, etc.);
    # only common characteris like alphanumeric, '_', '-', '.' and '/' are retained; others are converted to 'X'
    special_chars_regex = r'[^\w/.-]'
    if, current_tmpdir):
        current_tmpdir = re.sub(special_chars_regex, 'X', current_tmpdir)"Detected special characters in path to temporary directory, replacing them to avoid trouble: %s")
        except OSError as err:
            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to create path to temporary directory %s: %s", current_tmpdir, err)"Temporary directory used in this EasyBuild run: %s" % current_tmpdir)

    for var in ['TMPDIR', 'TEMP', 'TMP']:
        env.setvar(var, current_tmpdir, verbose=False)

    # reset to make sure tempfile picks up new temporary directory to use
    tempfile.tempdir = None

    # test if temporary directory allows to execute files, warn if it doesn't
        fd, tmptest_file = tempfile.mkstemp()
        os.chmod(tmptest_file, 0o700)
        if not run_cmd(tmptest_file, simple=True, log_ok=False, regexp=False, force_in_dry_run=True, trace=False,
            msg = "The temporary directory (%s) does not allow to execute files. " % tempfile.gettempdir()
            msg += "This can cause problems in the build process, consider using --tmpdir."
            if raise_error:
                raise EasyBuildError(msg)
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elif type(dontset) == list:
            dontsetlist = dontset

        for key, val in self.vars.items():
            if key in dontsetlist:
                self.log.debug("Not setting environment variable %s (value: %s)." % (key, val))

            self.log.debug("Setting environment variable %s to %s" % (key, val))
            env.setvar(key, val)

            # also set unique named variables that can be used in Makefiles
            # - so you can have 'CFLAGS = $(EBVARCFLAGS)'
            # -- 'CLFLAGS = $(CFLAGS)' gives  '*** Recursive variable `CFLAGS'
            # references itself (eventually).  Stop' error
            env.setvar("EBVAR%s" % key, val)
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# complete template script and put it in place
                cmd_wrapper_txt = read_file(rpath_wrapper_template) % {
                    'orig_cmd': orig_cmd,
                    'python': sys.executable,
                    'rpath_args_py': rpath_args_py,
                    'rpath_filter': rpath_filter,
                    'rpath_include': rpath_include,
                    'rpath_wrapper_log': rpath_wrapper_log,
                    'wrapper_dir': wrapper_dir,
                write_file(cmd_wrapper, cmd_wrapper_txt)
                adjust_permissions(cmd_wrapper, stat.S_IXUSR)
      "Wrapper script for %s: %s (log: %s)", orig_cmd, which(cmd), rpath_wrapper_log)

                # prepend location to this wrapper to $PATH
                setvar('PATH', '%s:%s' % (wrapper_dir, os.getenv('PATH')))
                self.log.debug("Not installing RPATH wrapper for non-existing command '%s'", cmd)
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# workaround for mktmp: create tmp dir and use it
        tmpdir = os.path.join(self.cfg['start_dir'], 'mytmpdir')
            self.log.exception("Directory %s can't be created" % (tmpdir))
        tmppathopt = ''
        if self.cfg['usetmppath']:
            env.setvar('TMP_PATH', tmpdir)
            tmppathopt = "-t %s" % tmpdir

        # set some extra env variables
        env.setvar('VERBOSE_MODE', '1')

        env.setvar('INSTALL_PATH', self.installdir)

        # perform installation
        cmd = "./ %s -s %s" % (tmppathopt, silentcfg)
        return run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)
github easybuilders / easybuild-framework / easybuild / tools / toolchain / View on Github external
def prepare_compiler_cache(self, cache_tool):
        Prepare for using specified compiler caching tool (e.g., ccache, f90cache)

        :param cache_tool: name of compiler caching tool to prepare for
        compilers = self.comp_cache_compilers(cache_tool)
        self.log.debug("Using compiler cache tool '%s' for compilers: %s", cache_tool, compilers)

        # set paths that should be used by compiler caching tool
        comp_cache_path = build_option('use_%s' % cache_tool)
        setvar('%s_DIR' % cache_tool.upper(), comp_cache_path)
        setvar('%s_TEMPDIR' % cache_tool.upper(), tempfile.mkdtemp())

        cache_path = which(cache_tool)
        if cache_path is None:
            raise EasyBuildError("%s binary not found in $PATH, required by --use-compiler-cache", cache_tool)
            self.symlink_commands({cache_tool: (cache_path, compilers)})

        self.log.debug("Cached compilers (after preparing for %s): %s", cache_tool, self.cached_compilers)
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# create expected directories
        abs_pylibdir = os.path.join(self.installdir, self.pylibdir)
        mkdir(abs_pylibdir, parents=True)

        # set PYTHONPATH as expected
        pythonpath = os.getenv('PYTHONPATH')
        env.setvar('PYTHONPATH', ":".join([x for x in [abs_pylibdir, pythonpath] if x is not None]))

        # actually install Python package
        tup = (self.cfg['preinstallopts'], self.installdir, self.cfg['installopts'])
        cmd = "%s python install --prefix=%s %s" % tup
        run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)

        # restore PYTHONPATH if it was set
        if pythonpath is not None:
            env.setvar('PYTHONPATH', pythonpath)
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dry_run_msg("Defining build environment...\n", silent=not verbose)

        donotsetlist = []
        if isinstance(donotset, str):
            # TODO : more legacy code that should be using proper type
            raise EasyBuildError("_setenv_variables: using commas-separated list. should be deprecated.")
        elif isinstance(donotset, list):
            donotsetlist = donotset

        for key, val in sorted(self.vars.items()):
            if key in donotsetlist:
                self.log.debug("_setenv_variables: not setting environment variable %s (value: %s).", key, val)

            self.log.debug("_setenv_variables: setting environment variable %s to %s", key, val)
            setvar(key, val, verbose=verbose)

            # also set unique named variables that can be used in Makefiles
            # - so you can have 'CFLAGS = $(EBVARCFLAGS)'
            # -- 'CLFLAGS = $(CFLAGS)' gives  '*** Recursive variable `CFLAGS'
            # references itself (eventually).  Stop' error
            setvar("EBVAR%s" % key, val, verbose=False)