How to use the function in easybuild

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few easybuild examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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# JasPer dependency check + setting env vars
        jasper = get_software_root('JasPer')
        jasperlibdir = os.path.join(jasper, "lib")
        if jasper:
            env.set('JASPERINC', os.path.join(jasper, "include"))
            env.set('JASPERLIB', jasperlibdir)

            if os.getenv('JASPERINC') or os.getenv('JASPERLIB'):
                self.log.error("JasPer module not loaded, but JASPERINC and/or JASPERLIB still set?")
      "JasPer module not loaded, assuming that's OK...")

        # enable support for large file support in netCDF
        env.set('WRFIO_NCD_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT', '1')

        # patch arch/ script, so that run_cmd_qa receives all output to answer questions
        patch_perl_script_autoflush(os.path.join("arch", ""))

        # determine build type option to look for
        build_type_option = None
        self.comp_fam = self.toolkit().comp_family()
        if self.comp_fam == toolkit.INTEL:
            build_type_option = "Linux x86_64 i486 i586 i686, ifort compiler with icc"

        elif self.comp_fam == toolkit.GCC:
            build_type_option = "x86_64 Linux, gfortran compiler with gcc"

            self.log.error("Don't know how to figure out build type to select.")
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def prepare(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Prepare to use this toolchain; define $CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE if 'dynamic' toolchain option is enabled."""
        super(CrayPECompiler, self).prepare(*args, **kwargs)

        if self.options['dynamic'] or self.options['shared']:
            self.log.debug("Enabling building of shared libs/dynamically linked executables via $CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE")
            env.setvar('CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE', 'dynamic')
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            (True, lambda x: env.reset_changes),
            (True, lambda x: x.handle_iterate_opts),
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def install_step(self):
        """CPLEX has an interactive installer, so use Q&A"""

        tmpdir = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'tmp')

        except OSError, err:
            self.log.exception("Failed to prepare for installation: %s" % err)

        env.setvar('IATEMPDIR', tmpdir)
        dst = os.path.join(self.builddir, self.src[0]['name'])

        # Run the source
        cmd = "%s -i console" % dst

        qanda = {
                 "PRESS  TO CONTINUE:":"",
                 'Press Enter to continue viewing the license agreement, or enter' \
                 ' "1" to accept the agreement, "2" to decline it, "3" to print it,' \
                 ' or "99" to go back to the previous screen.:':'1',
                 'ENTER AN ABSOLUTE PATH, OR PRESS  TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT :':self.installdir,
                 'IS THIS CORRECT? (Y/N):':'y',
                 'PRESS  TO INSTALL:':"",
                 "PRESS  TO EXIT THE INSTALLER:":"",
                 "CHOOSE LOCALE BY NUMBER:":"",
                 "Choose Instance Management Option:":""
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def sanity_check_rpath(self, rpath_dirs=None):
        """Sanity check binaries/libraries w.r.t. RPATH linking."""

        fails = []

        # hard reset $LD_LIBRARY_PATH before running RPATH sanity check
        orig_env = env.unset_env_vars(['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'])

        self.log.debug("$LD_LIBRARY_PATH during RPATH sanity check: %s", os.getenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '(empty)'))
        self.log.debug("List of loaded modules: %s", self.modules_tool.list())

        not_found_regex = re.compile('not found', re.M)
        readelf_rpath_regex = re.compile('(RPATH)', re.M)

        if rpath_dirs is None:
            rpath_dirs = ['bin', 'lib', 'lib64']
  "Using default subdirs for binaries/libraries to verify RPATH linking: %s", rpath_dirs)
  "Using specified subdirs for binaries/libraries to verify RPATH linking: %s", rpath_dirs)

        for dirpath in [os.path.join(self.installdir, d) for d in rpath_dirs]:
            if os.path.exists(dirpath):
                self.log.debug("Sanity checking RPATH for files in %s", dirpath)
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        except IOError, err:
            self.log.error("Failed to patch %s script: %s" % (self.compile_script, err))

        # libpng dependency check
        libpng = get_software_root('libpng')
        libpnginc = "%s/include" % libpng
        libpnglibdir = "%s/lib" % libpng
        if not libpng:
            self.log.error("libpng module not loaded?")

        # JasPer dependency check + setting env vars
        jasper = get_software_root('JasPer')
        jasperlibdir = os.path.join(jasper, "lib")
        if jasper:
            env.set('JASPERINC', os.path.join(jasper, "include"))
            env.set('JASPERLIB', jasperlibdir)
            self.log.error("JasPer module not loaded?")

        # patch ungrib Makefile so that JasPer is found
        fn = os.path.join("ungrib", "src", "Makefile")
        jasperlibs = "-L%s -ljasper -L%s -lpng" % (jasperlibdir, libpnglibdir)
            for line in fileinput.input(fn, inplace=1, backup='.orig.JasPer'):
                line = re.sub(r"^(\s*-L\.\s*-l\$\(LIBTARGET\))(\s*;.*)$", r"\1 %s\2" % jasperlibs, line)
                line = re.sub(r"^(\s*\$\(COMPRESSION_LIBS\))(\s*;.*)$", r"\1 %s\2" % jasperlibs, line)
        except IOError, err:
            self.log.error("Failed to patch %s: %s" % (fn, err))

        # patch arch/ script, so that run_cmd_qa receives all output to answer questions
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Usage: module load name, which loads the module you want to use. $EBDEVELNAME should then be the full path
        to the devel module file. So now you can module load $EBDEVELNAME.

        WARNING: you cannot unload using $EBDEVELNAME (for now: use module unload `basename $EBDEVELNAME`)
        """"Making devel module...")

        # load fake module
        fake_mod_data = self.load_fake_module(purge=True)

        mod_gen = ModuleGenerator(self)
        header = "#%Module\n"

        env_txt = ""
        for (key, val) in env.changes.items():
            # check if non-empty string
            # TODO: add unset for empty vars?
            if val.strip():
                env_txt += mod_gen.set_environment(key, val)

        load_txt = ""
        # capture all the EBDEVEL vars
        # these should be all the dependencies and we should load them
        for key in os.environ:
            # legacy support
            if key.startswith(DEVEL_ENV_VAR_NAME_PREFIX) or key.startswith("SOFTDEVEL"):
                if key.startswith("SOFTDEVEL"):
                    self.log.deprecated("Environment variable SOFTDEVEL* being relied on", "2.0")
                if not key.endswith(convert_name(, upper=True)):
                    path = os.environ[key]
                    if os.path.isfile(path):
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def set_netcdf_env_vars(log):
    """Set netCDF environment variables used by other software."""

    netcdf = get_software_root('netCDF')
    if not netcdf:
        log.error("netCDF module not loaded?")
        env.setvar('NETCDF', netcdf)
        log.debug("Set NETCDF to %s" % netcdf)
        netcdff = get_software_root('netCDF-Fortran')
        netcdf_ver = get_software_version('netCDF')
        if not netcdff:
            if LooseVersion(netcdf_ver) >= LooseVersion("4.2"):
                log.error("netCDF v4.2 no longer supplies Fortran library, also need netCDF-Fortran")
            env.setvar('NETCDFF', netcdff)
            log.debug("Set NETCDFF to %s" % netcdff)
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fail_msg = "Failed to run 'readelf %s': %s" % (path, out)
                        elif not
                            fail_msg = "No '(RPATH)' found in 'readelf -d' output for %s: %s" % (path, out)
                            self.log.debug("Output of 'readelf -d %s' checked, looks OK", path)

                        self.log.debug("%s is not dynamically linked, so skipping it in RPATH sanity check", path)
                self.log.debug("Not sanity checking files in non-existing directory %s", dirpath)


        return fails
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add_configopts += '--enable-fast '

        # enable shared libraries, using GCC and GNU ld options
        add_configopts += '--enable-shared --enable-sharedlibs=gcc '

        # enable Fortran 77/90 and C++ bindings
        add_configopts += '--enable-f77 --enable-fc --enable-cxx '

        # MVAPICH configure script complains when F90 or F90FLAGS are set,
        # they should be replaced with FC/FCFLAGS instead
        for (envvar, new_envvar) in [("F90", "FC"), ("F90FLAGS", "FCFLAGS")]:
            envvar_val = os.getenv(envvar)
            if envvar_val:
                if not os.getenv(new_envvar):
                    env.setvar(new_envvar, envvar_val)
                    env.setvar(envvar, '')
                    self.log.error("Both %(ev)s and %(nev)s set, can I overwrite %(nev)s with %(ev)s (%(evv)s) ?" %
                                      'ev': envvar,
                                      'nev': new_envvar,
                                      'evv': envvar_val

        # enable specific support options (if desired)
        if self.cfg['withmpe']:
            add_configopts += '--enable-mpe '
        if self.cfg['withlimic2']:
            add_configopts += '--enable-limic2 '
        if self.cfg['withchkpt']:
            add_configopts += '--enable-checkpointing --with-hydra-ckpointlib=blcr '