How to use the duecredit.entries.DueCreditEntry function in duecredit

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few duecredit examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def _process_rawentry(self):

    def __repr__(self):
        args = [repr(self._rawentry),
        args = ", ".join(args)
        return self.__class__.__name__ + '({0})'.format(args)

    def format(self):
        # TODO: return nice formatting of the entry
        return str(self._rawentry)

class BibTeX(DueCreditEntry):
    def __init__(self, bibtex, key=None):
        super(BibTeX, self).__init__(bibtex.strip())
        self._key = None
        self._reference = None
        if key is not None:
            # use the one provided, not the parsed one
            lgr.debug("Replacing parsed key %s for BibTeX with the provided %s",
                      self._key, key)
            self._key = key

    def _process_rawentry(self):
        reg = re.match("\s*@(?P\S*)\s*\{\s*(?P\S*)\s*,.*",
                       self._rawentry, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        matches = reg.groupdict()
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def cite(self, entry, **kwargs):
        # TODO: if cite is invoked but no path is provided -- we must figure it out
        # I guess from traceback, otherwise how would we know later to associate it
        # with modules???
        path = kwargs.get('path', None)
        if path is None:
            raise ValueError('path must be provided')

        if isinstance(entry, DueCreditEntry):
            # new one -- add it
            entry_ = self._entries[entry.get_key()]
            entry_ = self._entries[entry]

        entry_key = entry_.get_key()
        citation_key = Citation.get_key(path=path, entry_key=entry_key)
            citation = self.citations[citation_key]
        except KeyError:
            self.citations[citation_key] = citation = Citation(entry_, **kwargs)
        assert(citation.key == citation_key)
        # update citation count
        citation.count += 1
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class Text(DueCreditEntry):
    """Just a free text entry without any special super powers in rendering etc
    pass  # nothing special I guess

class Doi(DueCreditEntry):

    def doi(self):
        return self._rawentry

class Url(DueCreditEntry):

    def url(self):
        return self._rawentry
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        if key is not None:
            # use the one provided, not the parsed one
            lgr.debug("Replacing parsed key %s for BibTeX with the provided %s",
                      self._key, key)
            self._key = key

    def _process_rawentry(self):
        reg = re.match("\s*@(?P\S*)\s*\{\s*(?P\S*)\s*,.*",
                       self._rawentry, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        matches = reg.groupdict()
        self._key = matches['key']

class Text(DueCreditEntry):
    """Just a free text entry without any special super powers in rendering etc
    pass  # nothing special I guess

class Doi(DueCreditEntry):

    def doi(self):
        return self._rawentry

class Url(DueCreditEntry):

    def url(self):
github duecredit / duecredit / duecredit / View on Github external
def _process_rawentry(self):
        reg = re.match("\s*@(?P\S*)\s*\{\s*(?P\S*)\s*,.*",
                       self._rawentry, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        matches = reg.groupdict()
        self._key = matches['key']

class Text(DueCreditEntry):
    """Just a free text entry without any special super powers in rendering etc
    pass  # nothing special I guess

class Doi(DueCreditEntry):

    def doi(self):
        return self._rawentry

class Url(DueCreditEntry):

    def url(self):
        return self._rawentry