How to use the cryptoconditions.PreimageSha256Fulfillment function in cryptoconditions

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cryptoconditions examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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assert b.validate_transaction(threshold_tx_transfer) == threshold_tx_transfer


print(json.dumps(threshold_tx_transfer, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ':')))

Hashlocked Conditions

# Create a hash-locked asset without any owners_after
hashlock_tx = b.create_transaction(, None, None, 'CREATE')

# Define a secret that will be hashed - fulfillments need to guess the secret
secret = b'much secret! wow!'
first_tx_condition = cc.PreimageSha256Fulfillment(preimage=secret)

# The conditions list is empty, so we need to append a new condition
    'condition': {
        'uri': first_tx_condition.condition.serialize_uri()
    'cid': 0,
    'owners_after': None

# Conditions have been updated, so hash needs updating
hashlock_tx['id'] = util.get_hash_data(hashlock_tx)

# The asset needs to be signed by the owner_before
hashlock_tx_signed = b.sign_transaction(hashlock_tx, b.me_private)
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# Some validations
assert b.validate_transaction(hashlock_tx_signed) == hashlock_tx_signed
assert b.is_valid_transaction(hashlock_tx_signed) == hashlock_tx_signed

print(json.dumps(hashlock_tx_signed, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ':')))


hashlockuser_priv, hashlockuser_pub = crypto.generate_key_pair()

# create hashlock fulfillment tx
hashlock_fulfill_tx = b.create_transaction(None, hashlockuser_priv, {'txid': hashlock_tx['id'], 'cid': 0}, 'TRANSFER')

# try a wrong secret
hashlock_fulfill_tx_fulfillment = cc.PreimageSha256Fulfillment(preimage=b'')
hashlock_fulfill_tx['transaction']['fulfillments'][0]['fulfillment'] = \

assert b.is_valid_transaction(hashlock_fulfill_tx) == False

# provide the right secret
hashlock_fulfill_tx_fulfillment = cc.PreimageSha256Fulfillment(preimage=secret)
hashlock_fulfill_tx['transaction']['fulfillments'][0]['fulfillment'] = \

assert b.validate_transaction(hashlock_fulfill_tx) == hashlock_fulfill_tx
assert b.is_valid_transaction(hashlock_fulfill_tx) == hashlock_fulfill_tx

print(json.dumps(hashlock_fulfill_tx, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ':')))
github bigchaindb / bigchaindb-examples / server / lib / models / View on Github external
def create_asset_hashlock(bigchain, payload, secret):
    # Create a hash-locked asset without any new_owners
    hashlock_tx = bigchain.create_transaction(, None, None, 'CREATE', payload=payload)

    hashlock_tx_condition = cc.PreimageSha256Fulfillment(preimage=secret.encode())

    # The conditions list is empty, so we need to append a new condition
        'condition': {
            'details': json.loads(hashlock_tx_condition.serialize_json()),
            'uri': hashlock_tx_condition.condition.serialize_uri()
        'cid': 0,
        'new_owners': None

    # Conditions have been updated, so hash needs updating
    hashlock_tx['id'] = bigchaindb.util.get_hash_data(hashlock_tx)

    # The asset needs to be signed by the current_owner
    hashlock_tx_signed = bigchain.sign_transaction(hashlock_tx, bigchain.me_private)
github bigchaindb / bigchaindb-examples / server / lib / models / View on Github external
def create_asset_hashlock(bigchain, payload, secret):
    # Create a hash-locked asset without any new_owners
    hashlock_tx = bigchain.create_transaction(, None, None, 'CREATE', payload=payload)

    hashlock_tx_condition = cc.PreimageSha256Fulfillment(preimage=secret.encode())

    # The conditions list is empty, so we need to append a new condition
        'condition': {
            'details': hashlock_tx_condition.to_dict(),
            'uri': hashlock_tx_condition.condition.serialize_uri()
        'cid': 0,
        'new_owners': None

    # Conditions have been updated, so hash needs updating
    hashlock_tx['id'] = bigchaindb.util.get_hash_data(hashlock_tx)

    # The asset needs to be signed by the current_owner
    hashlock_tx_signed = bigchain.sign_transaction(hashlock_tx, bigchain.me_private)