How to use the cryptoconditions.InvertedThresholdSha256Fulfillment function in cryptoconditions

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cryptoconditions examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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Escrow Conditions
# retrieve the last transaction of testuser2
tx_retrieved_id = b.get_owned_ids(testuser2_pub).pop()

# Create escrow template with the execute and abort address
tx_escrow = b.create_transaction(testuser2_pub, [testuser2_pub, testuser1_pub], tx_retrieved_id, 'TRANSFER')

# Set expiry time (12 secs from now)
time_sleep = 12
time_expire = str(float(gen_timestamp()) + time_sleep)

# Create escrow and timeout condition
condition_escrow = cc.ThresholdSha256Fulfillment(threshold=1)  # OR Gate
condition_timeout = cc.TimeoutFulfillment(expire_time=time_expire)  # only valid if now() <= time_expire
condition_timeout_inverted = cc.InvertedThresholdSha256Fulfillment(threshold=1)

# Create execute branch
condition_execute = cc.ThresholdSha256Fulfillment(threshold=2)  # AND gate
condition_execute.add_subfulfillment(cc.Ed25519Fulfillment(public_key=testuser1_pub))  # execute address
condition_execute.add_subfulfillment(condition_timeout)  # federation checks on expiry

# Create abort branch
condition_abort = cc.ThresholdSha256Fulfillment(threshold=2)  # AND gate
condition_abort.add_subfulfillment(cc.Ed25519Fulfillment(public_key=testuser2_pub))  # abort address

# Update the condition in the newly created transaction
tx_escrow['transaction']['conditions'][0]['condition'] = {
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payload = asset['transaction']['data']['payload'].copy()
    if ilp_header:
        payload.update({'ilp_header': ilp_header})

    # Create escrow template with the execute and abort address
    asset_escrow = bigchain.create_transaction(source, [source, to], asset_id, 'TRANSFER',
    if not expires_at:
        # Set expiry time (100 secs from now)
        time_sleep = 100
        expires_at = float(bigchaindb.util.timestamp()) + time_sleep

    # Create escrow and timeout condition
    condition_escrow = cc.ThresholdSha256Fulfillment(threshold=1)  # OR Gate
    condition_timeout = cc.TimeoutFulfillment(expire_time=str(expires_at))  # only valid if now() <= time_expire
    condition_timeout_inverted = cc.InvertedThresholdSha256Fulfillment(threshold=1)

    # Create execute branch
    execution_threshold = 3 if execution_condition else 2
    condition_execute = cc.ThresholdSha256Fulfillment(threshold=execution_threshold)  # AND gate
    condition_execute.add_subfulfillment(cc.Ed25519Fulfillment(public_key=to))  # execute address
    condition_execute.add_subfulfillment(condition_timeout)  # federation checks on expiry
    if execution_condition:

    # Create abort branch
    condition_abort = cc.ThresholdSha256Fulfillment(threshold=2)  # AND gate
    condition_abort.add_subfulfillment(cc.Ed25519Fulfillment(public_key=source))  # abort address