How to use the conda._vendor.auxlib.ish.dals function in conda

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few conda examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github conda / conda / conda / base / View on Github external, add an
            entry 'conda-forge:'.
        'custom_multichannels': dals("""
            A multichannel is a metachannel composed of multiple channels. The two reserved
            multichannels are 'defaults' and 'local'. The 'defaults' multichannel is
            customized using the 'default_channels' parameter. The 'local'
            multichannel is a list of file:// channel locations where conda-build stashes
            successfully-built packages.  Other multichannels can be defined with
            custom_multichannels, where the key is the multichannel name and the value is
            a list of channel names and/or channel urls.
        'default_channels': dals("""
            The list of channel names and/or urls used for the 'defaults' multichannel.
        'disallow': dals("""
            Package specifications to disallow installing. The default is to allow
            all packages.
        'envs_dirs': dals("""
            The list of directories to search for named environments. When creating a new
            named environment, the environment will be placed in the first writable
        'force': dals("""
            Override any of conda's objections and safeguards for installing packages and
            potentially breaking environments. Also re-installs the package, even if the
            package is already installed. Implies --no-deps.
        'json': dals("""
            Ensure all output written to stdout is structured json.
github conda / conda / tests / common / View on Github external
- sam
    'file6': dals("""
          - elmer
          - marv  #!bottom
          - bugs
    'file7': dals("""
          - wile
          - daffy  #!top
          - sam    #!top
          - foghorn
    'file8': dals("""
          - pepé  #!bottom
          - marv  #!top
          - wile
          - sam
    'file9': dals("""
        channels: #!final
          - sam
          - pepé
          - marv   #!top
          - daffy  #!bottom
    'bad_boolean': "always_yes: yeah",
    'too_many_aliases': dals("""
        always_yes: yes
github conda / conda / tests / core / View on Github external
def test_cuda_fail_1():
    specs = MatchSpec("cudatoolkit"),

    # No cudatoolkit in index for CUDA 8.0
    with env_var('CONDA_OVERRIDE_CUDA', '8.0'):
        with get_solver_cuda(specs) as solver:
            with pytest.raises(UnsatisfiableError) as exc:
                final_state = solver.solve_final_state()

    assert str(exc.value).strip() == dals("""The following specifications were found to be incompatible with your CUDA driver:
github conda / conda / conda / core / View on Github external
if action == 'pre-link':  # pragma: no cover
        # old no-arch support; deprecated
        is_old_noarch = False
            with open(path) as f:
                script_text = ensure_text_type(
            if ((on_win and "%PREFIX%\\python.exe %SOURCE_DIR%\\" in script_text)
                    or "$PREFIX/bin/python $SOURCE_DIR/" in script_text):
                is_old_noarch = True
        except Exception as e:
            log.debug(e, exc_info=True)

        env['SOURCE_DIR'] = prefix
        if not is_old_noarch:
            Package %s uses a pre-link script. Pre-link scripts are potentially dangerous.
            This is because pre-link scripts have the ability to change the package contents in the
            package cache, and therefore modify the underlying files for already-created conda
            environments.  Future versions of conda may deprecate and ignore pre-link scripts.
            """) % prec.dist_str())

    script_caller = None
    if on_win:
            comspec = os.environ[str('COMSPEC')]
        except KeyError:
  "failed to run %s for %s due to COMSPEC KeyError", action, prec.dist_str())
            return False
        if activate:
            script_caller, command_args = wrap_subprocess_call(
github conda / conda / conda / base / View on Github external
'shortcuts': dals("""
            Allow packages to create OS-specific shortcuts (e.g. in the Windows Start
            Menu) at install time.
        'show_channel_urls': dals("""
            Show channel URLs when displaying what is going to be downloaded.
        'ssl_verify': dals("""
            Conda verifies SSL certificates for HTTPS requests, just like a web
            browser. By default, SSL verification is enabled, and conda operations will
            fail if a required url's certificate cannot be verified. Setting ssl_verify to
            False disables certification verificaiton. The value for ssl_verify can also
            be (1) a path to a CA bundle file, or (2) a path to a directory containing
            certificates of trusted CA.
        'track_features': dals("""
            A list of features that are tracked by default. An entry here is similar to
            adding an entry to the create_default_packages list.
        'use_pip': dals("""
            Include non-conda-installed python packages with conda list. This does not
            affect any conda command or functionality other than the output of the
            command conda list.
        'verbosity': dals("""
            Sets output log level. 0 is warn. 1 is info. 2 is debug. 3 is trace.
github conda / conda / conda / core / View on Github external
def make_file_link_action(source_path_data):
            # TODO: this inner function is still kind of a mess
            noarch = package_info.index_json_record.noarch
            if noarch == NoarchType.python:
                sp_dir = transaction_context['target_site_packages_short_path']
                target_short_path = get_python_noarch_target_path(source_path_data.path, sp_dir)
            elif noarch is None or noarch == NoarchType.generic:
                target_short_path = source_path_data.path
                raise CondaUpgradeError(dals("""
                The current version of conda is too old to install this package.
                Please update conda."""))

            link_type, placeholder, fmode = get_prefix_replace(source_path_data)

            if placeholder:
                return PrefixReplaceLinkAction(transaction_context, package_info,
                                               target_prefix, target_short_path,
                                               placeholder, fmode, source_path_data)
                return LinkPathAction(transaction_context, package_info,
                                      package_info.extracted_package_dir, source_path_data.path,
                                      target_prefix, target_short_path,
github conda / conda / conda / core / View on Github external
def load(self):
        _internal_state = self._load()
        if _internal_state.get("repodata_version", 0) > MAX_REPODATA_VERSION:
            raise CondaUpgradeError(dals("""
                The current version of conda is too old to read repodata from


                (This version only supports repodata_version 1.)
                Please update conda to use this channel.
                """) % self.url_w_repodata_fn)

        self._internal_state = _internal_state
        self._package_records = _internal_state['_package_records']
        self._names_index = _internal_state['_names_index']
        self._track_features_index = _internal_state['_track_features_index']
        self._loaded = True
        return self
github conda / conda / conda / base / View on Github external
(2) just a scheme, which will match requests to that scheme. Values are are
            the actual proxy server, and are of the form
            'scheme://[user:password@]host[:port]'. The optional 'user:password' inclusion
            enables HTTP Basic Auth with your proxy.
        'quiet': dals("""
            Disable progress bar display and other output.
        'remote_connect_timeout_secs': dals("""
            The number seconds conda will wait for your client to establish a connection
            to a remote url resource.
        'remote_max_retries': dals("""
            The maximum number of retries each HTTP connection should attempt.
        'remote_read_timeout_secs': dals("""
            Once conda has connected to a remote resource and sent an HTTP request, the
            read timeout is the number of seconds conda will wait for the server to send
            a response.
        'rollback_enabled': dals("""
            Should any error occur during an unlink/link transaction, revert any disk
            mutations made to that point in the transaction.
        'shortcuts': dals("""
            Allow packages to create OS-specific shortcuts (e.g. in the Windows Start
            Menu) at install time.
        'show_channel_urls': dals("""
            Show channel URLs when displaying what is going to be downloaded.
        'ssl_verify': dals("""
github conda / conda / conda / base / View on Github external
The maximum number of retries each HTTP connection should attempt.
        'remote_read_timeout_secs': dals("""
            Once conda has connected to a remote resource and sent an HTTP request, the
            read timeout is the number of seconds conda will wait for the server to send
            a response.
        'rollback_enabled': dals("""
            Should any error occur during an unlink/link transaction, revert any disk
            mutations made to that point in the transaction.
        'shortcuts': dals("""
            Allow packages to create OS-specific shortcuts (e.g. in the Windows Start
            Menu) at install time.
        'show_channel_urls': dals("""
            Show channel URLs when displaying what is going to be downloaded.
        'ssl_verify': dals("""
            Conda verifies SSL certificates for HTTPS requests, just like a web
            browser. By default, SSL verification is enabled, and conda operations will
            fail if a required url's certificate cannot be verified. Setting ssl_verify to
            False disables certification verificaiton. The value for ssl_verify can also
            be (1) a path to a CA bundle file, or (2) a path to a directory containing
            certificates of trusted CA.
        'track_features': dals("""
            A list of features that are tracked by default. An entry here is similar to
            adding an entry to the create_default_packages list.
        'use_pip': dals("""
            Include non-conda-installed python packages with conda list. This does not
github conda / conda / conda / core / View on Github external
def make_dev_egg_info_file(target_path):
    # target_path: join(conda_source_root, 'conda.egg-info')

    if isfile(target_path):
        with open(target_path) as fh:
            old_contents =
        old_contents = ""

    new_contents = dals("""
    Metadata-Version: 1.1
    Name: conda
    Version: %s
    Platform: UNKNOWN
    Summary: OS-agnostic, system-level binary package manager.
    """) % CONDA_VERSION

    if old_contents == new_contents:
        return Result.NO_CHANGE

    if context.verbosity:
        print('\n', file=sys.stderr)
        print(target_path, file=sys.stderr)
        print(make_diff(old_contents, new_contents), file=sys.stderr)
    if not context.dry_run:
        if lexists(target_path):