How to use cogent3 - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cogent3 examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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data = self._data

        not_array = isinstance(data, str)

        if motif_length == 1:
            counts = CategoryCounter(data)
            if len(data) % motif_length != 0:
                    "%s length not divisible by %s, truncating"
                    % (, motif_length)
            limit = (len(data) // motif_length) * motif_length
            data = data[:limit]
            if not_array:
                counts = CategoryCounter(
                    data[i : i + motif_length] for i in range(0, limit, motif_length)
                counts = CategoryCounter(
                    tuple(v) for v in data.reshape(limit // motif_length, motif_length)
        if not not_array:
            for key in list(counts):
                indices = [key] if motif_length == 1 else key
                motif = self.alphabet.to_chars(indices).astype(str)
                motif = "".join(motif)
                counts[motif] = counts.pop(key)

        exclude = []
        if not include_ambiguity or not allow_gap:
            is_degen = self.moltype.is_degenerate
github cogent3 / cogent3 / tests / test_util / View on Github external
d = Delegator(l)
        c = copy(d)
        assert c is not d
        assert c._handler is d._handler

    def test_deepcopy(self):
        """copy.deepcopy should work correctly on Delegator"""
        l = ["a"]
        d = Delegator(l)
        c = deepcopy(d)
        assert c is not d
        assert c._handler is not d._handler
        assert c._handler == d._handler

class FunctionWrapperTests(TestCase):
    """Tests of the FunctionWrapper class"""

    def test_init(self):
        """FunctionWrapper should initialize with any callable"""
        f = FunctionWrapper(str)
        g = FunctionWrapper(id)
        h = FunctionWrapper(iterable)
        x = 3
        self.assertEqual(f(x), "3")
        self.assertEqual(g(x), id(x))
        self.assertEqual(h(x), [3])

    def test_copy(self):
        """copy should work for FunctionWrapper objects"""
        f = FunctionWrapper(str)
        c = copy(f)
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def test_init(self):
        """Dict2D init should work as expected"""
        # NOTE: currently only tests init from dict of dicts. Other initializers
        # are tested in the test_guess_input* and test_from* methods

        # should compare equal to the relevant dict
        for d in [self.empty, self.single_same, self.single_diff, self.dense,
            d2d = Dict2D(d)
            self.assertEqual(d2d, d)
            self.assertEqual(d2d.__class__, Dict2D)
        # spot-check values
        d2d = Dict2D(self.sparse)
        self.assertEqual(d2d['a']['c'], 3)
        self.assertEqual(d2d['d']['b'], 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(d2d), 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(d2d['a']), 2)
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, d2d.__getitem__, 'c')
        # check truth values
        assert not Dict2D(self.empty)
        assert Dict2D(self.single_same)
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    return applications

class FastSlowDistTests(TestCase):
    seqs1 = make_unaligned_seqs(_seqs1, moltype=DNA)
    seqs2 = make_unaligned_seqs(_seqs2, moltype=DNA)
    seqs3 = make_unaligned_seqs(_seqs3, moltype=DNA)
    seqs4 = make_unaligned_seqs(_seqs4, moltype=DNA)
    seqs5 = make_unaligned_seqs(_seqs5, moltype=PROTEIN)

    def test_init(self):
        """tests if fast_slow_dist can be initialised correctly"""

        fast_slow_dist = dist_app.fast_slow_dist(fast_calc="hamming", moltype="dna")
        self.assertIsInstance(fast_slow_dist.fast_calc, HammingPair)

        fast_slow_dist = dist_app.fast_slow_dist(distance="TN93")
        self.assertIsInstance(fast_slow_dist.fast_calc, TN93Pair)
        self.assertEqual(, "TN93")
        fast_slow_dist = dist_app.fast_slow_dist(distance="GTR")
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def test_write(self):
        """exercising write method"""
        data = [[3, 7], [2, 8], [5, 5]]
        darr = DictArrayTemplate(list("ABC"), list("ab")).wrap(data)
        with TemporaryDirectory(dir=".") as dirname:
            outpath = os.path.join(dirname, "delme.tsv")
            with open(outpath) as infile:
                contents = [l.strip().split() for l in infile]
            header = contents.pop(0)
            self.assertEqual(header, ["dim-1", "dim-2", "value"])
            got = {(k1, k2): int(v) for k1, k2, v in contents}
            self.assertEqual(got, darr.to_dict(flatten=True))
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def test_pickle_unpickle(self):
        """roundtrip via pickling"""
        data = {
            "edge.parent": {"NineBande": "root", "edge.1": "root",},
            "x": {"NineBande": 1.0, "edge.1": 1.0,},
            "length": {"NineBande": 4.0, "edge.1": 4.0,},
            "y": {"NineBande": 3.0, "edge.1": 3.0,},
            "z": {"NineBande": 6.0, "edge.1": 6.0,},
            "": {"NineBande": "NineBande", "edge.1": "edge.1",},
        t = Table(
            data=data, max_width=50, index="", title="My title", legend="blah",
        # via string
        s = pickle.dumps(t)
        r = pickle.loads(s)
        self.assertEqual(str(t), str(r))
        # via file
        with TemporaryDirectory(".") as dirname:
            path = pathlib.Path(dirname) / "table.pickle"
            r = load_table(path)
            self.assertEqual(str(t), str(r))
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def test_repr_html_(self):
        """should produce html"""
        # no index
        t = Table(header=self.t8_header, data=self.t8_rows)
        _ = t._repr_html_()
        # with an index
        t = Table(header=self.t8_header, data=self.t8_rows, index="")
        _ = t._repr_html_()

        # data has tuples in an array
        data = dict(
            key=numpy.array([("a", "c"), ("b", "c"), ("a", "d")], dtype="O"),
            count=[1, 3, 2],
        t = Table(data=data)
        _ = t._repr_html_()
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def test_distinct_values(self):
        """test the table distinct_values method"""
        t1 = Table(header=self.t1_header, data=self.t1_rows)
        self.assertEqual(len(t1.distinct_values("chrom")), 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(t1.distinct_values("stableid")), 10)
        self.assertEqual(len(t1.distinct_values("length")), 10)

        t2 = Table(header=self.t2_header, data=self.t2_rows)
        self.assertEqual(len(t2.distinct_values("id")), 5)
        self.assertEqual(len(t2.distinct_values("foo")), 3)
        self.assertEqual(len(t2.distinct_values("bar")), 5)
        d = t2.distinct_values("foo")
        self.assertEqual(d, {"cab", "bca", "abc"})
github cogent3 / cogent3 / tests / test_util / View on Github external
def test_keys_are_str(self):
        """all column headers converted to str"""
        t = Table(header=["col 1", 2], data=[[0, 1]])
        self.assertEqual(t.header, ("col 1", "2"))
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def test_specifying_space(self):
        """controls spacing in simple format"""
        space = "        "
        t4 = Table(header=self.t1_header, data=self.t1_rows)
        orig = len(str(t4).splitlines()[1])
        t4 = Table(header=self.t1_header, data=self.t1_rows, space=space)
        got1 = len(str(t4).splitlines()[1])
        self.assertTrue(got1 > orig)
        # repr is same
        got2 = len(repr(t4).splitlines()[1])
        self.assertEqual(got1, got2)