How to use the cogent3.maths.stats.number.CategoryCounter function in cogent3

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github cogent3 / cogent3 / src / cogent3 / core / View on Github external
data = self._data

        not_array = isinstance(data, str)

        if motif_length == 1:
            counts = CategoryCounter(data)
            if len(data) % motif_length != 0:
                    "%s length not divisible by %s, truncating"
                    % (, motif_length)
            limit = (len(data) // motif_length) * motif_length
            data = data[:limit]
            if not_array:
                counts = CategoryCounter(
                    data[i : i + motif_length] for i in range(0, limit, motif_length)
                counts = CategoryCounter(
                    tuple(v) for v in data.reshape(limit // motif_length, motif_length)
        if not not_array:
            for key in list(counts):
                indices = [key] if motif_length == 1 else key
                motif = self.alphabet.to_chars(indices).astype(str)
                motif = "".join(motif)
                counts[motif] = counts.pop(key)

        exclude = []
        if not include_ambiguity or not allow_gap:
            is_degen = self.moltype.is_degenerate
github cogent3 / cogent3 / tests / test_maths / test_stats / View on Github external
def test_add(self):
        """allow adding elements, or series"""
        nums = number.CategoryCounter("AAAACCCGGGGT")
        nums += "A"
        self.assertEqual(nums["A"], 5)
github cogent3 / cogent3 / src / cogent3 / evolve / View on Github external
def make_weights(counts, n):
    """Return the weights for replacement states for each possible character.
    We compute the weight as the normalized frequency of the replacement state
    divided by 2*n."""
    char_prob = list(counts.to_freqs().items())
    weights = []
    for C, P in char_prob:
        alts = CategoryFreqs({c: p for c, p in char_prob if c != C})
        alts = alts.to_normalized()
        alts = CategoryCounter({c: w / (2 * n) for c, w in list(alts.items())})
        weights += [(C, alts)]
    return weights
github cogent3 / cogent3 / src / cogent3 / evolve / View on Github external
# exclude_hanlder == ignore_excludes, so I explicitly
    # check, and bypass this block if possible.
    if exclude_handler != ignore_excludes:
        for col in (col1, col2):
            states = set(col)
            for exclude in excludes:
                if exclude in states:
                        col = exclude_handler(col, excludes)
                    except TypeError:
                        return null_value

    # Calculate entropy of pos1 & pos2, if they weren't passed in.
    if not h1:
        h1 = CategoryCounter(col1).entropy
    if not h2:
        h2 = CategoryCounter(col2).entropy
    # Calculate the joint entropy of pos1 & pos2
    joint_h = joint_entropy(col1, col2)
    # Calculate MI using the specified method -- return null_value when
    # the specified MI cannot be calculated
    # (e.g., mi_calculator=nmi and joint_h=0.0)
        result = mi_calculator(h1, h2, joint_h)
        if result <= ROUND_ERROR:
            result = 0.0
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        result = null_value
    return result
github cogent3 / cogent3 / src / cogent3 / evolve / View on Github external
def calc_pair_scale(seqs, obs1, obs2, weights1, weights2):
    """Return entropies and weights for comparable alignment.
    A comparable alignment is one in which, for each paired state ij, all
    alternate observable paired symbols are created. For instance, let the
    symbols {A,C} be observed at position i and {A,C} at position j. If we
    observe the paired types {AC, AA}. A comparable alignment would involve
    replacing an AC pair with a CC pair."""
    # scale is calculated as the product of mi from col1 with alternate
    # characters. This means the number of states is changed by swapping
    # between the original and selected alternate, calculating the new mi

    pair_freqs = CategoryCounter(seqs)
    weights1 = dict(weights1)
    weights2 = dict(weights2)
    scales = []
    for a, b in list(pair_freqs.keys()):
        weights = weights1[a]

        pr = a + b
        pair_freqs -= pr
        obs1 -= a

        # make comparable alignments by mods to col 1
        for c, w in list(weights.items()):
            new_pr = c + b
            pair_freqs += new_pr
            obs1 += c
github cogent3 / cogent3 / src / cogent3 / evolve / View on Github external
if exclude_handler != ignore_excludes:
        for col in (col1, col2):
            states = set(col)
            for exclude in excludes:
                if exclude in states:
                        col = exclude_handler(col, excludes)
                    except TypeError:
                        return null_value

    # Calculate entropy of pos1 & pos2, if they weren't passed in.
    if not h1:
        h1 = CategoryCounter(col1).entropy
    if not h2:
        h2 = CategoryCounter(col2).entropy
    # Calculate the joint entropy of pos1 & pos2
    joint_h = joint_entropy(col1, col2)
    # Calculate MI using the specified method -- return null_value when
    # the specified MI cannot be calculated
    # (e.g., mi_calculator=nmi and joint_h=0.0)
        result = mi_calculator(h1, h2, joint_h)
        if result <= ROUND_ERROR:
            result = 0.0
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        result = null_value
    return result
github cogent3 / cogent3 / src / cogent3 / evolve / View on Github external
def joint_entropy(pos1, pos2):
    """ Calculate the joint entroy of a pair of positions """
    return CategoryCounter(join_positions(pos1, pos2)).entropy