How to use the cloudscraper.CloudScraper.request function in cloudscraper

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cloudscraper examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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resp._content = brotli.decompress(resp.content)
                logging.warning('Brotli content detected, But option is disabled, we will not continue.')
                return resp

        # Debug request
        if self.debug:

        # Check if Cloudflare anti-bot is on
            if self.isChallengeRequest(resp):
                if resp.request.method != 'GET':
                    # Work around if the initial request is not a GET,
                    # Supersede with a GET then re-request the original METHOD.
                    CloudScraper.request(self, 'GET', resp.url)
                    resp = ourSuper.request(method, url, *args, **kwargs)
                    # Solve Challenge
                    resp = self.sendChallengeResponse(resp, **kwargs)

        except ValueError, e:
            if e.message == "Captcha":
                parsed_url = urlparse(url)
                domain = parsed_url.netloc
                # solve the captcha
                site_key ='data-sitekey="(.+?)"', resp.content).group(1)
                challenge_s ='type="hidden" name="s" value="(.+?)"', resp.content).group(1)
                challenge_ray ='data-ray="(.+?)"', resp.content).group(1)
                if not all([site_key, challenge_s, challenge_ray]):
                    raise Exception("cf: Captcha site-key not found!")
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submit_url = '{}://{}/cdn-cgi/l/chk_captcha'.format(parsed_url.scheme, domain)
                method = resp.request.method

                cloudflare_kwargs = {
                    'allow_redirects': False,
                    'headers': {'Referer': resp.url},
                    'params': OrderedDict(
                            ('s', challenge_s),
                            ('g-recaptcha-response', result)

                return CloudScraper.request(self, method, submit_url, **cloudflare_kwargs)

        return resp