How to use the cloudscraper.CloudScraper.is_Firewall_Blocked function in cloudscraper

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def _SolveCloudFlare( self, response ):
                is_firewall = cloudscraper.CloudScraper.is_Firewall_Blocked( response )
                is_attemptable = cloudscraper.CloudScraper.is_reCaptcha_Challenge( response ) or cloudscraper.CloudScraper.is_IUAM_Challenge( response )
            except Exception as e:
                HydrusData.Print( 'cloudflarescraper had an error looking at "{}" response: {}'.format( self._url, str( e ) ) )
                HydrusData.PrintException( e )
            if is_firewall:
                raise HydrusExceptions.CloudFlareException( 'It looks like the site has Firewall-Blocked your IP or IP range with CloudFlare.' )