How to use the clifford.grade_obj function in clifford

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github pygae / clifford / test / View on Github external
def test_grade_obj(self):
        algebras = [Cl(i) for i in [3, 4]] + [conformalize(Cl(3)[0])]
        for alg in algebras:
            layout = alg[0]
            for i in range(len(layout.sig)+1):
                mv = layout.randomMV()(i)
                assert i == grade_obj(mv)
github pygae / clifford / clifford / tools / g3c / View on Github external
if random_sequence:
            indices = random.sample(range(len(query_model)), len(query_model))
            indices = range(len(query_model))
        for i in indices:
            grade = grade_list[i]
            new_obj = normalised(apply_rotor(query_model[i], R_total)(grade))
            C1 = normalised(new_obj)
            C2 = normalised(reference_model[i])
            if abs(C1 + C2) < 0.0001:
                C1 = -C1
            if object_type == 'lines':
                rroot = normalised(square_roots_of_rotor((rotor_between_objects(C1, C2)))[0])
                if motor:
                    if grade_obj(C1, 0.00001) == 4:
                        rroot = normalised(square_roots_of_rotor(rotor_between_objects(C1, C2))[0])
                        rroot = normalised(square_roots_of_rotor(motor_between_objects(C1, C2))[0])
                    rroot = normalised(square_roots_of_rotor(rotor_between_objects(C1, C2))[0])
            r_set = normalised((rroot*r_set)(0, 2, 4))
            R_total = normalised((rroot * R_total)(0, 2, 4))
        if rotor_cost(r_set) < cost_tolerance:
            exit_flag = 0
            return R_total, exit_flag
    exit_flag = 1
    return R_total, exit_flag
github pygae / clifford / clifford / tools / g3c / View on Github external
def add_sphere(self, mv, color='rgb(0,0,0)'):
        if grade_obj(mv) != 4:
            raise ValueError('Input is not a sphere')
        self.add(Sphere(mv, color))
github pygae / clifford / clifford / tools / g3c / View on Github external
def estimate_rotor_objects(reference_model, query_model, maxfev=20000,
                           print_res=False, object_type='generic', motor=False,
    Estimates the rotor that takes one set of objects to another
    grade_list = [grade_obj(q) for q in query_model]
    x0 = np.finfo(float).eps * np.random.rand(6)

    def minimisation_func(x):
        R = rotorconversion(x)
        query_model_remapped = [normalised((apply_rotor(l, R))(grade_list[i])) for i, l in enumerate(query_model)]
        return object_set_cost_sum(reference_model, query_model_remapped,
                                   object_type=object_type, motor=motor,

    res = minimize(minimisation_func, x0, method='SLSQP', options={'ftol': 10.0 ** (-16),
                                                                   'maxiter': 1000,
                                                                   'disp': False})
    if print_res:
    res = minimize(minimisation_func, res.x, method='L-BFGS-B', options={'ftol': 10.0**(-16),
                                                                         'maxiter': 1000,
github pygae / clifford / clifford / tools / g3c / View on Github external
def average_objects(obj_list, weights=[], check_grades=True):
    Hadfield and Lasenby, Direct Linear Interpolation of Geometric Objects, AGACSE2018
    Directly averages conformal objects
    Return a valid object from the addition result C
    if len(weights) == len(obj_list):
        C = sum([o * w for o, w in zip(obj_list, weights)])
        C = sum(obj_list) / len(obj_list)
    C3 = neg_twiddle_root(C)[0].normal()
    if check_grades:
        if cf.grade_obj(obj_list[0], 0.00001) != cf.grade_obj(C3, 0.00001):
            raise ValueError('Created object is not same grade \n' + str(obj_list[0]) + '\n' + str(C3))
    return C3
github pygae / clifford / clifford / tools / g3c / View on Github external
def add_circle(self, mv, color='rgb(0,0,0)'):
        if grade_obj(mv) != 3:
            raise ValueError('Input is not a circle')
        self.add(Circle(mv, color))
github pygae / clifford / clifford / tools / g3c / View on Github external
def interp_objects_root(C1, C2, alpha):
    Hadfield and Lasenby, Direct Linear Interpolation of Geometric Objects, AGACSE2018
    Directly linearly interpolates conformal objects
    Return a valid object from the addition result C
    C = (1 - alpha) * C1 + alpha*C2
    C3 = neg_twiddle_root(C)[0].normal()
    if cf.grade_obj(C1, 0.00001) != cf.grade_obj(C3, 0.00001):
        raise ValueError('Created object is not same grade')
    return C3