How to use the function in build

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few build examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

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class MarkClassName(Expression):
    """A mark class name, such as @FRENCH_MARKS defined with markClass."""
    def __init__(self, location, markClass):
        Expression.__init__(self, location)
        assert isinstance(markClass, MarkClass)
        self.markClass = markClass

    def glyphSet(self):
        return self.markClass.glyphSet()

    def asFea(self, indent=""):
        return "@" +

class AnonymousBlock(Statement):
    def __init__(self, tag, content, location):
        Statement.__init__(self, location)
        self.tag, self.content = tag, content

    def asFea(self, indent=""):
        res = "anon {} {{\n".format(self.tag)
        res += self.content
        res += "}} {};\n\n".format(self.tag)
        return res

class Block(Statement):
    def __init__(self, location):
        Statement.__init__(self, location)
        self.statements = []
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return res

class TableBlock(Block):
    def __init__(self, location, name):
        Block.__init__(self, location) = name

    def asFea(self, indent=""):
        res = "table {} {{\n".format(
        res += super(TableBlock, self).asFea(indent=indent)
        res += "}} {};\n".format(
        return res

class GlyphClassDefinition(Statement):
    """Example: @UPPERCASE = [A-Z];"""
    def __init__(self, location, name, glyphs):
        Statement.__init__(self, location) = name
        self.glyphs = glyphs

    def glyphSet(self):
        return tuple(self.glyphs.glyphSet())

    def asFea(self, indent=""):
        return "@" + + " = " + self.glyphs.asFea() + ";"

class GlyphClassDefStatement(Statement):
    """Example: GlyphClassDef @UPPERCASE, [B], [C], [D];"""
    def __init__(self, location, baseGlyphs, markGlyphs,
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self.SubfamilyID = SubfamilyID
        self.RangeStart = RangeStart
        self.RangeEnd = RangeEnd

    def build(self, builder):
        builder.set_size_parameters(self.location, self.DesignSize,
                                    self.SubfamilyID, self.RangeStart, self.RangeEnd)

    def asFea(self, indent=""):
        res = "parameters {:.1f} {}".format(self.DesignSize, self.SubfamilyID)
        if self.RangeStart != 0 or self.RangeEnd != 0:
            res += " {} {}".format(int(self.RangeStart * 10), int(self.RangeEnd * 10))
        return res + ";"

class BaseAxis(Statement):
    def __init__(self, location, bases, scripts, vertical):
        Statement.__init__(self, location)
        self.bases = bases
        self.scripts = scripts
        self.vertical = vertical

    def build(self, builder):
        builder.set_base_axis(self.bases, self.scripts, self.vertical)

    def asFea(self, indent=""):
        direction = "Vert" if self.vertical else "Horiz"
        scripts = ["{} {} {}".format(a[0], a[1], " ".join(map(str, a[2]))) for a in self.scripts]
        return "{}Axis.BaseTagList {};\n{}{}Axis.BaseScriptList {};".format(
            direction, " ".join(self.bases), indent, direction, ", ".join(scripts))
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class LigatureCaretByIndexStatement(Statement):
    def __init__(self, location, glyphs, carets):
        Statement.__init__(self, location)
        self.glyphs, self.carets = (glyphs, carets)

    def build(self, builder):
        glyphs = self.glyphs.glyphSet()
        builder.add_ligatureCaretByIndex_(self.location, glyphs, set(self.carets))

    def asFea(self, indent=""):
        return "LigatureCaretByIndex {} {};".format(
            self.glyphs.asFea(), " ".join(str(x) for x in self.carets))

class LigatureCaretByPosStatement(Statement):
    def __init__(self, location, glyphs, carets):
        Statement.__init__(self, location)
        self.glyphs, self.carets = (glyphs, carets)

    def build(self, builder):
        glyphs = self.glyphs.glyphSet()
        builder.add_ligatureCaretByPos_(self.location, glyphs, set(self.carets))

    def asFea(self, indent=""):
        return "LigatureCaretByPos {} {};".format(
            self.glyphs.asFea(), " ".join(str(x) for x in self.carets))

class LigatureSubstStatement(Statement):
    def __init__(self, location, prefix, glyphs, suffix, replacement,
github MitchTalmadge / Emoji-Tools-Rewritten / build / prod / python / fontTools / feaLib / View on Github external
def __init__(self, location, enumerated,
                 glyphs1, valuerecord1, glyphs2, valuerecord2):
        Statement.__init__(self, location)
        self.enumerated = enumerated
        self.glyphs1, self.valuerecord1 = glyphs1, valuerecord1
        self.glyphs2, self.valuerecord2 = glyphs2, valuerecord2
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def build(self, builder):
        builder.set_language(location=self.location, language=self.language,

    def asFea(self, indent=""):
        res = "language {}".format(self.language.strip())
        if not self.include_default:
            res += " exclude_dflt"
        if self.required:
            res += " required"
        res += ";"
        return res

class LanguageSystemStatement(Statement):
    def __init__(self, location, script, language):
        Statement.__init__(self, location)
        self.script, self.language = (script, language)

    def build(self, builder):
        builder.add_language_system(self.location, self.script, self.language)

    def asFea(self, indent=""):
        return "languagesystem {} {};".format(self.script, self.language.strip())

class FontRevisionStatement(Statement):
    def __init__(self, location, revision):
        Statement.__init__(self, location)
        self.revision = revision
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self.value = value

    def asFea(self, indent=""):
        return "valueRecordDef {} {};".format(self.value.asFea(),

def simplify_name_attributes(pid, eid, lid):
    if pid == 3 and eid == 1 and lid == 1033:
        return ""
    elif pid == 1 and eid == 0 and lid == 0:
        return "1"
        return "{} {} {}".format(pid, eid, lid)

class NameRecord(Statement):
    def __init__(self, location, nameID, platformID,
                 platEncID, langID, string):
        Statement.__init__(self, location)
        self.nameID = nameID
        self.platformID = platformID
        self.platEncID = platEncID
        self.langID = langID
        self.string = string

    def build(self, builder):
            self.location, self.nameID, self.platformID,
            self.platEncID, self.langID, self.string)

    def asFea(self, indent=""):
        def escape(c, escape_pattern):
github MitchTalmadge / Emoji-Tools-Rewritten / build / prod / python / fontTools / feaLib / View on Github external
return "@" +

class AnonymousBlock(Statement):
    def __init__(self, tag, content, location):
        Statement.__init__(self, location)
        self.tag, self.content = tag, content

    def asFea(self, indent=""):
        res = "anon {} {{\n".format(self.tag)
        res += self.content
        res += "}} {};\n\n".format(self.tag)
        return res

class Block(Statement):
    def __init__(self, location):
        Statement.__init__(self, location)
        self.statements = []

    def build(self, builder):
        for s in self.statements:

    def asFea(self, indent=""):
        indent += SHIFT
        return indent + ("\n" + indent).join(
            [s.asFea(indent=indent) for s in self.statements]) + "\n"

class FeatureFile(Block):
    def __init__(self):
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def asFea(self, indent=""):
        res = "sub "
        if len(self.prefix) or len(self.suffix) or self.forceChain:
            if len(self.prefix):
                res += " ".join(asFea(g) for g in self.prefix) + " "
            res += " ".join(asFea(g) + "'" for g in self.glyphs)
            if len(self.suffix):
                res += " " + " ".join(asFea(g) for g in self.suffix)
            res += " ".join(asFea(g) for g in self.glyphs)
        res += " by {};".format(" ".join(asFea(g) for g in self.replacements))
        return res

class ScriptStatement(Statement):
    def __init__(self, location, script):
        Statement.__init__(self, location)
        self.script = script

    def build(self, builder):
        builder.set_script(self.location, self.script)

    def asFea(self, indent=""):
        return "script {};".format(self.script.strip())

class SinglePosStatement(Statement):
    def __init__(self, location, pos, prefix, suffix, forceChain):
        Statement.__init__(self, location)
        self.pos, self.prefix, self.suffix = pos, prefix, suffix
        self.forceChain = forceChain
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class AttachStatement(Statement):
    def __init__(self, location, glyphs, contourPoints):
        Statement.__init__(self, location)
        self.glyphs, self.contourPoints = (glyphs, contourPoints)

    def build(self, builder):
        glyphs = self.glyphs.glyphSet()
        builder.add_attach_points(self.location, glyphs, self.contourPoints)

    def asFea(self, indent=""):
        return "Attach {} {};".format(
            self.glyphs.asFea(), " ".join(str(c) for c in self.contourPoints))

class ChainContextPosStatement(Statement):
    def __init__(self, location, prefix, glyphs, suffix, lookups):
        Statement.__init__(self, location)
        self.prefix, self.glyphs, self.suffix = prefix, glyphs, suffix
        self.lookups = lookups

    def build(self, builder):
        prefix = [p.glyphSet() for p in self.prefix]
        glyphs = [g.glyphSet() for g in self.glyphs]
        suffix = [s.glyphSet() for s in self.suffix]
            self.location, prefix, glyphs, suffix, self.lookups)

    def asFea(self, indent=""):
        res = "pos "
        if len(self.prefix) or len(self.suffix) or any([x is not None for x in self.lookups]):
            if len(self.prefix):