How to use the bpemb.bpemb.BPEmb function in bpemb

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few bpemb examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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state['spm'] = None
        return state

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        # load SentencePiece after the BPEmb object has been unpickled
        model_file = (
            state["cache_dir"] / state["lang"] / state['model_file'].name)
        if not model_file.exists():
            model_rel_path = Path(state["lang"]) /
            model_file = self._load_file(
                str(model_rel_path), cache_dir=state["cache_dir"])
        state['spm'] = sentencepiece_load(model_file)
        self.__dict__ = state

__all__ = [BPEmb]