How to use the bpemb.available_languages.wikicode function in bpemb

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github bheinzerling / bpemb / bpemb / View on Github external
padding embedding can be looked up with "bpemb['']", or
        directly accessed with "bpemb.vectors[-1]".
    vs_fallback: ``bool'', optional (default = False)
        Vocabulary size fallback. Not all vocabulary sizes are available
        for all languages. For example, vs=1000 is not available for
        Chinese due to the large number of characters.
        When set to True, this option enables an automatic fallback to
        the closest available vocabulary size. For example,
        when selecting BPEmb("Chinese", vs=1000, vs_fallback=True),
        the actual vocabulary size would be 10000.
    base_url = ""
    emb_tpl = "{lang}/{lang}.wiki.bpe.vs{vs}.d{dim}.w2v.bin"
    model_tpl = "{lang}/{lang}.wiki.bpe.vs{vs}.model"
    archive_suffix = ".tar.gz"
    available_languages = wikicode

    def __init__(
            lang: str,
            vs: int = 10000,
            dim: int = 100,
            cache_dir: Path = Path.home() / Path(".cache/bpemb"),
            preprocess: bool = True,
            encode_extra_options: str = None,
            add_pad_emb: bool = False,
            vs_fallback: bool = True):
        self.lang = lang = BPEmb._get_lang(lang)
        if self.lang == 'multi':
            if dim != 300:
                print('Setting dim=300 for multilingual BPEmb')
github bheinzerling / bpemb / bpemb / View on Github external
def _get_lang(lang):
        if lang in {'multi', 'multilingual'}:
            return 'multi'
        if lang in wikicode:
            return lang
            return to_wikicode[lang]
            raise ValueError("Unknown language identifier: " + lang)