How to use the autokeras.hypermodel.base.Block function in autokeras

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        for i in range(num_layers):
            units = hp.Choice(
                [16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024],
            output_node = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units)(output_node)
            if use_batchnorm:
                output_node = tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization()(output_node)
            output_node = tf.keras.layers.ReLU()(output_node)
            output_node = tf.keras.layers.Dropout(dropout_rate)(output_node)
        return output_node

class RNNBlock(base.Block):
    """An RNN Block.

    # Arguments
        return_sequences: Boolean. Whether to return the last output in the
            output sequence, or the full sequence. Defaults to False.
        bidirectional: Boolean. Bidirectional RNN. If left unspecified, it will be
            tuned automatically.
        num_layers: Int. The number of layers in RNN. If left unspecified, it will
            be tuned automatically.
        layer_type: String. 'gru' or 'lstm'. If left unspecified, it will be tuned

    def __init__(self,
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self.output_shape = output_shape

    def build(self, hp, inputs=None):
        """Build the HyperModel instead of Keras Model.

        # Arguments
            hp: HyperParameters. The hyperparameters for building the model.
            inputs: A list of instances of Node.

        # Returns
            An Node instance, the output node of the output Block.
        raise NotImplementedError

class Preprocessor(Block):
    """Hyper preprocessing block base class.

    It extends Block which extends Hypermodel. A preprocessor is a Hypermodel, which
    means it is a search space. However, different from other Hypermodels, it is
    also a model which can be fit.

    def build(self, hp):
        """Get the values of the required HyperParameters.

        It does not build and return a Keras Model, but initialize the
        HyperParameters for the preprocessor to be fit.

    def update(self, x, y=None):
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return tf.keras.layers.Concatenate()(inputs)

class Flatten(base.Block):
    """Flatten the input tensor with Keras Flatten layer."""

    def build(self, hp, inputs=None):
        inputs = nest.flatten(inputs)
        utils.validate_num_inputs(inputs, 1)
        input_node = inputs[0]
        if len(input_node.shape) > 2:
            return tf.keras.layers.Flatten()(input_node)
        return input_node

class SpatialReduction(base.Block):
    """Reduce the dimension of a spatial tensor, e.g. image, to a vector.

    # Arguments
        reduction_type: String. 'flatten', 'global_max' or 'global_avg'.
            If left unspecified, it will be tuned automatically.

    def __init__(self, reduction_type=None, **kwargs):
        self.reduction_type = reduction_type

    def get_config(self):
        config = super().get_config()
        config.update({'reduction_type': self.reduction_type})
        return config
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padding=self._get_padding(kernel_size, output_node),
            output_node = pool(
                kernel_size - 1,
                padding=self._get_padding(kernel_size - 1, output_node))(output_node)
        return output_node

    def _get_padding(kernel_size, output_node):
        if (kernel_size * 2 <= output_node.shape[1] and
                kernel_size * 2 <= output_node.shape[2]):
            return 'valid'
        return 'same'

class ResNetBlock(base.Block, resnet.HyperResNet):
    """Block for ResNet.

    # Arguments
        version: String. 'v1', 'v2' or 'next'. The type of ResNet to use.
            If left unspecified, it will be tuned automatically.
        pooling: String. 'avg', 'max'. The type of pooling layer to use.
            If left unspecified, it will be tuned automatically.

    def __init__(self,
        super().__init__(include_top=False, input_shape=(10,), **kwargs)
        self.version = version
        self.pooling = pooling
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def build(self, hp, inputs=None):
        self.input_tensor = nest.flatten(inputs)[0]
        self.input_shape = None

        hp.Choice('version', ['v1', 'v2', 'next'], default='v2')
        hp.Choice('pooling', ['avg', 'max'], default='avg')

        set_hp_value(hp, 'version', self.version)
        set_hp_value(hp, 'pooling', self.pooling)

        model = super().build(hp)
        return model.outputs

class XceptionBlock(base.Block, xception.HyperXception):

    An Xception structure, used for specifying your model with specific datasets.

    The original Xception architecture is from
    The data first goes through the entry flow, then through the middle flow which
    is repeated eight times, and finally through the exit flow.

    This XceptionBlock returns a similar architecture as Xception except without
    the last (optional) fully connected layer(s) and logistic regression.
    The size of this architecture could be decided by `HyperParameters`, to get an
    architecture with a half, an identical, or a double size of the original one.

    # Arguments
        activation: String. 'selu' or 'relu'. If left unspecified, it will be tuned
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def get_config(self):
        """Get the configuration of the preprocessor.

        # Returns
            A dictionary of configurations of the preprocessor.
        return {'name':}

    def get_state(self):
        return {}

    def set_state(self, state):

class Head(Block):
    """Base class for the heads, e.g. classification, regression.

    # Arguments
        loss: A Keras loss function. Defaults to None. If None, the loss will be
            inferred from the AutoModel.
        metrics: A list of Keras metrics. Defaults to None. If None, the metrics will
            be inferred from the AutoModel.
        output_shape: Tuple of int(s). Defaults to None. If None, the output shape
            will be inferred from the AutoModel.

    def __init__(self, loss=None, metrics=None, output_shape=None, **kwargs):
        self.output_shape = output_shape
        self.loss = loss
        self.metrics = metrics
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return y
        if isinstance(y, np.ndarray):
            if len(y.shape) == 1:
                y = y.reshape(-1, 1)
        if isinstance(y, pd.DataFrame):
        if isinstance(y, pd.Series):
            return, 1))

    def postprocess(self, y):
        """Postprocess the output of the Keras Model."""
        return y

class HyperBlock(Block):
    """HyperBlock uses hyperparameters to decide inner Block graph.

    A HyperBlock should be build into connected Blocks instead of individual Keras
    layers. The main purpose of creating the HyperBlock class is for the ease of
    parsing the graph for preprocessors. The graph would be hard to parse if a Block,
    whose inner structure is decided by hyperparameters dynamically, contains both
    preprocessors and Keras layers.

    When the preprocessing layers of Keras are ready to cover all the preprocessors
    in AutoKeras, the preprocessors should be handled by the Keras Model. The
    HyperBlock class should be removed. The subclasses should extend Block class
    directly and the build function should build connected Keras layers instead of

    # Arguments
        output_shape: Tuple of int(s). Defaults to None. If None, the output shape
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        if reduction_type == 'flatten':
            output_node = Flatten().build(hp, output_node)
        elif reduction_type == 'global_max':
            output_node = tf.math.reduce_max(output_node, axis=-2)
        elif reduction_type == 'global_avg':
            output_node = tf.math.reduce_mean(output_node, axis=-2)
        elif reduction_type == 'global_min':
            output_node = tf.math.reduce_min(output_node, axis=-2)

        return output_node

class EmbeddingBlock(base.Block):
    """Word embedding block for sequences.

    The input should be tokenized sequences with the same length, where each element
    of a sequence should be the index of the word.

    # Arguments
        max_features: Int. Size of the vocabulary. Must be set if not using
            TextToIntSequence before this block. If not specified, we will use the
            vocabulary size in the preceding TextToIntSequence vocabulary size.
        pretraining: String. 'random' (use random weights instead any pretrained
            model), 'glove', 'fasttext' or 'word2vec'. Use pretrained word embedding.
            If left unspecified, it will be tuned automatically.
        embedding_dim: Int. If left unspecified, it will be tuned automatically.
        dropout_rate: Float. The dropout rate for after the Embedding layer.
            If left unspecified, it will be tuned automatically.
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set_hp_value(hp, 'num_residual_blocks', self.num_residual_blocks)
        set_hp_value(hp, 'pooling', self.pooling)

        model = super().build(hp)
        return model.outputs

def shape_compatible(shape1, shape2):
    if len(shape1) != len(shape2):
        return False
    # TODO: If they can be the same after passing through any layer,
    #  they are compatible. e.g. (32, 32, 3), (16, 16, 2) are compatible
    return shape1[:-1] == shape2[:-1]

class Merge(base.Block):
    """Merge block to merge multiple nodes into one.

    # Arguments
        merge_type: String. 'add' or 'concatenate'. If left unspecified, it will be
            tuned automatically.

    def __init__(self, merge_type=None, **kwargs):
        self.merge_type = merge_type

    def get_config(self):
        config = super().get_config()
        config.update({'merge_type': self.merge_type})
        return config
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import tensorflow as tf
from kerastuner.applications import resnet
from kerastuner.applications import xception
from tensorflow.python.util import nest

from autokeras import utils
from autokeras.hypermodel import base

def set_hp_value(hp, name, value):
    full_name = hp._get_name(name)
    hp.values[full_name] = value or hp.values[full_name]

class DenseBlock(base.Block):
    """Block for Dense layers.

    # Arguments
        num_layers: Int. The number of Dense layers in the block.
            If left unspecified, it will be tuned automatically.
        use_bn: Boolean. Whether to use BatchNormalization layers.
            If left unspecified, it will be tuned automatically.
        dropout_rate: Float. The dropout rate for the layers.
            If left unspecified, it will be tuned automatically.

    def __init__(self,