How to use the asyncssh.public_key.KeyImportError function in asyncssh

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line = data[start:end] if end else data[start:]
        line = line.rstrip()

        if b':' in line:
            hdr, value = line.split(b':', 1)
            headers[hdr.strip()] = value.strip()

        start = end if end != 0 else len(data)

        return headers, binascii.a2b_base64(data[start:])
    except binascii.Error:
        raise KeyImportError('Invalid PEM data') from None
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def _parse_openssh(data):
    """Parse an OpenSSH format public key or certificate"""

    line = data.split(None, 2)

    if len(line) < 2:
        raise KeyImportError('Invalid OpenSSH public key or certificate')
    elif len(line) == 2:
        comment = None
        comment = line[2]

    if (line[0] not in _public_key_alg_map and
            line[0] not in _certificate_alg_map):
        raise KeyImportError('Unknown OpenSSH public key algorithm')

        return line[0], comment, binascii.a2b_base64(line[1])
    except binascii.Error:
        raise KeyImportError('Invalid OpenSSH public key '
                             'or certificate') from None
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def _parse_openssh(data):
    """Parse an OpenSSH format public key or certificate"""

    line = data.split(None, 2)

    if len(line) < 2:
        raise KeyImportError('Invalid OpenSSH public key or certificate')
    elif len(line) == 2:
        comment = None
        comment = line[2]

    if (line[0] not in _public_key_alg_map and
            line[0] not in _certificate_alg_map):
        raise KeyImportError('Unknown OpenSSH public key algorithm')

        return line[0], comment, binascii.a2b_base64(line[1])
    except binascii.Error:
        raise KeyImportError('Invalid OpenSSH public key '
                             'or certificate') from None
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            alg, alg_params = key_data[0][0], OMIT

        handler = _pkcs8_oid_map.get(alg)
        if handler is None:
            raise KeyImportError('Unknown PKCS#8 algorithm')

        key_params = handler.decode_pkcs8_public(alg_params, key_data[1].value)
        if key_params is None:
            raise KeyImportError('Invalid %s public key' %
                                 if handler.pem_name else 'PKCS#8')

        return handler.make_public(*key_params)
        raise KeyImportError('Invalid PKCS#8 public key')
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if not 0 < d < n:
                raise KeyImportError('Invalid private key')

        if public_key:
                Q = _PrimePoint.decode(G.curve, public_key)

                if not Q or n * Q:
                    raise KeyImportError('Invalid public key')
            except ValueError:
                raise KeyImportError('Invalid public key') from None

        if d:
            if Q:
                if d * G != Q:
                    raise KeyImportError('Public and private key don\'t match')
                Q = d * G
        elif not Q:
            raise KeyImportError('No keys specified')

        self.algorithm = algorithm
        self._alg_id = alg_id
        self._alg_oid = alg_oid
        self._hash_alg = hash_alg
        self._G = G
        self._n = n
        self._d = d
        self._Q = Q
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packet = SSHPacket(data)
        alg = packet.get_string()
        handler = _public_key_alg_map.get(alg)

        if handler:
            key_params = handler.decode_ssh_public(packet)

            key = handler.make_public(*key_params)
            key.algorithm = alg
            return key
            raise KeyImportError('Unknown key algorithm: %s' %
                                 alg.decode('ascii', errors='replace'))
    except PacketDecodeError:
        raise KeyImportError('Invalid public key') from None
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def _decode_options(options, decoders, critical=True):
        """Decode options found in this certificate"""

        packet = SSHPacket(options)
        result = {}

        while packet:
            name = packet.get_string()

            decoder = decoders.get(name)
            if decoder:
                data_packet = SSHPacket(packet.get_string())
                result[name.decode('ascii')] = decoder(data_packet)
            elif critical:
                raise KeyImportError('Unrecognized critical option: %s' %
                                     name.decode('ascii', errors='replace'))

        return result
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def _decode_openssh_private(data, passphrase):
    """Decode an OpenSSH format private key"""

        if not data.startswith(_OPENSSH_KEY_V1):
            raise KeyImportError('Unrecognized OpenSSH private key type')

        data = data[len(_OPENSSH_KEY_V1):]
        packet = SSHPacket(data)

        cipher_name = packet.get_string()
        kdf = packet.get_string()
        kdf_data = packet.get_string()
        nkeys = packet.get_uint32()
        _ = packet.get_string()                 # public_key
        key_data = packet.get_string()
        mac = packet.get_remaining_payload()

        if nkeys != 1:
            raise KeyImportError('Invalid OpenSSH private key')

        if cipher_name != b'none':
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def _decode_pkcs8_private(key_data):
    """Decode a PKCS#8 format private key"""

    if (isinstance(key_data, tuple) and len(key_data) >= 3 and
            key_data[0] in (0, 1) and isinstance(key_data[1], tuple) and
            1 <= len(key_data[1]) <= 2 and isinstance(key_data[2], bytes)):
        if len(key_data[1]) == 2:
            alg, alg_params = key_data[1]
            alg, alg_params = key_data[1][0], OMIT

        handler = _pkcs8_oid_map.get(alg)
        if handler is None:
            raise KeyImportError('Unknown PKCS#8 algorithm')

        key_params = handler.decode_pkcs8_private(alg_params, key_data[2])
        if key_params is None:
            raise KeyImportError('Invalid %s private key' %
                                 if handler.pem_name else 'PKCS#8')

        return handler.make_private(*key_params)
        raise KeyImportError('Invalid PKCS#8 private key')