How to use the asyncssh.pbe.KeyEncryptionError function in asyncssh

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raise KeyImportError('Passphrase must be specified to import '
                                 'encrypted private keys')

        dek_info = headers.get(b'DEK-Info', b'').split(b',')
        if len(dek_info) != 2:
            raise KeyImportError('Invalid PEM encryption params')

        alg, iv = dek_info
            iv = binascii.a2b_hex(iv)
        except binascii.Error:
            raise KeyImportError('Invalid PEM encryption params') from None

            data = pkcs1_decrypt(data, alg, iv, passphrase)
        except KeyEncryptionError:
            raise KeyImportError('Unable to decrypt PKCS#1 '
                                 'private key') from None

        key_data = der_decode(data)
    except ASN1DecodeError:
        raise KeyImportError('Invalid PEM private key') from None

    if pem_name == b'ENCRYPTED':
        if passphrase is None:
            raise KeyImportError('Passphrase must be specified to import '
                                 'encrypted private keys')

        pem_name = b''

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raise KeyImportError('Passphrase must be specified to import '
                                     'encrypted private keys')

                key_size, iv_size, block_size, _, _, _ = \
            except KeyError:
                raise KeyEncryptionError('Unknown cipher: %s' %
                                         cipher_name.decode('ascii')) from None

            if kdf != b'bcrypt':
                raise KeyEncryptionError('Unknown kdf: %s' %

            if not _bcrypt_available: # pragma: no cover
                raise KeyEncryptionError('OpenSSH private key encryption '
                                         'requires bcrypt with KDF support')

            packet = SSHPacket(kdf_data)
            salt = packet.get_string()
            rounds = packet.get_uint32()

            if isinstance(passphrase, str):
                passphrase = passphrase.encode('utf-8')

                key = bcrypt.kdf(passphrase, salt, key_size + iv_size,
                                 rounds, ignore_few_rounds=True)
            except ValueError:
                raise KeyEncryptionError('Invalid OpenSSH '
                                         'private key') from None
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def _pbes2(params, passphrase):
    """PKCS#5 v2.0 cipher selection function for password-based encryption

       This function implements the PKCS#5 v2.0 algorithm for password-based
       encryption. It returns a cipher object which can be used to encrypt
       or decrypt data based on the specified encryption parameters and


    if (not isinstance(params, tuple) or len(params) != 2 or
            not isinstance(params[0], tuple) or len(params[0]) < 1 or
            not isinstance(params[1], tuple) or len(params[1]) < 1):
        raise KeyEncryptionError('Invalid PBES2 encryption parameters')

    kdf_params = list(params[0])

    kdf_alg = kdf_params.pop(0)
    if kdf_alg not in _pbes2_kdf:
        raise KeyEncryptionError('Unknown PBES2 key derivation function')

    enc_params = list(params[1])

    enc_alg = enc_params.pop(0)
    if enc_alg not in _pbes2_cipher:
        raise KeyEncryptionError('Unknown PBES2 encryption algorithm')

    kdf_handler, kdf_args = _pbes2_kdf[kdf_alg]
    enc_handler, cipher_name = _pbes2_cipher[enc_alg]
    default_key_size, _, _ = get_cipher_params(cipher_name)
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params = (os.urandom(8), 2048)
        cipher = handler(params, passphrase, hash_alg, cipher_name)
    elif version == 2 and pkcs8_cipher_name in _pbes2_cipher_oid:
        pbes2_cipher_oid = _pbes2_cipher_oid[pkcs8_cipher_name]
        _, cipher_name = _pbes2_cipher[pbes2_cipher_oid]
        _, iv_size, _ = get_cipher_params(cipher_name)

        kdf_params = [os.urandom(8), 2048]
        iv = os.urandom(iv_size)
        enc_params = (pbes2_cipher_oid, iv)

        if hash_name != 'sha1':
            if hash_name in _pbes2_prf_oid:
                kdf_params.append((_pbes2_prf_oid[hash_name], None))
                raise KeyEncryptionError('Unknown PBES2 hash function')

        alg = _ES2
        params = ((_ES2_PBKDF2, tuple(kdf_params)), enc_params)
        cipher = _pbes2(params, passphrase)
        raise KeyEncryptionError('Unknown PKCS#8 encryption algorithm')

    return der_encode(((alg, params), cipher.encrypt(data)))
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def pkcs8_decrypt(key_data, passphrase):
    """Decrypt PKCS#8 key data

       This function decrypts key data in PKCS#8 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo
       format using the specified passphrase.


    if not isinstance(key_data, tuple) or len(key_data) != 2:
        raise KeyEncryptionError('Invalid PKCS#8 encrypted key format')

    alg_params, data = key_data

    if (not isinstance(alg_params, tuple) or len(alg_params) != 2 or
            not isinstance(data, bytes)):
        raise KeyEncryptionError('Invalid PKCS#8 encrypted key format')

    alg, params = alg_params

    if alg == _ES2:
        cipher = _pbes2(params, passphrase)
    elif alg in _pkcs8_handler:
        handler, hash_alg, cipher_name = _pkcs8_handler[alg]
        cipher = handler(params, passphrase, hash_alg, cipher_name)
        raise KeyEncryptionError('Unknown PKCS#8 encryption algorithm')
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encryption. It returns a cipher object which can be used to encrypt
       or decrypt data based on the specified encryption parameters and


    if (not isinstance(params, tuple) or len(params) != 2 or
            not isinstance(params[0], tuple) or len(params[0]) < 1 or
            not isinstance(params[1], tuple) or len(params[1]) < 1):
        raise KeyEncryptionError('Invalid PBES2 encryption parameters')

    kdf_params = list(params[0])

    kdf_alg = kdf_params.pop(0)
    if kdf_alg not in _pbes2_kdf:
        raise KeyEncryptionError('Unknown PBES2 key derivation function')

    enc_params = list(params[1])

    enc_alg = enc_params.pop(0)
    if enc_alg not in _pbes2_cipher:
        raise KeyEncryptionError('Unknown PBES2 encryption algorithm')

    kdf_handler, kdf_args = _pbes2_kdf[kdf_alg]
    enc_handler, cipher_name = _pbes2_cipher[enc_alg]
    default_key_size, _, _ = get_cipher_params(cipher_name)

    key = kdf_handler(kdf_params, passphrase, default_key_size, *kdf_args)
    return enc_handler(enc_params, cipher_name, key)
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aes128-cbc, aes192-cbc, aes256-cbc, des-cbc, des3-cbc


    if pkcs1_cipher_name in _pkcs1_dek_name:
        pkcs1_dek_name = _pkcs1_dek_name[pkcs1_cipher_name]
        cipher_name = _pkcs1_cipher[pkcs1_dek_name]
        key_size, iv_size, block_size = get_cipher_params(cipher_name)

        iv = os.urandom(iv_size)
        key = _pbkdf1(md5, passphrase, iv[:8], 1, key_size)

        cipher = _RFC1423Pad(cipher_name, block_size, key, iv)
        return pkcs1_dek_name, iv, cipher.encrypt(data)
        raise KeyEncryptionError('Unknown PKCS#1 encryption algorithm')
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if (not isinstance(params, tuple) or len(params) != 2 or
            not isinstance(params[0], tuple) or len(params[0]) < 1 or
            not isinstance(params[1], tuple) or len(params[1]) < 1):
        raise KeyEncryptionError('Invalid PBES2 encryption parameters')

    kdf_params = list(params[0])

    kdf_alg = kdf_params.pop(0)
    if kdf_alg not in _pbes2_kdf:
        raise KeyEncryptionError('Unknown PBES2 key derivation function')

    enc_params = list(params[1])

    enc_alg = enc_params.pop(0)
    if enc_alg not in _pbes2_cipher:
        raise KeyEncryptionError('Unknown PBES2 encryption algorithm')

    kdf_handler, kdf_args = _pbes2_kdf[kdf_alg]
    enc_handler, cipher_name = _pbes2_cipher[enc_alg]
    default_key_size, _, _ = get_cipher_params(cipher_name)

    key = kdf_handler(kdf_params, passphrase, default_key_size, *kdf_args)
    return enc_handler(enc_params, cipher_name, key)
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if isinstance(passphrase, str):
                passphrase = passphrase.encode('utf-8')

                key = bcrypt.kdf(passphrase, salt, key_size + iv_size,
                                 rounds, ignore_few_rounds=True)
            except ValueError:
                raise KeyEncryptionError('Invalid OpenSSH '
                                         'private key') from None

            cipher = get_encryption(cipher_name, key[:key_size], key[key_size:])

            key_data = cipher.decrypt_packet(0, b'', key_data, 0, mac)

            if key_data is None:
                raise KeyEncryptionError('Incorrect passphrase')

            block_size = max(block_size, 8)
            block_size = 8

        packet = SSHPacket(key_data)

        check1 = packet.get_uint32()
        check2 = packet.get_uint32()
        if check1 != check2:
            if cipher_name != b'none':
                raise KeyEncryptionError('Incorrect passphrase') from None
                raise KeyImportError('Invalid OpenSSH private key')

        alg = packet.get_string()
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raise KeyEncryptionError('Invalid PKCS#8 encrypted key format')

    alg, params = alg_params

    if alg == _ES2:
        cipher = _pbes2(params, passphrase)
    elif alg in _pkcs8_handler:
        handler, hash_alg, cipher_name = _pkcs8_handler[alg]
        cipher = handler(params, passphrase, hash_alg, cipher_name)
        raise KeyEncryptionError('Unknown PKCS#8 encryption algorithm')

        return der_decode(cipher.decrypt(data))
    except (ASN1DecodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
        raise KeyEncryptionError('Invalid PKCS#8 encrypted key data')