How to use the asttokens.util.is_stmt function in asttokens

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github gristlabs / asttokens / tests / View on Github external
def verify_all_nodes(self, test_case):
    Generically test atok.get_text() on the ast tree: for each statement and expression in the
    tree, we extract the text, parse it, and see if it produces an equivalent tree. Returns the
    number of nodes that were tested this way.
    test_case.longMessage = True
    tested_nodes = 0
    for node in self.all_nodes:
      if not (util.is_stmt(node) or util.is_expr(node) or util.is_module(node)):

      text = self.atok.get_text(node)

      # await is not allowed outside async functions below 3.7
      # parsing again would give a syntax error
      if 'await' in text and 'async def' not in text and sys.version_info < (3, 7):

      # `elif:` is really just `else: if:` to the AST,
      # so get_text can return text starting with elif when given an If node.
      # This is generally harmless and there's probably no good alternative,
      # but in isolation it's invalid syntax
      text = re.sub(r'^(\s*)elif(\W)', r'\1if\2', text, re.MULTILINE)

      rebuilt_node = test_case.parse_snippet(text, node)
github gristlabs / asttokens / asttokens / View on Github external
last = None
    for child in self._iter_children(node):
      if not first or child.first_token.index < first.index:
        first = child.first_token
      if not last or child.last_token.index > last.index:
        last = child.last_token

    # If we don't have a first token from _visit_before_children, and there were no children, then
    # use the parent's token as the first token.
    first = first or parent_token

    # If no children, set last token to the first one.
    last = last or first

    # Statements continue to before NEWLINE. This helps cover a few different cases at once.
    if util.is_stmt(node):
      last = self._find_last_in_line(last)

    # Capture any unmatched brackets.
    first, last = self._expand_to_matching_pairs(first, last, node)

    # Give a chance to node-specific methods to adjust.
    nfirst, nlast = self._methods.get(self, node.__class__)(node, first, last)

    if (nfirst, nlast) != (first, last):
      # If anything changed, expand again to capture any unmatched brackets.
      nfirst, nlast = self._expand_to_matching_pairs(nfirst, nlast, node)

    node.first_token = nfirst
    node.last_token = nlast