How to use the asttokens.util.is_expr function in asttokens

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def parse_snippet(self, text, node):
    Returns the parsed AST tree for the given text, handling issues with indentation and newlines
    when text is really an extracted part of larger code.
    # If text is indented, it's a statement, and we need to put in a scope for indents to be valid
    # (using textwrap.dedent is insufficient because some lines may not indented, e.g. comments or
    # multiline strings). If text is an expression but has newlines, we parenthesize it to make it
    # parsable.
    # For expressions and statements, we add a dummy statement '_' before it because if it's just a
    # string contained in an astroid.Const or astroid.Expr it will end up in the doc attribute and be
    # a pain to extract for comparison
    indented = re.match(r'^[ \t]+\S', text)
    if indented:
      return self.module.parse('def dummy():\n' + text).body[0].body[0]
    if util.is_expr(node):
      return self.module.parse('_\n(' + text + ')').body[1].value
    if util.is_module(node):
      return self.module.parse(text)
    return self.module.parse('_\n' + text).body[1]