How to use the artifacts.reader.YamlArtifactsReader function in artifacts

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few artifacts examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def _CreateTestArtifactDefinitionsFiltersHelper(self, knowledge_base):
    """Creates an artifact definitions filters helper for testing.

      knowledge_base (KnowledgeBase): contains information from the source
          data needed for filtering.

      ArtifactDefinitionsFiltersHelper: artifact definitions filters helper.

      SkipTest: if the path inside the test data directory does not exist and
          the test should be skipped.
    registry = artifacts_registry.ArtifactDefinitionsRegistry()
    reader = artifacts_reader.YamlArtifactsReader()

    test_artifacts_path = self._GetTestFilePath(['artifacts'])

    registry.ReadFromDirectory(reader, test_artifacts_path)

    return artifact_filters.ArtifactDefinitionsFiltersHelper(
        registry, knowledge_base)