How to use the artifacts.definitions.SUPPORTED_OS function in artifacts

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few artifacts examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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name, type(data[name]), required_type))

            if field.get("checker"):
                value = field["checker"](self, data)

            setattr(self, name, value)

class SourceType(_FieldDefinitionValidator):
    """All sources inherit from this."""

    # Common fields for all sources.
    _common_fields = [
        dict(name="type", optional=False),
        dict(name="supported_os", optional=True, type=list,

    def __init__(self, source_definition, artifact=None):
        attributes = source_definition["attributes"]
        # The artifact that owns us.
        self.artifact = artifact
        self.source_definition = source_definition
        self.type_indicator = source_definition["type"]
        self._LoadFieldDefinitions(attributes, self._field_definitions)
        self._LoadFieldDefinitions(source_definition, self._common_fields)

    def is_active(self, **_):
        """Indicates if the source is applicable to the environment."""
        return True

    def apply(self, artifact_name=None, fields=None, result_type=None, **_):
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dict(name="supported_os", optional=True,

    def apply(self, collector=None, **_):
        for name in self.names:
            for result in collector.collect_artifact(name):
                yield result

class WMISourceType(LiveModeSourceMixin, SourceType):
    _field_definitions = [
        dict(name="query", type=basestring),
        dict(name="fields", type=list, optional=True, default=[]),
        dict(name="type_name", type=basestring, optional=True),
        dict(name="supported_os", optional=True,

    fields = None

    def _guess_returned_fields(self, sample):
        result = []
        for key, value in sample.items():
            field_type = type(value)
            if field_type is int:
                field_type = "int"
            elif field_type is str:
                field_type = "unicode"
                field_type = "unicode"

            result.append(dict(name=key, type=field_type))
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def __init__(self):
    """Initializes an artifacts reader."""
    super(ArtifactsReader, self).__init__()
    self.labels = set(definitions.LABELS)
    self.supported_os = set(definitions.SUPPORTED_OS)
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def SupportedOS(self, art_definition):
        supported_os = art_definition.get(
            "supported_os", definitions.SUPPORTED_OS)

        undefined_supported_os = set(supported_os).difference(

        if undefined_supported_os:
            raise errors.FormatError(
                u'supported operating system: {} '
                u'not defined.'.format(
                    u', '.join(undefined_supported_os)))

        return supported_os
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def SupportedOS(self, art_definition):
        supported_os = art_definition.get(
            "supported_os", definitions.SUPPORTED_OS)

        undefined_supported_os = set(supported_os).difference(

        if undefined_supported_os:
            raise errors.FormatError(
                u'supported operating system: {} '
                u'not defined.'.format(
                    u', '.join(undefined_supported_os)))

        return supported_os