How to use the airsim.YawMode function in airsim

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github microsoft / DroneRescue / resources / View on Github external
    @param altitude: The altidude we want to fly at, dont fly too high!
    @param camera_angle: The angle of the camera
    @param animal: The name of the animal, used to prefix the photos

    x = cx - radius
    y = cy

    # set camera angle
    client.simSetCameraOrientation(0, airsim.to_quaternion(
        camera_angle * math.pi / 180, 0, 0))  # radians

    # move the drone to the requested location
    print("moving to position...")
        x, y, z, 1, 60, drivetrain=airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom, yaw_mode=airsim.YawMode(False, 0)).join()
    pos = client.getMultirotorState().kinematics_estimated.position

    dx = x - pos.x_val
    dy = y - pos.y_val
    yaw = airsim.to_eularian_angles(

    # keep the drone on target, it's windy out there!
    print("correcting position and yaw...")
    while abs(dx) > 1 or abs(dy) > 1 or abs(yaw) > 0.1:
            x, y, z, 0.25, 60, drivetrain=airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom, yaw_mode=airsim.YawMode(False, 0)).join()
        pos = client.getMultirotorState().kinematics_estimated.position
        dx = x - pos.x_val
        dy = y - pos.y_val
        yaw = airsim.to_eularian_angles(
github microsoft / AirSim / PythonClient / multirotor / View on Github external
def take_snapshot(self):
        # first hold our current position so drone doesn't try and keep flying while we take the picture.
        pos = self.client.getMultirotorState().kinematics_estimated.position
        self.client.moveToPositionAsync(pos.x_val, pos.y_val, self.z, 0.5, 10, airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom, 
            airsim.YawMode(False, self.camera_heading)).join()
        responses = self.client.simGetImages([airsim.ImageRequest(1, airsim.ImageType.Scene)]) #scene vision image in png format
        response = responses[0]
        filename = "photo_" + str(self.snapshot_index)
        self.snapshot_index += 1
        airsim.write_file(os.path.normpath(filename + '.png'), response.image_data_uint8)        
        print("Saved snapshot: {}".format(filename))
        self.start_time = time.time()  # cause smooth ramp up to happen again after photo is taken.
github harvard-edge / airlearning-rl / gym_airsim / envs / View on Github external
pitch = action[0]
            roll = action[1]
            throttle = action[2]
            yaw_rate = action[3]
            duration = action[4]
            self.client.moveByAngleThrottleAsync(pitch, roll, throttle, yaw_rate, duration, vehicle_name='').join()
            #pitch = np.clip(action[0], -0.261, 0.261)
            #roll = np.clip(action[1], -0.261, 0.261)
            #yaw_rate = np.clip(action[2], -3.14, 3.14)
                vx = np.clip(action[0], -1.0, 1.0)
                vy = np.clip(action[1], -1.0, 1.0)
                #print("Vx, Vy--------------->"+str(vx)+", "+ str(vy))
                #self.client.moveByAngleZAsync(float(pitch), float(roll), -6, float(yaw_rate), settings.duration_ppo).join()
                self.client.moveByVelocityZAsync(float(vx), float(vy), -6, 0.5, 1, yaw_mode=airsim.YawMode(True, 0)).join()
                pos = self.drone_pos()
                delta_x = np.clip(action[0], -1, 1)
                delta_y = np.clip(action[1], -1, 1)
                self.client.moveToPositionAsync(float(delta_x + pos[0]), float(delta_y + pos[1]), -6, 0.9, yaw_mode=airsim.YawMode(False, 0)).join()
        collided = (self.client.getMultirotorState().trip_stats.collision_count > 0)
        collided = (self.client.getMultirotorState().trip_stats.collision_count > 0)

        return collided
github microsoft / DroneRescue / resources / View on Github external
# compute lookahead
            lookahead_x = + self.radius * \
                math.cos(angle_to_center + lookahead_angle)
            lookahead_y = + self.radius * \
                math.sin(angle_to_center + lookahead_angle)

            vx = lookahead_x - pos.x_val
            vy = lookahead_y - pos.y_val

            if self.track_orbits(angle_to_center * 180 / math.pi):
                count += 1
                print("completed {} orbits".format(count))

            self.camera_heading = camera_heading
                vx, vy, z, 1, airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom, airsim.YawMode(False, camera_heading))

        self.client.moveToPositionAsync(start.x_val, start.y_val, z, 2).join()
github microsoft / AirSim / PythonClient / multirotor / View on Github external
camera_heading = (angle_to_center - math.pi) * 180 / math.pi 

            # compute lookahead
            lookahead_x = + self.radius * math.cos(angle_to_center + lookahead_angle)
            lookahead_y = + self.radius * math.sin(angle_to_center + lookahead_angle)

            vx = lookahead_x - pos.x_val
            vy = lookahead_y - pos.y_val

            if self.track_orbits(angle_to_center * 180 / math.pi):
                count += 1
                print("completed {} orbits".format(count))
            self.camera_heading = camera_heading
            self.client.moveByVelocityZAsync(vx, vy, z, 1, airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom, airsim.YawMode(False, camera_heading))

        self.client.moveToPositionAsync(start.x_val, start.y_val, z, 2).join()

        if self.takeoff:            
            # if we did the takeoff then also do the landing.
            if z < self.home.z_val:
                self.client.moveToPositionAsync(start.x_val, start.y_val, self.home.z_val - 5, 2).join()


github microsoft / DroneRescue / resources / View on Github external
def take_snapshot(self):
        if not os.path.exists(self.image_dir):

        # first hold our current position so drone doesn't try and keep flying while we take the picture.
        pos = self.client.getMultirotorState().kinematics_estimated.position
        self.client.moveToPositionAsync(pos.x_val, pos.y_val, self.z, 0.25, 3, airsim.DrivetrainType.MaxDegreeOfFreedom,
                                        airsim.YawMode(False, self.camera_heading))
        responses = self.client.simGetImages([airsim.ImageRequest(
            0, airsim.ImageType.Scene)])  # scene vision image in png format
        response = responses[0]
        filename = self.photo_prefix + \
            str(self.snapshot_index) + "_" + str(int(time.time()))
        self.snapshot_index += 1
            self.image_dir + filename + '.png'), response.image_data_uint8)
        print("Saved snapshot: {}".format(filename))
        # cause smooth ramp up to happen again after photo is taken.
        self.start_time = time.time()