How to use the aiocache.serializers.PickleSerializer function in aiocache

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few aiocache examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github argaen / aiocache / tests / ut / View on Github external
def test_init(self):
        serializer = PickleSerializer()
        assert isinstance(serializer, BaseSerializer)
        assert serializer.DEFAULT_ENCODING is None
        assert serializer.encoding is None
github argaen / aiocache / tests / acceptance / View on Github external
async def test_multi_set_multi_get_types(self, cache, obj):
        cache.serializer = PickleSerializer()
        assert await cache.multi_set([(pytest.KEY, obj)]) is True
        assert await cache.multi_get([pytest.KEY]) == [pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(obj))]
github argaen / aiocache / tests / ut / View on Github external
def test_dumps(self):
        assert PickleSerializer().dumps("hi") == b"\x80\x03X\x02\x00\x00\x00hiq\x00."
github argaen / aiocache / tests / ut / View on Github external
def test_get_cache_with_default_config(self):
            "aiocache.RedisCache", endpoint="http://...", port=6379)
        cache = get_cache(
            namespace="default", serializer=PickleSerializer(),
            plugins=BasePlugin(), port=123)

        assert isinstance(cache, RedisCache)
        assert cache.endpoint == "http://..."
        assert cache.port == 123
        assert cache.namespace == "default"
        assert isinstance(cache.serializer, PickleSerializer)
        assert isinstance(cache.plugins, BasePlugin)
github argaen / aiocache / tests / ut / View on Github external
def test_get_cache_with_default_config(self):
            "aiocache.RedisCache", endpoint="http://...", port=6379)
        cache = get_cache(
            namespace="default", serializer=PickleSerializer(),
            plugins=BasePlugin(), port=123)

        assert isinstance(cache, RedisCache)
        assert cache.endpoint == "http://..."
        assert cache.port == 123
        assert cache.namespace == "default"
        assert isinstance(cache.serializer, PickleSerializer)
        assert isinstance(cache.plugins, BasePlugin)
github argaen / aiocache / examples / View on Github external
    ttl=10, cache=Cache.REDIS, key="key", serializer=PickleSerializer(),
    port=6379, namespace="main")
async def cached_call():
    return Result("content", 200)
github howie6879 / Sanic-For-Pythoneer / examples / demo06 / sample / src / views / View on Github external
@cached(ttl=1000, cache=RedisCache, key="rss_json", serializer=PickleSerializer(), port=6379, namespace="main")
async def get_rss():
    print("第一次休眠1秒 体现出和缓存时间上的差别...")
    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    url = ""
    feed = parse(url)
    articles = feed['entries']
    data = []
    for article in articles:
        data.append({"title": article["title_detail"]["value"], "link": article["link"]})
    return data
github argaen / aiocache / examples / View on Github external
import asyncio

from collections import namedtuple

from aiocache import cached, RedisCache
from aiocache.serializers import PickleSerializer

Result = namedtuple('Result', "content, status")


@cached(cache=RedisCache, ttl=10, key="key")
async def decorator():
    return Result("content", 200)

async def global_cache():
    cache = RedisCache()
    obj = await cache.get("key")

    assert obj.content == "content"
    assert obj.status == 200
    assert cache.db == 1
    assert cache.pool_min_size == 3
github howie6879 / owllook / owllook / fetcher / novels_factory / View on Github external
@cached(ttl=259200, key_from_attr='novels_name', serializer=PickleSerializer(), namespace="novels_name")
async def start(novels_name):
    Start spider
    return await SoNovels.start(novels_name)
github howie6879 / owllook / owllook / fetcher / View on Github external
@cached(ttl=300, key_from_attr='url', serializer=PickleSerializer(), namespace="main")
async def cache_owllook_novels_content(url, netloc):
    headers = {
        'user-agent': await get_random_user_agent()
    html = await target_fetch(headers=headers, url=url)
    if not html:
        html = get_html_by_requests(url=url, headers=headers)
    if html:
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html5lib')
        selector = RULES[netloc].content_selector
        if selector.get('id', None):
            content = soup.find_all(id=selector['id'])
        elif selector.get('class', None):
            content = soup.find_all(class_=selector['class'])
            content = soup.find_all(selector.get('tag'))