How to use the aiocache.base.BaseCache function in aiocache

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few aiocache examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github argaen / aiocache / tests / ut / backends / View on Github external
def test_inheritance(self):
        assert isinstance(RedisCache(), BaseCache)
github argaen / aiocache / tests / ut / View on Github external
def test_str_timeout(self):
        cache = BaseCache(timeout="1.5")
        assert cache.timeout == 1.5
github argaen / aiocache / tests / ut / View on Github external
async def test_post_get(self, plugin):
        client = MagicMock(spec=BaseCache)
        await plugin.post_get(client, pytest.KEY)

        assert client.hit_miss_ratio["hits"] == 0
        assert client.hit_miss_ratio["total"] == 1
        assert client.hit_miss_ratio["hit_ratio"] == 0

        await plugin.post_get(client, pytest.KEY, ret="value")
        assert client.hit_miss_ratio["hits"] == 1
        assert client.hit_miss_ratio["total"] == 2
        assert client.hit_miss_ratio["hit_ratio"] == 0.5
github argaen / aiocache / tests / ut / View on Github external
def test_str_ttl(self):
        cache = BaseCache(ttl="1.5")
        assert cache.ttl == 1.5
github argaen / aiocache / tests / ut / View on Github external
async def test_post_multi_get(self, plugin):
        client = MagicMock(spec=BaseCache)
        await plugin.post_multi_get(client, [pytest.KEY, pytest.KEY_1], ret=[None, None])

        assert client.hit_miss_ratio["hits"] == 0
        assert client.hit_miss_ratio["total"] == 2
        assert client.hit_miss_ratio["hit_ratio"] == 0

        await plugin.post_multi_get(client, [pytest.KEY, pytest.KEY_1], ret=["value", "random"])
        assert client.hit_miss_ratio["hits"] == 2
        assert client.hit_miss_ratio["total"] == 4
        assert client.hit_miss_ratio["hit_ratio"] == 0.5
github steemit / jussi / tests / View on Github external
return 0

class SimpleMemoryCache2(SimpleMemoryBackend2, BaseCache):
    def __init__(self, serializer=None, **kwargs):
        self.serializer = serializer or NullSerializer()

class SimpleMemoryCache3(SimpleMemoryBackend3, BaseCache):
    def __init__(self, serializer=None, **kwargs):
        self.serializer = serializer or NullSerializer()

class SimpleMemoryCache4(SimpleMemoryBackend4, BaseCache):
    def __init__(self, serializer=None, **kwargs):
        self.serializer = serializer or NullSerializer()
github argaen / aiocache / tests / ut / backends / View on Github external
def test_inheritance(self):
        assert isinstance(MemcachedCache(), BaseCache)
github argaen / aiocache / tests / ut / backends / View on Github external
def test_inheritance(self):
        assert isinstance(SimpleMemoryCache(), BaseCache)
github argaen / aiocache / aiocache / backends / View on Github external
value = await getattr(self.client, command)(*args, **kwargs)
        if command in ["get", "multi_get"]:
            if encoding is not None and value is not None:
                return value.decode(encoding)
        return value

    async def _redlock_release(self, key, _):
        # Not ideal, should check the value coincides first but this would introduce
        # race conditions
        return await self._delete(key)

    async def _close(self, *args, _conn=None, **kwargs):
        await self.client.close()

class MemcachedCache(MemcachedBackend, BaseCache):
    Memcached cache implementation with the following components as defaults:
        - serializer: :class:`aiocache.serializers.JsonSerializer`
        - plugins: []

    Config options are:

    :param serializer: obj derived from :class:`aiocache.serializers.BaseSerializer`.
    :param plugins: list of :class:`aiocache.plugins.BasePlugin` derived classes.
    :param namespace: string to use as default prefix for the key used in all operations of
        the backend. Default is None
    :param timeout: int or float in seconds specifying maximum timeout for the operations to last.
        By default its 5.
    :param endpoint: str with the endpoint to connect to. Default is
    :param port: int with the port to connect to. Default is 11211.
    :param pool_size: int size for memcached connections pool. Default is 2.
github argaen / aiocache / aiocache / backends / View on Github external
            return 1
        return 0

    def __delete(cls, key):
        if cls._cache.pop(key, None):
            handle = cls._handlers.pop(key, None)
            if handle:
            return 1

        return 0

class SimpleMemoryCache(SimpleMemoryBackend, BaseCache):
    Memory cache implementation with the following components as defaults:
        - serializer: :class:`aiocache.serializers.JsonSerializer`
        - plugins: None

    Config options are:

    :param serializer: obj derived from :class:`aiocache.serializers.BaseSerializer`.
    :param plugins: list of :class:`aiocache.plugins.BasePlugin` derived classes.
    :param namespace: string to use as default prefix for the key used in all operations of
        the backend. Default is None.
    :param timeout: int or float in seconds specifying maximum timeout for the operations to last.
        By default its 5.

    NAME = "memory"