How to use the wand.font.Font function in Wand

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few Wand examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github spbpython / kdpv_generator / core / View on Github external
context.font_family = 'monospace'

            with Image(width=self.MAX_WIDTH,
                       background=self.BACKGROUND_COLOR) as img:
                vertical_offset = top_margin

                font = Font(path=self.FONT, size=50, color=self.FONT_COLOR)
                img.caption('SPb Python\nMeetup', left=left_margin, top=vertical_offset,
                            gravity=None, font=font)

                vertical_offset += 150

                font = Font(path=self.FONT_BOLD, size=21, color=self.FONT_COLOR)
                img.caption(, left=left_margin, top=vertical_offset,
                            gravity=None, font=font)

                vertical_offset += 50

                font = Font(path=self.FONT_BOLD_ITALIC, size=17, color=self.FONT_COLOR)
                img.caption(self.speaker, left=left_margin, top=vertical_offset,
                            gravity=None, font=font)

                with Image(filename='static/logo.png') as logo_img:
                    context.composite(operator='atop', left=300, top=top_margin-20,
                                      width=logo_img.width / 3, height=logo_img.height / 3, image=logo_img)
github steder / giraffe / View on Github external
if ext in ('jpg', 'jpeg'):
        fmt = 'jpg'
    elif ext == 'png':
        fmt = 'png'
        return "I don't know how to handle format .{} files".format(ext), 404

    if message:
        text = message
        text = '{}x{}'.format(width, height)
    min_font_ratio = width / (len(text) * 12.0)
    size = max(16 * (height / 100), 16 * min_font_ratio)

    font = Font(path='fonts/Inconsolata-dz-Powerline.otf', size=size)
    c = Color(bg) if fmt == "jpg" else None
    with Image(width=width, height=height, background=c) as image:
        image.caption(text, left=0, top=0,
        buff = image_to_buffer(image, fmt=ext, compress=False)
        return, 200, {"Content-Type": content_type, "Cache-Control": CACHE_CONTROL}
github JoakimSoderberg / catcierge / extra / View on Github external
def compose_adaptive_prey(img_paths=None, match_json=None, gap=5, horizontal_gap=5, description=None, caption="Catcierge"):

	img = Image(width=600, height=1124, background=Color("#8A968E"))

	#print("Font path: %s" % args.fonts)

	font = Font(path="%s/source-code-pro/SourceCodePro-Medium.otf" % args.fonts, size=64)
	font_title = Font(path="%s/alex-brush/AlexBrush-Regular.ttf" % args.fonts, size=64)
	font_math = Font(path="%s/Asana-Math/Asana-Math.otf" % args.fonts, size=64)

	imgs = []
	assert (img_paths and (len(img_paths) > 0)) or match_json, \
		"Missing either a list of input image paths or a match json"

	if not img_paths or len(img_paths) == 0:
		step_count = match_json["step_count"]

		for step in match_json["steps"][:step_count]:
			print("Step: %s" % step["name"])

	# TODO: Allow any matcher type and number of images...	
	assert len(img_paths) == 1 or len(img_paths) == 11, \
github JoakimSoderberg / catcierge / extra / View on Github external
def compose_adaptive_prey(img_paths=None, match_json=None, gap=5, horizontal_gap=5, description=None, caption="Catcierge"):

	img = Image(width=600, height=1124, background=Color("#8A968E"))

	#print("Font path: %s" % args.fonts)

	font = Font(path="%s/source-code-pro/SourceCodePro-Medium.otf" % args.fonts, size=64)
	font_title = Font(path="%s/alex-brush/AlexBrush-Regular.ttf" % args.fonts, size=64)
	font_math = Font(path="%s/Asana-Math/Asana-Math.otf" % args.fonts, size=64)

	imgs = []
	assert (img_paths and (len(img_paths) > 0)) or match_json, \
		"Missing either a list of input image paths or a match json"

	if not img_paths or len(img_paths) == 0:
		step_count = match_json["step_count"]

		for step in match_json["steps"][:step_count]:
			print("Step: %s" % step["name"])

	# TODO: Allow any matcher type and number of images...	
	assert len(img_paths) == 1 or len(img_paths) == 11, \
		"Invalid number of images %d, expected 2 or 11" % len(img_paths)
github richardbuckle / EDRefCard / www / scripts / View on Github external
if modifierControl.get('ModifierKey') == modifier and modifierControl.get('Key') is not None:

                        outputs[control['Group']][control['Name']] = bind

            # Set up a screen state to handle output
            screenState = {}
            screenState['baseX'] = 60
            screenState['baseY'] = 320
            screenState['maxWidth'] = 0
            screenState['thisWidth'] = 0
            screenState['currentX'] = screenState['baseX']
            screenState['currentY'] = screenState['baseY']

            font = Font(getFontPath('Regular', 'Normal'), antialias=True, size=biggestFontSize)
            groupTitleFont = Font(getFontPath('Regular', 'Normal'), antialias=True, size=biggestFontSize*2)

            # Go through once for each display group
            for displayGroup in displayGroups:
                if outputs[displayGroup] == {}:

                writeText(context, sourceImg, displayGroup, screenState, groupTitleFont, False, True)

                orderedOutputs = OrderedDict(sorted(outputs[displayGroup].items(), key=lambda x: x[1].get('Control').get('Order')))
                for bindKey, bind in orderedOutputs.items():
                    for modifier in bind.get('Modifiers', []):
                        writeText(context, sourceImg, transKey(modifier), screenState, font, True, False)
                    writeText(context, sourceImg, transKey(bind.get('Key')), screenState, font, True, False)
github TrustyJAID / Trusty-cogs-archive / notsobot / View on Github external
            check = await self.isimage(url)
            if check == False:
                await ctx.send("Invalid or Non-Image!")
            xx = await "ok, processing")
            b = await self.bytes_download(url)
            img = wand.image.Image(file=b)
            i = img.clone()
            font_path = str(bundled_data_path(self))+'/impact.ttf'
            if size != None:
                color = wand.color.Color('{0}'.format(color))
                font = wand.font.Font(path=font_path, size=int(size), color=color)
            elif color != None:
                color = wand.color.Color('{0}'.format(color))
                font = wand.font.Font(path=font_path, size=40, color=color)
                color = wand.color.Color('red')
                font = wand.font.Font(path=font_path, size=40, color=color)
            if x is None:
                x = None
                y = int(i.height/10)
            if x != None and x > 250:
                x = x/2
            if y != None and y > 250:
                y = y/2
            if x != None and x > 500:
                x = x/4
            if y != None and y > 500:
                y = y/4
            if x != None:
                i.caption(str(text), left=x, top=y, font=font, gravity='center')
github JoakimSoderberg / catcierge / extra / View on Github external
def compose_adaptive_prey(img_paths=None, match_json=None, gap=5, horizontal_gap=5, description=None, caption="Catcierge"):

	img = Image(width=600, height=1124, background=Color("#8A968E"))

	#print("Font path: %s" % args.fonts)

	font = Font(path="%s/source-code-pro/SourceCodePro-Medium.otf" % args.fonts, size=64)
	font_title = Font(path="%s/alex-brush/AlexBrush-Regular.ttf" % args.fonts, size=64)
	font_math = Font(path="%s/Asana-Math/Asana-Math.otf" % args.fonts, size=64)

	imgs = []
	assert (img_paths and (len(img_paths) > 0)) or match_json, \
		"Missing either a list of input image paths or a match json"

	if not img_paths or len(img_paths) == 0:
		step_count = match_json["step_count"]

		for step in match_json["steps"][:step_count]:
			print("Step: %s" % step["name"])

	# TODO: Allow any matcher type and number of images...	
github JoakimSoderberg / catcierge / extra / View on Github external
dilated = imgs[7]	# Dilated image.
	combined = imgs[8]	# Combined image (re-inverted).
	contours = imgs[9]	# Contours of white areas.
	final = imgs[10]	# Final image.
	# TODO: Enable creating these based on input instead.
	kernel3x3 = create_kernel(w=3, h=3)
	kernel2x2 = create_kernel(w=2, h=2)
	kernel5x1 = create_kernel(w=5, h=1)

	x_start = 20

	img.caption(caption, left=(img.width - 250) / 2, top=5, width=250, height=100, font=font_title)

	if description:
		desc_font = Font(path="%s/source-code-pro/SourceCodePro-Medium.otf" % args.fonts, size=24)
		text_width = (desc_font.size) * int(len(description) * 0.7)
		img.caption(description, left=(img.width - text_width) / 2, top=80, width=text_width, height=100, font=desc_font)

	height = 120

	# Original.
	img.composite(orgimg, left=mpos(orgimg.width), top=height) 
	height += orgimg.height + gap
	# Detected head + cropped region of interest.
	head_row = create_row([detected, croproi], [0, 0], horizontal_gap, caption="Detected head  Cropped ROI")
	img.composite(head_row, left=mpos(head_row.width), top=height)
	height += head_row.height + gap

	# TODO: simplify the code below by making the symbols into images before they're used to create the rows.