How to use the wand.drawing.Drawing function in Wand

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few Wand examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github universitas / / django / apps / issues / View on Github external
def error_image(msg, width=420, height=600):
    """Creates an error frontpage"""
    width, height = int(width), int(height)
    img = WandImage(width=width, height=height)
    with Drawing() as draw:
        draw.text_alignment = 'center'
        draw.text(img.width // 2, img.height // 3, msg)
    background = WandImage(
    background.format = 'jpeg'
    background.composite(img, 0, 0)
    return background
github Alkesst / pytelbot / pytel_bot / View on Github external
def create_image_search(image_name, saved_image, text):
        """Create an image with the given string"""
        with Image(filename=image_name) as img:
            with img.clone() as cloned:
                cloned.format = 'png'
                with Drawing() as draw:
                    draw.font_family = 'Liberation Mono'
                    draw.font_size = 30
                    text = SpecialActions.simplifying(text)
                    draw.text(140, 785, text)
github ribab / quadart / View on Github external
subtract_top = int(difference/2)
            subtract_bot = difference - subtract_top
            self.img = self.img[subtract_top:-subtract_bot,:]
        elif self.height() < self.width():
            difference = self.width() - self.height()
            subtract_left = int(difference/2)
            subtract_right = difference - subtract_left
            self.img = self.img[:,subtract_left:-subtract_right]

        self.output_scale = float(output_size) / self.width()

        self.canvas = Image(width = output_size,
                            height = output_size,
                            background = Color('white'))
        self.canvas.format = 'png'
        self.draw = Drawing()
        self.recursive_draw(0, 0, self.width(), self.height())
github richardbuckle / EDRefCard / www / scripts / View on Github external
def createKeyboardImage(physicalKeys, modifiers, source, imageDevices, biggestFontSize, displayGroups, runId, public):
    config = Config(runId)
    filePath = config.pathWithNameAndSuffix(source, '.jpg')

    # See if it already exists or if we need to recreate it
    if filePath.exists():
        return True
    with Image(filename='../res/' + source + '.jpg') as sourceImg:
        with Drawing() as context:

            # Defaults for the font
            context.font = getFontPath('Regular', 'Normal')
            context.text_antialias = True
            context.font_style = 'normal'
            context.stroke_width = 0
            context.fill_color = Color('Black')
            context.fill_opacity = 1

            # Add the ID to the title
            writeUrlToDrawing(config, context, public)

            outputs = {}
            for group in displayGroups:
                outputs[group] = {}
github richardbuckle / EDRefCard / www / scripts / View on Github external
def createHOTASImage(physicalKeys, modifiers, source, imageDevices, biggestFontSize, config, public, styling, deviceIndex, misconfigurationWarnings):
    # Set up the path for our file
    runId =
    if deviceIndex == 0:
        name = source
        name = '%s-%s' % (source, deviceIndex)
    filePath = config.pathWithNameAndSuffix(name, '.jpg')
    # See if it already exists or if we need to recreate it
    if filePath.exists():
        return True
    with Image(filename='../res/' + source + '.jpg') as sourceImg:
        with Drawing() as context:

            # Defaults for the font
            context.font = getFontPath('Regular', 'Normal')
            context.text_antialias = True
            context.font_style = 'normal'
            context.stroke_width = 0
            context.fill_color = Color('Black')
            context.fill_opacity = 1

            # Add the ID to the title
            writeUrlToDrawing(config, context, public)

            for physicalKeySpec, physicalKey in physicalKeys.items():
                itemDevice = physicalKey.get('Device')
                itemDeviceIndex = int(physicalKey.get('DeviceIndex'))
                itemKey = physicalKey.get('Key')
github HazyResearch / fonduer / src / fonduer / utils / View on Github external
Displays each of the bounding boxes passed in 'boxes' on images of the pdf
        pointed to by pdf_file
        boxes is a list of 5-tuples (page, top, left, bottom, right)
        imgs = []
        colors = [Color("blue"), Color("red")]
        boxes_per_page: DefaultDict[int, int] = defaultdict(int)
        boxes_by_page: DefaultDict[int, List[Tuple[int, int, int, int]]] = defaultdict(
        for i, (page, top, left, bottom, right) in enumerate(boxes):
            boxes_per_page[page] += 1
            boxes_by_page[page].append((top, left, bottom, right))
        for i, page_num in enumerate(boxes_per_page.keys()):
            img = pdf_to_img(pdf_file, page_num)
            draw = Drawing()
            draw.fill_color = Color("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0)")
            for j, (top, left, bottom, right) in enumerate(boxes_by_page[page_num]):
                draw.stroke_color = colors[j % 2] if alternate_colors else colors[0]
                draw.rectangle(left=left, top=top, right=right, bottom=bottom)
        return imgs
github SavandBros / badge / painter / View on Github external
def get_text_width(self, text):
        :rtype: int
        with Drawing() as painter:
            painter.font = self.font
            painter.font_size = self.font_size
            font_metrics = painter.get_font_metrics(self._canvas, text=text)

            return font_metrics.text_width
github karan / slashStock / View on Github external
market_cap = share['market_cap']
    year_low = share['year_low']
    year_high = share['year_high']
    day_low = share['day_low']
    day_high = share['day_high']
    volume = share['volume']
    pe_ratio = share['pe_ratio']

    with Color('white') as bg:
        with Image(width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT, background=bg) as img:
            with Image(filename=chart_file) as chart_img:
                w = int(chart_img.size[0] * ZOOM_MULTIPLE)
                h = int(chart_img.size[1] * ZOOM_MULTIPLE)

                with Drawing() as draw:

                    draw.font = 'fonts/arial.ttf'

                    # Draw watermark
                    draw.fill_color = Color(BG_GREEN)
                    draw.rectangle(left=0, top=HEIGHT-WATERMARK_HEIGHT, right=WIDTH, bottom=HEIGHT)
                    draw.font_size = 20
                    draw.fill_color = Color(WHITE)
                    draw.text(WIDTH-150, HEIGHT-WATERMARK_HEIGHT+30, '@slashStock')

                    # Draw the chart
                    draw.composite(operator='add', left=0, top=0,
                        width=w, height=h, image=chart_img)

                    # Draw current price